Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 512

"Then please sir." Gilt responded with a smile.

Everyone looked at the arbitrator, codenamed "Storm," and they all cast their special eyes. The arbitrator is the highest combat class of the Holy See, and it would not be someone who is greedy for life and fear of death.

El glanced at Gilt, then at Belem again. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything on this occasion.

Afterwards, Jagil invited archaeologists from their side to explain to everyone the legend of the life of Ice Grief, and let everyone understand some of the great disasters that these three plagues have done, and later with the legendary "Savior" In World War I, I didn't expect to be sealed, instead of being killed like the other two calamities.

The "savior" is equivalent to the "brave men" of their era, and they are all "similar to gods" of the same era, strong men beyond human imagination.

When they heard this, everyone consciously or unconsciously swept their gazes over the mysterious white-haired man. This person was able to severely inflict Frostmourne, which is enough to show his strength, and he has not been able to see his limits so far. Can's existence be compared with that kind of existence?

Probably, there is still some distance.

After the meeting, Belen knew what level the highest combat power of the theater was at. From the information obtained now, in the previous battle, a total of six demons appeared in the Demon King’s army. Warlord, and only one of the three previous Demon warlords that appeared in Futantis has the same characteristics in the intelligence, so it is not ruled out that there are other demons warlords, but at least there are still five demons warriors left. .

Among the 17 highest combat powers here, three of them need to join forces to hold a demon warrior. Now, with the two Holy See arbitrators, Al and Gilt, we can deal with about six demon warriors. There shouldn't be much problem with Jiang and that Frozen Grief.

In terms of general combat power, Sadomali can also gain the upper hand by relying on abundant supplies. So at present, the situation is still very stable, but I am afraid that there will be some accidents.

For example, what did the space teleportation array transmit? For example, what actions the "natural disaster" would do, such as whether the mysterious woman would interfere in the battle.

These are what Belen is worried about, but they should also have what the other party needs to worry about, but they and others may not be aware of it, and things don't need to be so nervous.

After leaving the legion, Belem came to Al’s residence. The girl’s residence was also arranged in a more luxurious place. After all, he was an arbitrator of the Holy See, with a noble status. Although Belem could live in some good places at the beginning, But he chose an ordinary hotel in the city, mainly because he didn't want to contact those officers.

"Belen, you don't need to pay attention to Gilt's, he is like that." Al shook her head. She also has a headache for Gilt. She is still unsure of this person's temperament.

Belen responded, and then sat on the sofa. He ate the dessert on the table. He was a little absent-minded. There was still something about Ice Sorrow and the mysterious woman.

Seeing Belém's appearance, Al walked to the sofa in front of Belém and sat down, and then asked thoughtfully: "Are you worried about something?"

Seeing what he was seeing, Belen also sighed. He hesitated for a moment, and then told Al about the mysterious woman he saw in the ice and snow mine, and Snow Grief told him at the time Those words.

"A mysterious woman."

Al murmured, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she was thinking in her heart. Snow Sorrow was sealed but had a deal with the Demon in the seal. The existence that can communicate with it in the sealed state must be in the Demon. Certain status, after all, it is not a general method.

That mysterious woman has a pair of eyes engraved with pentagrams, which can even put a lot of pressure on Belen. This is what Al cares about the most. Even Belen can’t be sure whether the mysterious woman is a demon or not, then she Who is it?

Al already knew that Belen was very strong, and even accepted the fact that the latter was stronger than himself, but even this kind of Belen felt tremendous pressure from the mysterious man, which was very shocking. fact.

And that mysterious person seems to be the enemy.

Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen: His State


A call suddenly came from outside the door of a hotel, and Belen got up to open the door. What caught his eye was a wolf boy with fluttering ears.


Seeing the wolf boy, Belen was also taken aback, and asked curiously: "If you don't go to training, what are you doing here?"

"I was called in an emergency last time, and I haven't thanked you well yet!" Gruul walked in, and then took out the basket behind him. Inside were all the famous snacks of Sadomali.

