Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 511

At this moment, Al’s eyes were on Belem. He had known that she insisted on following it. The latter would never refuse. Although he didn’t know the physical condition of the latter, he was able to take a heavy hit. There is probably no problem with creatures of that level.

When everyone began to discuss the next move, Belen was sitting silently. There was one thing he didn't say, that is the mysterious black-robed woman, what kind of thing does that guy exist in him? Even the eyes of the "Demi-God Realm" couldn't see through.

Since I warned myself before, it was obvious that I wanted to stop myself, but in the end I hurt Snow Grief by myself, why didn't she show up?

Who is that guy?

Chapter 515: What Should I Do

After everyone knew about the snow mourning, they increased the progress of the training, because they had already foreseen that the war was imminent again, even if it was to grind the gun, there was always something to do.

Since Frostmourne is now injured and its strength has not yet recovered, it can be judged that the Demon King Army's combat power has not reached the maximum, then in such a situation, a direct full-scale attack may be an excellent strategy.

The highest combat power of one's own side is not a lot. If they fight directly with the Demon King's army, they may have a greater chance of winning. This is the consensus of all the high-levels.

The mission of Al and the Vatican has also been completed, and now they can put their combat power on the battlefield, so on this day, Commander Jagil brought everyone to the barracks, even Belem was pulled by Al. Come, enter and decide to help, so it's better to get to know the highest combat power.

There are also some extremely powerful presences in the army, even in this extremely remote northwestern theater, there are also strong presences, and the barracks occupy the majority.

Jagil called all the highest combat power Qi, there are a total of seventeen strong men, they are all strong men who have experienced many battles, there are warriors, magisters, and some other professions.

Gathering here is not only Sadomali’s highest combat power, but also the two arbitrators of the Holy See, "Eye of Thunder" and "Storm", and the general-level figure in the Imperial Army. He is also a strength. Extremely strong fighters, besides them, there is a Belen who is not affiliated with any forces.

The eyes of the seventeen strong men fell on Belem, and they could recognize at a glance that the latter was the mysterious strong man who had recently passed on, after all, the combination of the white hair and the youthful appearance was too conspicuous. Up.

"Why do I have to meet them?"

Belen felt the eyes of those people, a little helpless, he looked at the girl beside him, after all, he was pulled over by the latter, otherwise he would not come.

Hearing what he said, Al also looked at him and said calmly: "Zera is looking for you outside, do you want to eat with her?"

The girl's voice had a feeling of icy cold to the bones, and Belen couldn't help but shiver, and then shook his head again and again, always feeling that Al who spoke like this was terrible.

Al took a look at his childhood sweetheart, then turned his head and curled his lips. The guy Zela had actually come true. If he hadn't taken Belen away by himself for these two days, this idiot would definitely not refuse Zela's invitation.

At this time, a thin-looking man among the seventeen people took a step forward, then looked at Belen and said, "This is the adult who saved Futantis and recently severely inflicted Frostmourne. ?"

Belen also looked at each other, and saw that this man was dressed as an archer, and for the latter, he also slightly nodded.

"I want to know how strong that Ice Sorrow is." The thin man said like this, his lazy and tired eyes didn't open much, but they flickered slightly.

Belem thought about it for a while, and then said: "It's very strong, and one regiment is not enough for it to fight."

It was one of the three major plagues of the last era, Ice Sorrow, possessing the power of an elves comparable to the elements. Although the power has not recovered and the injury has not been healed, it is not something ordinary people can contend.

Hearing that, the thin man asked again: "So, how did you hurt such a strong creature?"

Belen looked at the thin man and said calmly: "With a sword."

"Using a sword?" The thin man narrowed his eyes, and then showed a smile. He said: "I have long heard that you are a "swordsman". Since you have fought with Ice and Snow, then, in order to understand Ice I want to ask you about the strength of the grief."

No matter how you look at it, it seemed like I wanted to talk to Belém.

"Are you trying to find fault on purpose? If so, I will be your opponent." Al suddenly stood in front of Belen, and she looked at the thin man coldly.

