Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 510

Frozen Sorrow has never seen this human being in front of him. After all, he is a strong man who has stepped into the "Demi-God Realm", and as a "swordsman", he must be extremely aggressive.

"One of the swordsmanship."

Belen also held the hilt with both hands, the white ribbon on the sword was floating, his left foot stepped back, the gleam in his eyes was as dazzling as a torch, and then he suddenly cut out.


This sword was different from the previous one, it didn't have the general state of mind at the time, but the simulated power was not bad at all, and in the blink of an eye, his whole body exuded a light blue light.

A sword to enter the "Demi-God Realm"!


That ray of blue sword light cut through the sky, and the huge brilliance directly divided the lower world away, and that ray of brilliance penetrated directly outside the mine, and immediately afterwards, it triggered an avalanche, and the mine began to small. The collapse of scale.

After that sword was cut out, Belen didn't even look at the effect of his sword, but instead walked towards the tunnel that almost collapsed without looking back.

On the collapsed square, Snow Sorrow was still standing there, but there was an eye-catching bloodstain on its body, but it wouldn't be a serious injury, but the beheaded part of the right half of the body had the magic circuit cut off. , It takes a long time to recover.

"A strong sword."

Snow Grief crawled on the ground, and its wound was frozen to stop the bleeding. It had just been unblocked and its strength had not reached its peak, but it had to admit that the sword was indeed very strong, in order to resist it. , It has also tried its best, it is worthy of being a human being who has entered the "demigod realm".

It didn't care about the collapse of the mine, so it healed its injuries on the spot. In fact, the agreement with the demons was not mandatory. If it wants to go back, then go back.


The collapse of the ice and snow mine also attracted the attention of Gruul and the others. They also saw the sword light that penetrated the mine, and there was no need to think about who cut it out.

"Belen, he is really strong!"

Gruul, who was running in the icy forest, sighed like this. They couldn't stop now, because there were countless demons chasing them behind.


The sudden movement behind him caused Gruul and the others to look back. They saw a white figure coming from behind countless demons, and those demons couldn't stop him at all.

"It's Belem!"

Seeing the return of the white-haired strong man, everyone cheered, unexpectedly even Ice Sorrow did not stop the mysterious white-haired strong man.

"Gruul, do you know that one?"

The teammates beside him all looked at the young wolf curiously, because the latter seemed to know the name of the white-haired strong man. It seemed that the relationship was not superficial, otherwise, how could he be so excited?

Gruul smiled and said, "Yeah! That's my good friend!"

In addition to them, even those demons were afraid of this mysterious human powerhouse, didn't even the terrible creature stop this guy?

The Demon King Army also has very powerful intelligence. Based on the appearance of the white-haired man, they can guess that it is the mysterious strong man who organized their attack on the Tantis plan, and for the killer of the two demon warlords. The strong, they are naturally afraid.

Unable to stop Belen's pace, he quickly returned to Gruul and the others, then turned his head and drew a sword, set off a huge snow storm, stopped the pace of those demons, and then shouted at everyone.

"Retreat first!"

Chapter 514: Things that make him care more

In that ice and snow mine, Snow Sorrow was crawling on the ground, exuding a brilliant magical brilliance, and was healing his wounds with peculiar magic.

As one of the greatest disasters of the last era, the magic it possesses is also very different, and even some magic has been lost in this era.

After a long silence, Bingxuewei suddenly opened his eyes, and its gaze looked forward. In its line of sight, a mysterious man in a black robe came slowly.

The mysterious man raised his head slightly in this little light environment, and the eyes with the pentagrams looked at the mourning of ice and snow, and the light red lips inspired a sweet voice.

"Your strength has not recovered yet, why bother to provoke him."

Hearing her words, Frozen Sorrow also spoke slowly. It said, "That is a human being who has reached the "Demi-God Realm."

"You are injured now, and you are no longer his opponent." The mysterious woman's voice was calm, but she had an undoubted charm, as if she was what she said.