Belen was stunned, then stretched out his hand and patted the boy's shoulder. He said, "You did a good job, at least you didn't cry in front of Snowmourne. It's amazing."

Belen did not expect Frost Grief at all, and he was a little surprised at the performance of the Wolf Boy at the time. He was different from the original one, and now he is a brave fighter.

"Wow! Speaking of this, in fact, I was almost scared silly at the time!" Gruul cried. He remembered the scene at that time. Now that he thinks about it, he is still a little scared, but when he thinks about his performance at the time, he can't help but feel happy. Hehe laughed, it seemed to be amazing.

Seeing the wolf boy who was smirking, Belen also smiled and shook his head, then walked to the chair by the table and sat down, and he asked, "Is there no task recently?"

"Well, because of what happened last time, we are now on a short holiday." Gruul explained that the reason for the short holiday is because they almost lost their lives last time.

Hearing this, Belen said: "Then take a good rest, I have nothing fun."

"No, no, no, there is still time to rest now!" Gruul hopped step by step to the vacant chair beside him and sat down, and then said: "It is said that in a few days, we will take the initiative to attack, so we should Start preparing now!"

Belen said thoughtfully: "Did you come to me to help you train?"


Seeing that Belen realized his intention, Gruul's eyes also showed a brilliant brilliance. He nodded his head and said, "I'm here for this! I want to be stronger!"

"Lumia did you pass?" Belen asked curiously.

Gruul shook his head and said, "I haven't seen Sister Lumia in these two days."

"Probably that girl ran out of the city to play again." Belen said like this. Every time Lu Mia disappeared, she basically ran out of the city to play. She was also the first time in Sadomali.

"There's also... Sister Lumia's training, too, too cruel!" Gruul began to report Lumia, who insisted on training not to make people tired and not to stop.

Belen knew this for a long time, and it was thanks to Gruul's ability to persevere, probably the latter was also feared by Lumia.

Immediately afterwards, Gruul said: "I want to try Belém's training!"

"My training?" Belen pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I won't teach anything other than swordsmanship and the use of magic power."

The use of swordsmanship and magic?

Gruul was stunned, and then said suspiciously: "Belen, you don't want to be free, so you deliberately didn't train me?"

Belen said frankly: "Although there is such a part of the reason, I really won't teach anything else."

"It's such a shame." Gruul sighed. He saw Belen's true strength with his own eyes. If he could learn a few points, he could be a lot stronger.

Perceiving Gruul's disappointment, Belen laughed and scolded: "You bastard really knows nothing about being blessed. In terms of teaching people, I am not as good as Lumia. Besides, there are many in the Legion. Powerful people help you train, what's so frustrating."

"makes sense."

After hearing the words, Gruul also laughed, as if it was the same thing. Besides, I was really sorry to withdraw from Sister Lumia in the middle.

Belen thought for a moment, and then said: "You have enough training, now the way to become strong quickly is to fight, hone yourself on the battlefield."

In Belen's view, Gruul is already a little too much more than the others in terms of training volume. If he wants to become stronger quickly, he can only rely on his own understanding and real guns on the battlefield.

In the evening, Gruul had gone back, and Belen was leaning on the bedside doing nothing, his eyes were looking at the night moon in the night sky outside the window, and the blue eyes flickered slightly.

In the battle against Frozen Grief that day, his strongest sword skills could only be slashed in the "Demi-God Realm", and at that moment he discovered that he was stepping into the realm after "80%". The changes in his body have been minimal, and he seems to have begun to adapt to the demigod realm.

This also means that he will no longer bear the cost of life passing after he stepped into "80%". Although he is short of time now, this is also good news, because the current situation, There are so many areas that require his strength, because his friends are still here, he can't ignore it and put himself out of the way.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the window and frightened Belen. Then he saw clearly that the figure was actually Lumia, he grinned, and then sat up and opened the window.

Lumia jumped in, then smiled and took out a few sugar skewers. She said, "Belen, look at what good things I brought back for you."

Belen glanced at the sugar skewers, then looked at the girl helplessly, and said, "So, why are you going through the window? Isn't there a door here?"

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