Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 504

Zela took a sip of tea and exhaled a breath of heat. She glanced at the two of them, and then looked at Al and said, "Al, is there anything to talk about? If you don't talk, I will talk to him."

"Ah? No, nothing, you can talk." Al didn't know what to say for a moment.


Zella looked at Belen, and after thinking about it, he asked: "I was watching Flozarno Academy before, and seeing you and that "brave man", you seem to know each other?"

"Do you know she is a "brave"?"Belen was also startled. You must know that although Sisia is walking freely in the academy, there are not many people who know her identity.

Zela nodded slightly, and said, "I have met that brave man."

"That's it." Belem was stunned, and then after thinking about it, he said, "Well, maybe it's a friend. I helped her, and she helped me."

It doesn't seem to be too much to say that. When Sisiya helped herself, she always hurt herself, but don't talk about that in front of others. After all, it was a situation of necessity.

Zella thoughtfully, then looked at Belem's white hair, she asked curiously: "Did something happen to you when you were in Flozarno Academy?"

What the girl asked was really direct.

Belen blinked, then reached out and grabbed the longer white hair hanging in front of him. He said, "Fight, and then paid a great price."

He didn't say it carefully, but it was enough to make people understand the situation. His previous reason could only be to bluff a stunned kid like Gruul. The girl in front of him was obviously not to be deceived.

"A strong man like you has paid such a price. It seems that the opponent is also terribly strong." Zella's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at Belen with inexplicable eyes.

Al sat aside without saying a word, she had been silently looking at the white-haired man in front of her. As for the physical condition of the latter, she could know a little bit based on her own judgment.

Belen was holding his hair and rubbing it. He didn't know what to say to the girl's praise. He was not the type that could stand the praise, and he was easily shy.

"Then, let's talk about something else." Zela blinked and said with a calm expression: "Kayel likes Al very, very much, but I think your chances are greater, what do you think?"


Belen's eyes widened. He didn't expect the girl to ask this question directly in front of him and Al. If he said he didn't like Al, what would happen?

Before Belen could answer anything, Al could not stand it anymore. She shouted at the girl, "Zera! What are you talking about!"

"Don't you want to know Al?" Zella looked at the girl beside her in confusion, she said with a puzzled expression: "Ming Ming Ayer really wants to know."

"Who, who wants to know!" Al screamed, then she suddenly turned her head to look at Belen, and shouted with a flushed face: "I don't want to know at all! I don't want to at all!"

Belen scratched his cheek, then nodded and said, "I see, don't repeat it." He was a little disappointed inexplicably, but he didn't expect his childhood sweetheart to have no interest in him at all, even though he knew so.

Seeing Belen's disappointment, Al was also startled, she pursed her mouth, and when she was about to say something, the girl beside her was one step faster than her.

Zella said calmly: "Since Al doesn't like Belen, then let me."


Hearing the girl's words, Belen and Al opened their eyes at the same time, and they looked at the almost expressionless girl in front of them with incredible eyes.

Al seemed to have heard something terrible, and his face was dull. When did this happen?She hadn't heard of anything, it was too sudden!

Belen recovered his senses immediately, and then showed a very weird expression. He said, "That, Zella...you are kidding, right?"

Zela did not respond, but continued: "I like strong people. If you want, I can marry you immediately after the mission."

Get married!?

Belen swallowed, and his cheeks started to burn unconsciously. It was still cold just now. He suddenly got a little dry and dry. This is probably the most direct girl he has ever met, even more direct than Socia , Actually came up to mention marriage.

El looked at Zela in shock, and she asked, "Zera, are you serious?"

Hearing Al's question, Zela turned her head and glanced at her, and then with a plain expression on her face, she said, "Well, I was kidding."


Belen was relieved. He really didn't know how to reject the girl. He smiled bitterly and said, "Trouble, don't say these things lightly, it's hard to reply."


El, who was next to Zela, turned her head to look at the former. She frowned slightly. She knew Zela was a bit dark-bellied, but those words just didn't seem like she would be joking.

She seems to be serious?

With the help of Zela, Belen and Al finally found a common topic, but the former has a black belly, which makes the two feel a little uncomfortable from time to time, and there will always be a great topic suddenly popping up. Overwhelmed.

Good, amazing girl.

It was the first time Belen had had so many conversations with Zela, and on this day, he was even more afraid of this girl, and his heart was a little bit too much.

Chapter 507: News from the Demon Race

A few days later, the army came to Sadomali. When the soldiers here knew that they had more comrades in arms, they were also very excited. In the face of war, the number also means a kind of strength.

Belen also met the commander-in-chief Jagil today. When the latter met the former again, he immediately cast awe in awe. He watched the white-haired man leave.

It turned out to be a hidden powerhouse.

Jagil had also heard about Futantis. Regarding the fact that the white-haired strong man had eliminated two demon warlords with his own power, he remembered this young white-haired man as soon as he heard it.

Arriving in front of Belem, Jagil said with a sincere gratitude: "Thank you for saving Futantis."

"It just happened to happen to this incident." Belen responded like this. At the time, the first thing he wanted to do was to kill the Demon warlord, not to save the people in the city.

Jagils didn't care. He said: "No matter what, you saved Futantis. This is a fact that everyone can see."

When Belém came to Sadomali and didn't know who was the news, countless people came to watch, wanting to see the hero who saved Futantis.

Upstairs and downstairs in the streets and alleys, countless eyes fell on Belen. He was also very helpless, which crow's mouth passed it.

Belen, who was driving a commercial car, maintained a calm expression. He had to act like a stranger would not enter. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome.

At this time, Al drove over on a bicycle and said with a playful smile: "Suddenly he became a public figure, and our arbitrators are no better than you."

"I don't want this." Belen shook his head and sighed slightly.

How do you feel that he was not so attractive when he became the "God of Cooking", but it is not surprising that although the "God of Cooking" is well-known in the kitchen industry, everyone needs to be well-known and requires great achievements in business. He has never participated in any commercial activities. It can be said that his name is useless.

After coming to Sadomali, there is no banquet tonight, but the meeting is still going to be held. Commander Jagil seems to have information about the Demon King Army.

In the tall building, there was a huge circular meeting room behind the gate, and many people had gathered at this moment, all of them were Sadomari or officers from the Imperial Army.

After a while, Belen and Al also came here, but Lumia did not come, she was not interested in things here, so she went to wander around the city.

Now that he made a promise, Belen had no choice but to come here to listen to the content of the meeting. Perhaps he could understand some of the situation. He maintained a plain expression and did not look at the officers, but stared at the people at the table. cup.

When everyone saw this white-haired man, there was speculation in their hearts. After all, the things that Futantis had caused were so big that Sadomali, as the nearest big city, could not know it.

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