Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 513

"I just came back from the outside, the windows are simpler!" Lumia said with a smile, she didn't seem to think she was wrong, as it should be.

"Okay." Belen couldn't refute anything. He didn't see a few killers coming in directly from the door. He rubbed his eyebrows, and then remembered one thing, he said: "Gruul has been working these days. Looking for you, where did you go?"

Lumia sat on the chair, and she smiled and said, "I wanted to go to the Demon King Army to take a look, but I couldn't find it in the end, so I came back again and lost my way for several days."

Go to the Demon King Army?

Hearing the girl’s answer, Belen also twitched the corners of his mouth, and then waved his hand. He lay down again and leaned on the big pillow. He said, "Forget it, you should be tired too. Go wash and rest. ."


The girl responded with a smile. When she stood up to go out the door, she suddenly turned her head to look at Belen and asked with a smile, "Should we go to the bath together?"


Chapter 518: Invitation

After coming to Sadomali, the priests of the Holy See have daily search activities. This is not a search for the demons, but a search for "natural disasters".

Because the nature of the "natural disaster" is a witch, the Holy See's search also found a lot of witches in Sadomali, but fortunately, with Al, those witches were saved from execution.

You must know that Socia also provided El with news about the space witch during the restoration of Tantis, and in the defense of the restoration of Tantis, the witches joined forces to resist a demon warlord. , Otherwise the loss will be even greater!

At this time, somewhere in Sadomali, three more witches living here peacefully were found by the priests. Just when they were about to be captured, Al came here to stop the priests.

"Let them go, they are not members of the "natural disaster", but just innocent citizens."

Because the position of the arbitrator is placed here, the priests will not say anything. In the hearts of all the priests, the execution of the witch is the duty of the priest of the Holy See, but even the "Eye of Thunder" who is an arbitrator said so. Yes, then they have to do it, but they will probably chew behind their backs.

El looked at the three simple-dressed witches and said calmly: "Don't worry, we will not attack you again after the priest in Sadomali, you can leave."

Hearing her words, the three witches all looked curiously at the priestly beautiful girl in front of them, and then left together after saying "thank you".

Al also sighed as she watched them leave. She didn't know why she helped the Miko, but she didn't regret it at all. This was something she could not do before.

""Thunder Emperor's Eye", it's really strange that you would let go of the witch. You haven't seen it for such a long time, you seem to have become a lot softer?"

A voice that made her feel disgusting came from behind Al, she turned around and looked at the man in the blue and white priest's uniform, and responded indifferently.

"none of your business?"

Hearing her indifferent response, Gilt also shrugged helplessly. He said: "It's really a cold attitude. I have worked together for so long."

Al glanced at him, then retracted his gaze, ignored him, and brushed past Gilt. Then, a purple light suddenly passed, and the sickle blade stopped in front of Gilt's neck.

"Don't talk to me again after trouble, and don't trouble Belen anymore, I'm afraid I can't help but chop you."

After saying this, the war sickle in Al's hand turned into thunder and disappeared, and then walked forward, leaving Gilt standing alone.

Gilt turned and looked at the figure in the distance, then grinned and said to himself, "Is this a violent temper?"

At this moment, Geert's face suddenly changed drastically, and an electric arc suddenly burst out of his body, and then it instantly spread all over his body, directly numbing him with black smoke, and gritting his teeth.

"You really did it!"

Al, who had already left, had no regrets about the fact that she did something to Gilt, and it was not easy for her to even hold back her hands.

That guy is really annoying!

Al shook his head secretly, and then stopped thinking about that annoying guy. At this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure approaching, and she was slightly startled.


The man who came was Kayel. He came to Al’s and then smiled and said, "Al, have you eaten dinner? Do you want to have lunch together?"

Al shook his head and said: "Today the commander-in-chief of the legion has issued some instructions. I am going to talk to Belen and explain the situation."

Hearing the name of that person, Kayel's eyebrows also darkened slightly, his smile narrowed, he pursed his mouth, and said, "Al, we haven't talked much together recently."


Al was stunned, and then said, "I have been too busy lately, I have no time, aren't you?"

Hearing what she said, Kayel said calmly: "Although this is true, you haven't found out, do you often go to that person these days?"

"Yes, is that right?"

El was also stunned when she heard the words, she was completely unaware of this, and now listening to what Kayère said, after careful reflection, she realized that it seemed to be the case.

As for the reason, no matter what she thinks, she will remember what Belen said that day.

Kayel looked at Al, who looked a little unnatural. He didn't know what the latter thought of, but he thought it was probably because of his relationship with that man.

Immediately afterwards, Kayel suggested: "Al, do you want to go see the stars together at night? The mountain behind Sadomali seems to often see meteor showers."

"Meteor shower? Good!"

Hearing this, Al's eyes lit up. She had never seen a meteor shower before. She hadn't taken much care before, but she was still quite excited when she had the opportunity to witness it.

"That's fine! I'll find you that night!"

Seeing Al agreed, Kayel was also very happy. He quickly agreed with Al. Now he doesn't care much about the latter going to find the person next. After all, it will be both of him and Al at night. The world!

Seeing how happy Kayel was, Al also smiled, so that he could make the former so happy, as expected, like a child who hadn't grown up.

So Al said: "Then, I'm going to find Belém first, then you come to me, remember not too early, I still have to eat."

Kayel heard the words and said, "Let's eat together then! I have nothing to do afterwards!"

"All right, then." Al blinked, but did not refuse.

Immediately afterwards, the two separated. Kayel, who was still in a very melancholic mood, suddenly became clear. In his heart, he began to look forward to the two-person world at night. Think about the two people watching the meteor shower on the mountain. I feel so romantic, maybe it can make the relationship even further!

And Al is also in a happy mood at the moment. After all, Kayel seemed to be in a bad mood before. She was also happy when she became cheerful with her friends, and then walked forward with a faint smile.

On the other side, there was a young girl with a fruit basket standing there. She intentionally or unconsciously listened to the conversation between the two of them. Her bright eyes blinked, and then she retracted her gaze, but she was walking in the direction of time. It seems to have changed.

Chapter 519: Have I agreed?

Since the events of Snowmourne, Belen has resumed his usual peaceful life, and from time to time he gathers with the people of Silver Bird to drink, and this is also the case, of course, the same place is Socia's tavern.

At this moment in Socia’s tavern, the big fat Gadri suddenly slapped on the table. He stood up and shouted: "Belen, when will the war go! I want to beat those demons bastards again." Up!"

"Hey! Gardre, what are you bragging about! Last time you were beaten the worst." Leo glanced at the big fat man and exposed his embarrassment without hesitation.

Gardrie blushed, and then quickly explained: "Go, it was an accident last time! I wasn't ready last time!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't eaten before the fight, so I don't have enough energy?" Leo joked like this.

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