"Don't worry, I should help you, I will still help you." The icy blue eyes of Snow Lament stared at the five-pointed star pupils, and it said thoughtfully: "It sounds like you and him understanding?"

In this regard, the mysterious woman just said calmly: "No matter what you know, if he wants to stand on the opposite side of me, then I won't keep him."

Ice Sorrow took a deep look at the black robe figure, and then let out a sigh. It said: "Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, not only human species that reached the "Demi-God Realm" will appear, and there will even exist like you. It's really incredible that you are still being held back by that "brave"."

Hearing the emotions of the three major disasters of the last era, the mysterious woman said calmly: "At that time, didn't you also have a "savior"?Seeing you being so sealed here and sleeping meaninglessly, that "savior" must be incredible."

"That person."

Hearing that person's title from the mysterious woman's mouth, Snow Sorrow also leaned its head on its palms, and said calmly: "It's a very powerful person, but ah, that "swordsman" is not necessarily worse than him. how much."

Thousands of years have passed. Judging from the words of the mysterious woman in front of me, it is obvious that that person is no longer there, and perhaps has been forgotten. To say that its hatred with that person is also over because of that person's departure. , Besides, that person did not kill it back then, probably out of pity, after all, two of his friends have died.

Now that the hatred is gone, if he insists on saying it, he is a very gentle person.Time flies so fast, a blink of an eye, after a thousand years, maybe none of the guys I knew at that time are here.

There is no shortage of loneliness, but now I realize how lonely I am, the emptiness in my heart, I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go, probably, this is loneliness.

For a long time in the past, Gruul and others who performed the search mission followed Belem back to Sadomali. This time, if Belem was not there, they would almost be wiped out.

After finding the commander-in-chief Jagil, he briefly explained the situation. Jagil immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, received information from many high-level officers in a short time, and then rushed to the conference room.

Even the people from the Holy See received the information and rushed here immediately. As soon as Al and the others entered the meeting room, they saw that Belen was already sitting there.

Al looked at Belem suspiciously, and she asked, "What happened?"

Belen exhaled. He didn't explain the situation himself, but gave Jagil a look. The latter immediately stood up and glanced over everyone present.

"Everyone is here, so let me explain the situation."

Everyone noticed Jagil's solemn expression, so everyone concentrated on it, and it seemed that what was going to be heard next was not good news.

Jagil had already learned about the identity of Snowmourne from Koni, and he didn't hear much about Snowmourne, but when he told the news, it was Al and the Vatican officials who shook the most. Although their Holy See does not have a history of more than a thousand years, there are many rumors about the previous era in the history of hundreds of years.

"Is the snow mourning of the three major plagues?" Al also frowned slightly. She had also learned a lot about ancient history, and she naturally heard about the three major plagues a thousand years ago.

It is a powerful creature comparable to the elemental elves. If it is cast into the territory of the demons, it will be an unparalleled bad news for them.

In the underground layer of the ice and snow mine, there will be a powerful creature that was sealed off in the last era. This is something that no one can think of. After all, no one will have nothing to do to explore in such a rough terrain.

After all the things were said, Jagil said with joy: "If this adult hadn't followed, probably our search team would have been unable to return."

Everyone looked at Belem, and at this time the latter also suddenly said: "The strength of the ice mourning has just been lifted and has not recovered. Now it has been hit hard by me, and the combat power will be greatly reduced, so you don’t need it. It’s too nervous, its injuries and strength will take a long time to recover."

Hearing what he said, everyone's eyes brightened. Unexpectedly, this white-haired man would have severely damaged one of the three major plagues, Ice and Snow Lament. This is unexpectedly good news.

Regarding this mysterious strong man, everyone is treated with awe. After all, they don’t know much about the temperament of this white-haired man. If you don’t want to provoke them, this time they will help you obviously. Meaning, so it’s better not to be too forceful.

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