Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 505

Commander Jagil stood up and grinned. He looked at the white-haired man in the distance, and then laughed loudly: "Everyone, you must already know that this is our hero, and he can help. , We are bound to win!"


The sound of applause sounded, and everyone looked at the white-haired man in the distance with a kind smile. Who wouldn't want to know such a strong man?And now it's during the battle with the Demon King's Army, with such a strong joining, it will definitely be of immense help.

Belen also felt the sight of everyone, he raised his head and scanned those people, his face was tense, and he did not show any expression, but he still nodded slightly to reply.

Immediately afterwards, I introduced the envoys of the Holy See and the important officers of the Imperial Army. We all got acquainted briefly to facilitate future exchanges.

After that, Jagil announced the latest information he had obtained. Everyone opened their eyes wide at this moment. It was indeed incredible information.

There is an ice and snow mine to the west of the battlefield. It is an area with very steep terrain, and there are traces of the whereabouts of the demons, and they are very frequent. Those demons must be doing something.

Therefore, Jagil proposed to send a few small teams to investigate the situation. If the demons are really doing something inside, then they may be able to make a big move.

Now that the white-haired man is willing to come here and is willing to sit in this conference room, then maybe he has the willingness to help.

Ice mine?

Belen has never been to this area, so he doesn't know any ice mines, but since the whereabouts of the demons frequently appear there, they must be planning something.

What are they doing?

Since it is a mine, it is not a very hidden place. After all, it is easy for Jagil and the others to find the trace. The Mozu are not stupid, and it must be difficult to continue risking discovery.

This is Belem's judgment.

This information from the Ice and Snow Mine was the focus of this meeting, and besides that, there were many other pieces of information, large and small, of which there was one piece of information that made everyone look serious.

"The scavengers outside the border got cryptic news." Jagil's gaze swept over the people present, staying on Belen for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "It is said that the Demon Race opened the huge The space teleportation array seems to be teleporting something to this side, perhaps their big killer, because the movement is too loud, so it is exposed."

Scavengers are wanderers wandering in the frontier battlefield. There are various races, and even demons. In addition to scavenging for a living, they also possess a lot of very secret information. In war, whether it is Either party will gather information from the scavengers.

So, the big killer?what is it then?

Is it an elite unit or some kind of incredible magic weapon?

Al frowned and embroidered his eyebrows. This information is undoubtedly very important. It may even achieve a reversing effect in the war and must be guarded.

Use space teleportation array?

Belen was thoughtful. Hearing what Jagil said, the movement transmitted by the space teleporter after opening was very large, so the scale of this space teleportation array must not be small, perhaps the space witch is not among them, after all, there must be some in the demons. The guy with space magic is here.

Because of the Futantis matter, Belen is very sensitive to space magic. Maybe the space teleportation array in the demons is related to the space witch, and he is more concerned about the use of space teleportation arrays in the demons. What came out

Chapter 508: What is the situation?

Because the ice and snow mines couldn't allow them to waste time, on the second day, the upper level issued an order. Several troops started to select personnel. One team consisted of five people, and a total of five teams carried out a search plan.

On this day, Gruul was also selected as a member of one of the teams, and his teammates also had good friends Koni, and three soldiers of the Imperial Army Sadomali.

Sadomali and the Imperial Army also have high-end combat power, but they need to sit here, and on the other side, although the two high-end combat powers of the Holy See's arbitrators "Eye of Thunder" and "Storm" are there, he The two have other things to do, which are tasks assigned by the upper echelons of the Holy See. They will not participate in other events until they complete the tasks.

In addition to them, there is actually a hidden ultimate killer, that is, the mysterious white-haired strong man who saved Fu Tantis, but everyone has heard of the strong man’s temperament, and he cannot judge his personality for a while. , So it is not good to ask others to do such a search task.

However, they don't need to say this time, Belen will go there, because on this day, Gruul found Belen and talked to him about it.

At this moment in a room, the young wolf boy was sitting on a chair with excitement, his tail was constantly shaking, obviously he was very interested in this search task.

Belen asked in surprise, "Are you going to that ice and snow mine?"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that there will be a mission here, haha!" Gruul narrowed his eyes in excitement. The wolf boy had extremely strong expectations for the mission to the border.

The search task is not a difficult task. It is enough to hide in the dark and investigate the situation. It is not important to not get substantive information. This is a task that is not very dangerous.

Belen was thoughtful. Since he came to Sadomali, he certainly couldn't be left in vain. Although this was a simple search task, he was also very concerned about what was in the ice and snow mine.

"If this is the case, then you can complete the task well."


So, after Gruul left, Belen put the things he needed into the storage container, and he wanted to go to the ice and snow mine.

At this time, Lumia came to Belem’s room. She saw that Belem seemed to have changed her shoes, so she asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"Ah, Gruul is going outside to perform a mission, I'm going to have a look at it." Seeing Lumia, Belen also explained it.

Lumia was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked suspiciously: "Then where is he going to perform the task?"

Belen thought for a while, and then said: "It's quite far away, in an ice and snow mine, some distance away. I will probably be back in a few days. During this period, you have fun in the city."

Upon hearing this, Lumia shouted: "I want to go too!"

"No, you stay here, there is nothing fun there." Belen shook his head and rejected the girl's request.

The girl shouted dissatisfied: "Why!"

"I went without Gruul. If you follow, you will definitely be discovered!" Belen said mercilessly. This girl is very noisy. Who knows what she will do if she exposes her. Ruhr and the others, Gruul was afraid that he would cry to death, and finally failed a mission.


Lumia puffed up her cheeks angrily, then glared at Belen angrily, then turned and left the room, presumably she went to play with the little wolf cub.

Upon seeing this, Belen also shook his head helplessly. He didn't care too much. Then he walked out of the room and walked out of the city. He needed to go there and wait until Gruul and the others set off, otherwise he didn't know how to go. That ice and snow mine would be in trouble if you get lost.

Along the way, Belen met Zela. When he saw the latter, he remembered what the girl said in the tent that day. Now that he recalled it, he still felt a little palpitating and became a little nervous.


"Well, Zella, what are you doing?"

The girl glanced at Belem's side, and then raised the fruit basket in her hand. She said, "I went out to buy fruit. I haven't seen many of the fruits here. Do you want it?"

Belen looked at the fruit basket, then smiled and refused: "Ah, thank you, it's not necessary for the time being, I have something else."

"Something? Can you ask, what are you going to do?" Zela's eyes moved slightly.

Seeing those bright eyes, Belen also swallowed, always feeling that she couldn't lie in front of this girl, as if she was facing Ilia.

"Um...I want to go to that ice and snow mine, I am a little concerned." Belen still told Zella of his purpose. The latter was also at the meeting yesterday, so he knew about the ice and snow mine.

"Ice and snow mine?"


Zella looked at Belen, as if thinking about something. After a while, she said flatly, "I will go too."

"Huh?" Belen was stunned. When he recovered, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, I will save it alone. I have a friend in the search team. If there are too many people, I'm afraid it will ruin his mission."

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