Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 495

Tonyard said with a smile at this time: "Okay, well, if Belen hadn't come back in time, we all wouldn't be able to drink here."

Everyone also knows that this is the case. It is just a joke. They fought hard with the Demon King’s soldiers that day to protect the civilians. Some of them were injured, but fortunately they survived. If it weren’t for Belém’s return The Demon Warriors were resolved in time, and those Demon King Army soldiers would not retreat.

It was the first time they fought with the Demon King's Army soldiers, so they also understood the power of the Demon King's Army.

At this time Lumia sat beside Belen, and she asked, "Belen, how is she with Al?"

Belen responded with a smile: "The magic is exhausted, at least it will take some time to recover, the body has almost recovered, don't worry too much."

"That's good."

Lumia was relieved.

After the Demon King Army retreated, the reinforcements from the surrounding fortresses also arrived at Futantis. Now the work of building houses is also very urgent. After all, most people are sleeping in outdoor tents.

In addition, the demon king's army that had escaped also had a lot of surrounding reinforcements wiped out, but many escaped the pursuit, and I don’t know where they are now, but the remaining number of them is no longer a threat. The environment here is cold. It is not easy to survive outdoors.

The soldiers transporting supplies have not yet returned to Futantis. They may already be on their way back. According to the distance they went, it may take a few days at the earliest.

If it weren't for finding the space teleportation array by relying on the power of the eyes, it would never be possible for me to return to Futantis in such a short period of time. Thinking about it carefully, it would be really scary.

Originally, Belem wanted to go to Sadomali again, but he didn't go there because he couldn't worry about Al. The commander in chief of Sadomali already knew the situation, so he should also take precautions. After a big loss over there, he will definitely not act rashly anymore, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Chapter 496: Even so

At this moment Belen was sitting on a chair in Al's room, and he was also startled when he heard Al wanted to go out for a walk, and then he put his hand on the writing.

"Can you walk now?"

Al glanced at him and said calmly, "Of course."

Hearing this, Belen also nodded, and it was good to go for a walk, so he continued to look at the book in his hand, but Al's voice came in his ear.

"I want to change clothes."

Belen froze for a moment, then glanced at Al's white nightdress. He blinked and swallowed. He said, "You can change it."

When I was young, I didn’t take a shower together, I just changed clothes...

"Are you serious?" Al looked at the white-haired man curiously, then blinked, she took out some clothes from the storage.

But these clothes fell in Belen's eyes, and he subconsciously averted his gaze, then stood up and walked out of the room silently.


Al glanced at the leaving figure. She turned her head and looked at the clothes on the bed. She pursed her lips and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

After a while, Al put on a priest's uniform with a thick blue coat outside, and then walked out the door, she looked at the man standing outside.

Belen said, "I'll accompany you."


After Al answered, she walked out of the hotel with Belen. There was still heavy snow outside, but the ground was often cleaned, so there was no snow, which did not hinder walking.

Belen looked at some vain steps under the girl's feet, then silently stepped forward, and said, "If necessary, I can let you help."

Hearing what he said, Al also looked at him, and then glanced at the latter's palm, she said calmly: "Then take my hand."

"Holding hands?"

Belen was a little puzzled, this didn't seem to have anything to do with what he said, but he still reached out and held the slender hand, very cold.

"Let's go." Al glanced at the holding hand, and then said.

Walking along the avenue of Futantis, the two are heading out of the city. Because most of the city is in ruins, it is better to walk in a town outside the city, at least the road is relatively flat.

Along the way, I can see many people sighing and groaning. Obviously, they are saddened by the destruction of their home. If it were not for the subsidy, it would be really heartbroken.

Belen withdrew his gaze, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I always think the Space Witch will do something in Sadomali. She shouldn't leave like this. I feel that way."

After hearing this, Al also said: "Because the distance is too far, it is impossible to use the crystallization of the summons to inform the people of the Holy See, but they have already learned the news when they want to come. There must be someone on the way.

What happened to Futantis is no small thing. After all, it almost happened the same situation as it was in the past. It is impossible for the empire to ignore it, and the Holy See has the enemy of "natural disasters", and someone will definitely come to support .

Belen nodded, and then thought of something, he smiled and said: "By the way, you can already fight the Demon warlords alone. It's really fast growing."

Hearing what he said, Al gave him a cold glance, and then said indifferently: "No matter how fast you grow, isn't it still behind you?"

She knew that Belen had no magical attributes, and she possessed the magical powers of thunder, and then quickly mastered the magical thunder, not to mention it when she was a child, but when she grew up, she was supposed to be stronger than him. In the end, is she still weaker?

This is the most depressing thing about Al. It is clear that Belem should be protected by her. Why in the end, things are the opposite of what they want?

As if he heard the dissatisfaction in the girl's tone, Belen was also a little helpless and confused. He asked, "Which way are you angry?"

Al said flatly: "From that time on, your sudden change made me a little unable to adapt."

Belen couldn't understand Al's thoughts.

"When you were a kid, you always protected me as a elder brother, so now I should also protect you, but now it looks like...I am really ridiculous." Al shook his head, his expression calm, but he seemed a little disappointed.

Hearing Al’s words, Belen was stunned for a while, probably because he stimulated the girl’s self-esteem?After thinking for a while, he tightened his hand.

"If one day my life is in danger, will Al come to rescue me?"

Al did not hesitate to answer: "Of course it will."

"That's enough." Belen smiled.

Seeing this smiling face, Al was also stunned, and then recovered, she snorted, she turned her head and muttered, "You are really shameless."


Belen blinked, waiting for him to say something, he suddenly saw a figure coming from the corner of his eye, he turned his head, and said hello.


A black-haired girl was walking towards Belem, and it was strange that Lu Mia had cut her hair with her ears, which was a little more lovely.

Lumia walked in front of the two of them, looked at the holding hands curiously, her eyes flickered slightly, and then asked: "Where are you going?"

"Al wanted to go for a walk. We are going to a small town outside the city." Belen responded to Lumia's question, then looked at the girl curiously, and asked: "Lumia, you How did you cut your hair?"

Lu Mia blinked, and she said: "The boss said that my short hair looks good, and then she cut it off for me." Obviously she didn't have much nostalgia for her hair.

The lady boss in her mouth was referring to Socia, which was learned from everyone at Silver Bird, and everyone called Socia the lady boss.

"That's it."

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