Seeing the Vatican military referees stand up, the thin man also smiled. He said, "No, no, no, I really want to compete with this "swordsman", but now the war is about to start again, and I am even more What I want to know is the strength of Snowmourne, after all, we are the highest combat power here."

"It's okay." Belen pulled Al back. He looked at the thin man, and said: "I also think you should understand the power of that creature."

Upon seeing this, Jagil said: "Then, go to an open place."

"No need." Belem shook his head.

Jagil was startled when he heard the words, and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"He couldn't walk me for three rounds." Belen said like this, and then walked up, the snow lion appeared in his hands, and his strength began to rise.

"It's arrogant."

The thin man also squinted his eyes after hearing this sentence, and he also responded very uncomfortably, saying what everyone thought.

However, a few people are very clear in their hearts that this white-haired man absolutely has arrogant capital, and what he just said is not necessarily arrogant, but a statement of facts.

"Then I'm not welcome."

The thin man was full of magic power, and seemed to urge some kind of magic. He had known that the man in front of him was very strong. No warrior can resist.

But even if he was not the opponent of the white-haired man in front of him, he would never be able to go through three rounds. His pride would never allow such a thing to happen.

His magic power is fluctuating back. Anyone who attacks him, whether it is magic or physical attack, can use magic to know in advance. He is confident that he will predict the route when the white-haired man draws his sword. This is him. His self-confidence, but just after he started, his self-confidence collapsed.

Because when he wanted to make a tentative attack with fighting skills, the moment he approached Belen, he felt an extremely strong sense of threat, and subconsciously dodged, but he lifted his sword. The white-haired man stood motionless.

"Don't do this kind of meaningless temptation. When facing someone who knows to be stronger than you, you should go all out from the beginning."

Belem’s voice reached the thin man’s ears, and in the latter’s sight, the white figure had disappeared for some time. The next moment, he felt a sharp vigor in his neck. .

"If you can't take my sword, you can't take the magic of Ice Sorrow."

Chapter 516: Probably the enemy!

Almost everyone saw Belem's movement, but his trajectory could not be seen clearly. Even if he knew how he moved, he couldn't stop him. This was the most terrifying.

In addition to speed, a few people were more concerned about his previous actions. When the thin man launched an attack just now, he did not stop and avoid it meaninglessly, but because he was forced to retreat.

Because at that moment, the few people saw the Belendi sword. He did not attack, but the sword in his hand gave others a huge threat.

It is a force that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Belen put away the sword, and then calmly said: "Ice Sorrow has an overwhelming power in magic, and I am not good at it. Its magic is comparable to elemental spirits. You should know that this means what."

This is not to frighten everyone, but to state the facts, Ice Sorrow has not recovered its previous strength, and is now injured by him, but this does not mean that it has no fighting power. Once a war starts, it is also a huge one. Threat.

The thin man looked at Belem, then took a step back and bowed slightly to apologize to him. He already knew how strong this man was.

It is rumored that this white-haired man easily killed two demon warlords. It seems that the rumor is not false. Since he has said that Frozen Sorrow is amazingly strong, then it must be very strong, and they are absolutely unable to compete, even Even the two arbiters of the Holy See may not be able to compete with them.

At this time, a soldier suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Ice Sorrow is so powerful, can no one on our side be able to contend with it except you?"

This is a very important piece of information. After all, in addition to Frozen Sorrow, they also have to fight against the Demon Warlords on the side of the Demon King's Army, which is also a group of enemies they cannot fight alone.

Belen pondered for a while, and then said: "Now Ice Sorrow is injured. If our army crushes the territory, if there is no special situation, it will definitely not be healed in such a short time. In this case, the two arbiters of the Holy See may be able to contain Live it."

After hearing the words, everyone looked at the two arbitrators of the Holy See, Al did not say anything, but Gilt looked at Belem with a smile on his face.

"My lord really can look down on us. That is one of the three legendary disasters. With the strength of the two of us, it may not be able to beat it, right?"

In response to this, Belen said calmly: "Just hold it down. If there is any danger, I will help you."

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