Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 515

"Looking for me, is there something?" Al asked curiously. She didn't think Belen would be okay to talk to herself, it was not like him.

Seeing Al's question, Belen was also nervous, and then said: "Um... it's just a little boring, so come and see you. The environment is very good, is it comfortable to live in?"

"Ah, that's not bad, obviously you can live too." Al said like this.

Obviously Commander-in-Chief Jagil wanted to arrange a room for Belém, but he did not accept it. Al also knew the reason. Obviously Belén did not want to have too much contact with the officers because he lived in a hotel. If it is, those with a certain identity and status will not rush here at will.

Belen shook his head, and then was speechless for a while. He didn't speak, and Al didn't know what to say. The atmosphere between the two was a little subtle, and the boy was hesitating, and then spoke again after a while.

"Well, are there any arrangements for tonight?"

Hearing what Belen said, Al was also startled. She suddenly remembered the agreement with Kayère today. She frowned slightly, and then spoke slowly.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Belen looked at Al and continued to ask: "There is a very famous lake view to the west of Sadomali. It seems that there are still many light bugs. I want to see it at night. Are you interested?"

"Of course..."

As soon as he heard this, Al judged that this was Belen's invitation, and she subconsciously agreed to agree, but the next moment she stopped, she opened her mouth but closed it again, and pursed her lips.

Al was silent for a moment, then raised her head to look at Belen. She apologized and said, "Hug, sorry, I have already made an appointment tonight, so I can't go, can I go another day? I can do it tomorrow too."

"Can't you go today? The light bugs there are only tonight, don't you want to take a look? It's a pity." Belen's eyes trembled slightly, and instead of giving up, he continued.

Hearing Belem's words, Al also bit her lower lip. She had agreed to Kayel before. If she breached the contract or refused to apologize at this time, it would be unfair to the latter, and he would definitely be very sad.

"Sorry, I already have arrangements for tonight, so I can't go with you."

Seeing Al so resolute, Belen was not surprised. He had already learned from Zela that Al had promised Kayel, and she would not go back on what he had promised.

But even if he knew this, Belen couldn't help but send out an invitation. He was a little unhappy when he thought of Al and that guy going to see the meteor shower together.

Obviously knowing that it would embarrass Al, Belen still said it. Such an approach made him a little disgusted, but he still did it. It was really ironic.

Belen lowered his eyes, then hesitated, he asked again: "Then, I can ask who you are going with tonight? What are you going to do?"

"I and..."

Al stopped again, unable to tell the man's name to the man in front of her, and she couldn't help but remember the words Belen said in the tent that day, and her heart was a little complicated.

If Belen knew that he was going out with Kayel, and two of them were going to see the meteor shower, he would be angry, right?

No, you will definitely be angry, right?

In fact, it will be sad, and I have said that.

Belen didn't feel anxious when he saw Al stopped, so he waited quietly for the girl to speak, he was a little concerned about whether Al would tell him or not.

"Me, Zela and I went to the mountains behind Sadomali to see the meteor shower. It is said that the meteor shower here is very beautiful. I haven't seen the meteor shower yet!"

There is a smile on Al's face. Although it is very unnatural, it looks very happy. She is trying to make her words more real.

"With Zela?"


Belen looked at Al, then withdrew his gaze, and looked down at the dessert on the coffee table. He didn’t go to reveal Al’s lie because he didn’t think it was necessary because he was hiding Al from the beginning. ?

If it was Zella, Zella would not invite herself in the tavern. Obviously, Al was lying and she was hiding from herself. This is obviously not a surprise, because Belen’s heart already has it. The answer, but despite this, he was still a little disappointed.

Such emotions are hard to avoid, right?

Since Al made the decision, he shouldn't force her to change it. This is not what he should do as a childhood sweetheart. Without this power, he shouldn't have such an idea.

Seeing Belen's silence, Al's heart couldn't help beating, and he was a little nervous. Could it be that his lie was seen through?If you think about it, it's really not very natural.

But he doesn't seem to be angry?

Could it be that you are a little disappointed?

Thinking of this, Al was a little happy, but the next moment, the joy in her heart disappeared, because she saw the sadness in Belen's eyes.

This sadness was not because Al did not accept her invitation, but because she agreed to Kayère's invitation after hearing her own words that day. He couldn't accept it, and he was just an ordinary person.

Meteor shower, should it look good?

It's so romantic.

Chapter 521: Meteor Shower Screen

The two of them sat on the sofa, and the atmosphere seemed a bit silent. Al did not know why she was a little flustered, she slowly held her hands, and looked nervously at the white-haired man in front of her.

If Belen knew that he was going to see the meteor shower with Kayel tonight, how would he react?

Belen was a little tired inexplicably, and he didn't know why, maybe he didn't sleep well last night, so he stood up and didn't go to see Al, but he still said.

"Then, I'm going back."

Seeing that Belen was leaving, Al was also stunned, and then hurriedly stood up. She looked at the back and shouted softly, "Well, it doesn't matter if there are no light bugs, or else, go there tomorrow, right? I also want to see the lake view."

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Belen stopped. He was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can see it by myself. I just want to see the light bug."

After saying this, Belen walked forward. He didn’t look back at Al. He always felt that he couldn’t look into the latter’s eyes directly. Maybe it was because he lied, but he didn’t actually want to. Go to see the lake view or the light bug.

But, why don't you go and see it at night?

Nothing to do anyway.

Belen walked out of the house, and then walked towards the hotel. He saw fruit stalls along the way. He picked a few fruits and ate them all the way back.

It wasn't until night came that Belem got up from the bed again. He glanced at the night sky outside, and then began to sit by the bed in a daze. At this time, Al should have already gone out?

After an unknown period of time, Belen got up, walked out of the hotel, and then walked in a certain direction, he thought, let's take a look at the lake view?Maybe you can still meet Zera?

If he goes alone, he can't do it now, right?

However, when Belen came back to his senses, he had already walked out of Sadomali. He didn't know when he had gone in the wrong direction. He came to a big mountain, which was very high and occasionally Seeing some people are climbing, perhaps to see the meteor shower.

Are Al and that guy also on this mountain?

On the mountain peak.

Because the air is very cold and heavy snow is continuous, the mountain is covered with snow everywhere, but there is also an artificial road, and there are many artificial hotels on it, which are places for people to live in, and there are many others. The safe fence allows people to look at the scenery at ease.

At this moment, Al has come to the mountain. She is not wearing a priest's uniform, but put on a blue-and-white thick dress and stockings. She has reached the highest point, and she can look at Saduo from the edge. Mali, it looks extremely quiet and beautiful in the night, which makes one's eyes fascinating.

Al looked to the west of Sadomali. There should be a lake there. Although she didn't see it, it should be there. Belem should be there, right?

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