Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 496


Lumia came to Belen's side, then took Belen's left hand, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I was out for a walk, right?"

"Let's go together, then." Belen didn't care too much about the girl's movements, he felt as if he was taking two younger sisters out for a walk.

El glanced at the hand held by Lumia and Belen, and then she felt a pair of "war-spirited" eyes in the next moment. She raised her eyes slightly, and then looked at Lumia. The girl exchanged her thoughts with her eyes.

I won't let you hold hands alone!

Even so, you are many steps late.

Chapter 494: The White-haired Strong

On this day, the soldiers transporting supplies also returned to Futantis. In addition, even the imperial army stationed in the northwest border not far away came here in large numbers, and there were even some Holy See personnel.

However, the soldiers of the coalition forces will not come here, because the edge of the extreme west of Florentis is near the sea, and the weather is so cold that they will spend countless hours trying to get here. So it is more appropriate to be scattered in the main theater.

After Gruul and others returned to Futantis, they were also shocked when they saw the dilapidated appearance of the city. They did not expect it to be destroyed so badly.

After receiving this message from the commander-in-chief of Sadomali that day, all the soldiers were frightened, and then quickly began to gather and return.

Along the way, they could not get any information about Futantis. They didn't know until after they returned to Futantis. There were three demons who appeared here, even if they hadn't seen them, they had heard of them, and they appeared all of a sudden. After three, it was incredible that Futtantis' combat power could survive.

Several head coaches, including Terdal, began to talk about what happened that day in the Asian League. Naturally, they mentioned "Eye of the Thunder" Al, Lumia and others, and finally arrived in time. Belem, but he was replaced by a white-haired strong man.

Because of what happened that night, Teldal remembered the name Belen Grean deeply in his heart. He was a strong man who killed the Demon warlord with one sword, but he did not take him down. His name is exposed, which is to respect the latter’s wishes.

"Bei, Belen?"

Gruul, who was listening below, also opened his eyes wide. When he heard the word white hair, that figure immediately appeared in his mind. Apart from the old people, he had never seen white hair. He also knew that Belem was the first to leave Sadomali.

Returned to Futantis in such a short time?how did you do that?

Is that white-haired man really Belen?

The officers of the Imperial Army came to the Asian League to find the person in charge, and Teldal and others who were present at the time asked about the news of that night, while Gruul walked out of the Asian League alone. He is now the white-haired strong man. Very curious, so he was going to find Belem.

But this hasn't been far out of the Asian League, Gruul happened to run into the white-haired man, who also came to find the former, wanting to see if he could return safely.



Seeing Gruul running over, Belen also smiled, and after the boy came in front of him, he asked: "Nothing happened on this road, right?"

"No." Gruul shook his head, and then his gaze fell on Belem's white hair. He swallowed, and then asked: "The one who solved the Demon Warrior, was it you? "

Seeing Gruul's expectant gaze, Belen also smiled. He nodded and confessed, and this also made Wolf Boy's eyes widened, full of shock.

"It's really you? You are so good? How did you come back? Is it possible that you can fly? No, you can fly not so fast, right!"

Belen smiled bitterly: "You slow down, I can't answer so many questions at once."

"Ah, then, I will come one by one." Gruul also scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Ever since, Belen didn't ask Gruul to ask about it one by one, but he briefly stated what happened before, and the thing that happened made Wolf Boy amazed.

"That "natural disaster" is also here? Still colluding with the demons? This is... crazy enough." Gruul was also surprised, he could not imagine anyone dared to cooperate with the demons.

The visitor was actually a space witch who used the space teleportation array to teleport the demons to Futantis behind Sadomali. If Belem hadn't arrived, perhaps the Northwest Theater might have fallen.

The matter was indeed so serious, and it did make the top of the empire feel a huge threat, so that so many troops were sent to Futantis, as a backup city of Sadomali, if this place falls, The war in the Northwest could not be fought.

Belen later mentioned that he had rushed back through the Space Teleportation Formation, which also made the wolf boy's eyes wide open. Only then did he understand why Belen could return from the faraway Sadomali in just a few hours. To Fu Tantis.

"No wonder you came back so quickly! After all, you found the Space Teleportation Array of the Space Miko so by chance?" Gruul was also a little surprised, probably because of God's favor.

Belen didn't explain too much about this. He couldn't talk to Gruul about the power of his own eyes, so he went on to talk about it.

Immediately after hearing that Belen had solved the two demon warlords, Gruul was silent for a while, and then said: "I can't believe you are so strong until now."

Belen smiled, noncommittal, he couldn't make Gruul believe, and then go find a demon warlord to fight, that is too childish temper.

Gruul looked at Belen, and then thought of something. He said: "It turns out that you are so powerful. No wonder you decided to go with me after speculating that the Demon King Army might sneak attack on supplies."

Maybe this guy has enough confidence to withstand the demon king army's surprise attack, right?

After understanding all the circumstances, Gruul suddenly understood. He looked at the broken streets of houses in the distance, and then sighed helplessly.

"It seems that some have been busy recently."

To rebuild the street houses, they will definitely have to contribute, and it will probably take a long time to complete all the repairs, but before that, he still has something to do.

Belen patted Gruer on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "It's fine if you are fine, I just came to see you, then I will go back first."

Before Belem left, Gruul did not forget to say: "Say sorry for me, Sister Al and Sister Lumia, and visit them when I am free."

"Good." Belen nodded slightly.

From what Belen stated just now, Gruul also knew about Al’s injury, but fortunately, nothing happened. Besides, he was also shocked by the sister Al. He didn’t expect that she could also Defeat the demon warlord alone.

Sure enough, there are a lot of powerful people in this world. It was Sister Lumia who taught him with one hand before, but now I heard that Belen and Ayre solved the three demon warlords. This really made him Some can't adapt, always feel like listening to the story, a little dreamy.

Chapter 498: Geert

These days, Al has regained his ability to move, and he has not allowed Belen to stay with her, and has been complaining that the latter has always treated her as a child. However, this makes Belen very helpless and always feels that he is used to it.

Perhaps, he is more suitable to be a dad?

So, Belen, who had nothing to do, went to Socia’s tavern. However, the guys from the Silverbird Adventure Group seemed to have ran out of the city to hunt. This caused Belen’s mouth to twitch and said that he would not take them. Go to the border, but now they don’t bring themselves hunting.

Does this count as one-for-one?

Belen also didn't find Lumia, and didn't know where the girl and the little wolf cub went to play, maybe they also went outside for food with the people of Silverbird?

So, Belen went to Gruul, and wanted to help him build a house, but the wolf boy was going to worship Shana with Kony, so Belen was not good to follow, so he cares. Reluctantly returned.

On the way, Belen met with a guy he didn't want to meet, and the man was standing next to Al, and the two looked at each other at this moment.

That man was Kayel.

At this moment, Al was looking nervously at Belen and Kayel, and beside her, there was a young girl who was wearing a priest's uniform similar to Al, who was also her student named Zela.

Kayel stared at Belem, and after a while, he said hello: "Yo."

"Yeah." Belen responded.

Even though it wasn't even a greeting between friends, Al was relieved. She was afraid that these two guys would make trouble again.

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