Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 506

"Oh, okay, do you need me to tell Al?" Zella seemed to understand Belen's feelings, she nodded slightly, and then asked supplementally.

"No, no, it's not a big deal, so don't bother her." Belen shook his head again.

"I understand." Zela nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Zella said goodbye. She seemed to have a strong interest in tea and fruit. Belen also noticed it in these days. Although she is a girl who is not good at expressing emotions on her face, she is also very good. Girl.

Belen shook his head, put his thoughts behind him, and then continued to walk forward. On the side of the road, he suddenly saw a tavern that was being renovated, with a tall and graceful figure standing at the door. Stunned.

So, that person is Socia?

At this time, Socia suddenly turned around, and she also noticed the white-haired man with a smile on his delicate face, and she said hello.

"Yo, isn't this Belen?"

Belén blinked, then stepped forward, waved his hand to say hello, and said, "Socia, why are you here?"

"Isn't this a different place to do business?" Socia said with a smile, then looked at Belen curiously and asked: "Where are you going?"

There was nothing to hide anyway, so Belen told Socia of his purpose, who knew that the latter also looked at him with a smile suddenly.

"Shall I go with you?"

The corner of Belen's mouth twitched slightly, and then he took a long time to turn down Socia. After that, when he walked on the street, he saw a very familiar figure again, and he sighed.

What's the situation today?

Chapter 509: Ice and Snow Mine

At this moment, Belem had come to the wall of Sadomali, he saw the arrival of several teams, and among them he saw familiar figures.

Among the twenty-five people, the wolf boy looked very excited. He was selected because of his "shock" characteristics. In his hands, he was not even as strong as Konig.

Seeing them out of the city, Belen also walked down the city wall. Because of the power of his eyes, even in this vast snow, he didn't need to follow too close.

There was no trace of anyone else on the battlefield. The Demon King’s army was defeated last time, and because of the failure of the sneak attack to restore Tantis, they will not appear again for the time being. What they need now is to recharge.

If it wasn't for ignorance of what was transmitted by that space teleportation array, the army must already be overwhelming, but at this moment, we can't act rashly, and we still need to figure out every aspect.

There must be something hidden in that ice and snow mine.

Belen judged it this way, so this time he decided to check it out with the past. Thinking of this, he sighed. Sure enough, things at the border are particularly troublesome. If you don't know it, forget it.

There are no creatures in this wasteland battlefield, but there are many strange creatures on the edge, such as slimes, rock monsters and other strange creatures.

In the glacier, there are many ice crystal animals, all of which are made of ice. When the five teams come here, you can see ice crystal animals everywhere. They are not aggressive, as long as you don’t provoke them. However, some highly aggressive creatures are not excluded.

A leader of the team reminded: "Be careful here. Don't be okay to trouble those creatures. Most of them are small in size, but they are not weak at all when attacking."


Everyone responded.

Teamwork is very important, especially in such a search task. If there is any incoordination in the team causing something, it will destroy the task.

Walking into the ice and snow forest, Belen's eyes swept over the ice crystal creatures. It was the first time he saw such creatures, probably using the magic of this world as his survival function.

A bird with ice crystal wings flew up, and it landed on Belem's head. The snow-white hair was like a tree covered in snow.

Belen was stunned, he raised his hand, the ice crystal bird took a look, and then fell into his hand, lightly pecked his palm.

"Okay, so cute."

Belen's eyes lit up, and he reached out and gently touched the bird's head, which fell on his shoulder and shook his head.

Are these ice crystal creatures not afraid of people?

Belen was very curious about this. He looked at the bird beside him, and the latter also looked at him. How did he feel that this bird was unexpectedly smart?

"Do you understand me?"

However, the bird did not reply to his words, not even a single move, just looking around, it seemed that he could not understand him.

Belen didn't care about it either. It would be weird to be able to understand him, but this bird is not afraid of strangers, which is really interesting.

Immediately after that, Belen ignored it and continued to walk forward. After a long distance, he walked and looked at the bird on his shoulder. Is it going to follow him all the time?

Belen couldn't help thinking of the little wolf pup that was raised by Lumia. If the ice crystal bird doesn't fly away afterwards, he would try to take it back.

Belen looked forward, his dark blue eyes looked forward, he could see Gruul and their magic, and when he looked up, he had reached a majestic black and white snow-capped mountain. It's an ice mine.

When they got here, the five teams became more cautious in their actions. They divided into three directions and approached the ice and snow mine. According to the information they got, they all needed to look at the places where the demons appeared, but they must Be careful not to be found, otherwise the mission will fail.

Belen came to a deep pit in the ice and snow mine, his eyes swept around, and then he looked at the bird next to him, he reached out and pushed the bird's shoulder, wanting to let it go, because afterwards There will be some dangers, and he doesn't want this bird to die here.

The bird flew up, then circled over Belen's head, and finally stopped on his head, just sat down, looking forward with big ice blue eyes.

Feeling the slight weight on his head, Belen was also a little helpless. Why did this ice crystal bird depend on him? Although he doesn't hate it, it's out of fashion right now?

Forget it, anyway, just to see the situation, there should be no danger.

Ever since, Belen didn't care about the ice crystal bird that stopped on his head. He jumped out of the pit and then walked forward. He was snow-white, a natural camouflage in this environment.

Belen followed Gruul's team forward, but afterwards he walked into a cave before them. He could see some magic power, and it was the demons who wanted to come.

What do they stay here for?

Belen walked forward. He restrained his qi and reduced his sense of existence. When he knew that the demons were here, he felt that it was not easy here.

Gruul and the others have also penetrated into the mine at this moment, and a tunnel was opened early here, and it is certainly not a recent activity, it has probably been a long time.

This shows that this mine has been excavated many years ago.

"There must be something in it."

Gruul's gaze swept over the torches hanging on the wall. The temperature here had been tempered. It should have been the work of those demons. At this moment, everyone in the team, including him, had increased their vigilance.

Entering the mine, there is a spacious area inside, and Gruul and others immediately found a hidden terrain to hide themselves. At the same time, they also noticed that several demons were walking in the distance. It should be On patrol.

Gruul’s squad, led by a warrior from Sadomali, who has been on the battlefield, said: "Be careful, if you are found, get rid of them immediately."


"Disperse! Don't be too far away!"

At this moment, Gruul was a little excited, his gaze looked at the few Demon King's soldiers in the distance. It turned out that it was the Demon Clan. This was the first time he saw him.


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