Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 507

Suddenly he heard someone calling him, and Gruul also felt the murderous aura from his side. He suddenly woke up, turned his head and looked away, and slashed at him with a big knife.

Chapter 510: Mysterious Woman


The Demon King's Army warrior who was slashing at Gruer with a big knife was suddenly kicked out. It was Koni who came to rescue Gruer, and he slapped Gruer on the back.

"Seriously! This is a mission!"

Gruul opened his eyes wide, he woke up in shock, and then said: "I'm sorry!" He was distracted in this situation, how is this like a soldier.

"Take them out!"

The captain yelled, and everyone immediately took action and rushed directly at the Demon King Army soldiers. They couldn't let these guys expose them.


When Gruul got serious, he showed his fangs. He rushed directly at a Demon King's Army fighter with his best fighting skills, and then he broke it unceremoniously. The head of the latter.

Despite being a teenager, he is also a fighter.


After all the soldiers of the Demon King's Army were dealt with, Gruul slumped on the ground, panting in his mouth, just dealing with a soldier of the Demon King's Army made him a little tired.

So are the Demon King's soldiers so strong?Belen did not lie to me.

At this time, the captain came over and shouted very solemnly: "Gruul, you take me seriously! You almost failed the mission!"

"Yes! I understand!"

Gruul hurriedly stood up, and he responded loudly. He knew very well that his carelessness had almost made a big mistake. He could not go on like this anymore and had to be vigilant.

Seeing Gruul's regretful look, the captain didn't care too much. He nodded slightly, and then shouted: "Take a rest and wait for the next side to go deeper."

In the shadow of the other passageway, Belen glanced at the young wolf boy sitting on the rock, then turned and walked away, letting him go and find out.

Going deep into the passage, Belém’s blue pupils radiated a faint gleam, and then looked forward, there were some demons there, thinking about it, and then the gleam faded away, using this ability, eyes It gets tired easily.

Belen raised his hand and gently grabbed the little bird and placed it on his shoulder. The little guy looked at him, and then looked forward again, not knowing what the bird was thinking.

"What a miraculous bird." Belen also couldn't help but sighed. It was the first time he saw that he was touched by a stranger he saw for the first time and had not escaped.

Immediately afterwards, Belem withdrew his gaze, but the bird looked at Belem with its small ice-blue eyes, and turned his head a moment later.

When Belen came to the other end of the passage, he increased his physique, and then hid in the hidden terrain at a very fast speed, and the next moment, he frowned, his blue eyes filled With a dim light, he raised his head slightly.

There seemed to be something there, but there was a huge magical power that blocked one's sight, and couldn't see what was hidden inside. Is that something of the Demon Race?

Sure enough, what's the big secret here.

Belen continued to move towards the inside, and at the same time, he also noticed a few small teams sneaking in from the other side of the tunnel, and they moved quickly.

Inside, there are still a large number of demons, at least dozens of people, how can so many demons gather here?If Gruul and the others were discovered here, it would be very troublesome.

Belen speeded up a bit, his expression was slightly solemn, and it seemed that he could only solve the problem that was surrounded by a large amount of magic power, and then he had to come forward to clarify the situation.

But at this moment, the scene in front of Belen suddenly distorted, and the surrounding area turned into a wide field covered by ice crystals, but there was no exit.

"This is... illusion?"

Belen frowned slightly, how could there be an illusion here, he hadn't seen any magic circle just now, but when he was about to move forward, he suddenly appeared?

"Don't go deeper."

A vague voice came into Belen's ears. The voice could not tell the difference between men and women, but it was extremely clear. It also reminded him of the night in Poggiacorti.

"come out!"

Belen frowned and shouted. At this moment, he suddenly felt the weight on his shoulders suddenly disappear, and a gray streamer floated five meters away in front of him. It was the mysterious black robe at the time. Woman.

"It's you!"

Seeing this guy, Belen immediately became vigilant. This mysterious woman was so powerful that he would have no resistance at all if the other party intended to kill him.

The mysterious man said with that vague voice: "Get out now and spare your life."

"Are you from the Demon Race?" Belen frowned slightly, guessing in his heart and said.

The mysterious man did not respond to the other party's words, but raised her head slightly. She was wearing a mask at the moment, but the eyes with the mark of the five-pointed star were looking directly at Belen.

Two pairs of eyes that are different from ordinary people met at this moment, Belen suddenly felt a dizziness in his head, and his feet suddenly became unbalanced. When he gritted his teeth, he increased his physique to 60% and stabilized. After coming down, he stared at the mysterious man, his heart full of solemnity.

This person doesn't show his skills, but he gives people a strong sense of oppression, and his eyes seem to possess peculiar abilities like himself.

"The eye of the demigod, it seems you have a good grasp."

Hearing what the other party said, Belen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the other party seemed to know what was going on with his eyes. Could it be that the other party had stepped into that state?

No wonder the Ice Crystal Bird is not afraid of himself. It turned out to be the magic that this mysterious person could not see through his own eyes. It was really unfathomable.

Is the opponent a witch?Humanity?Or is it a demons?He didn't know.

"One last warning. If you don't retreat, you will die." The mysterious man spoke again and issued a final notice. A faint gray magic appeared on her body.

"Sorry, no refund!"

Belen answered the opponent without hesitation, a silver-white long sword suddenly appeared in his right hand, his pupils gleaming with a faint light, and then he cut across.

"Sword Skill·One Sword Forever!"


That sword cut open the space, and the environment was also quietly shattered away, but Belen had no intention of entanglement with the other party, turned around and turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

The mysterious man looked at the disappearance of the streamer and was not in a hurry to chase it. The five-pointed star glanced at the faded illusion, and then calmly said to himself: "How much time do you have left?"

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man also disappeared in place, turned into a gray mist and dissipated. I don't know if he was chasing people or left here.

Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven: Mysterious Creatures

In the depths of a tunnel, the light dissipated, Belen stood in the corner, breathing a little breath in his mouth, and then looked back, and he was also relieved after not finding the mysterious man chasing him.

The pressure that the mysterious person put on him is really unclear. He doesn't know what the identity of the other party is, but he obviously doesn't want to go deeper. Maybe it has something to do with the demons?

Why do you want to become an ice crystal bird and stop by his side?Now that you know that you want to go deep here, why not just show yourself and warn yourself?

Regarding these, Belen couldn't think clearly. He once thought that the mysterious person might know him. After all, the other party had been hiding his voice, and he must be hiding something, although other reasons could not be ruled out.

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