Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 516

Is it with someone else or alone?

Thinking of the latter situation, Al's heart couldn't help but hurt. She knew that the previous Belen was a lonely person, and it didn't change until these two years. She didn't want him to fall into the lonely world again.

If possible, she hoped that he would not go alone.

But it was yourself who rejected him. It would be too hypocritical to think this way?

If you change to any other time, Al will not hesitate to accept Belem's invitation, but why is this the case?

Not only felt a pity, but also a little guilty.

Shouldn't it matter?After all, there are Lumia and Zera, and the people from the Silverbird Adventure Group. Even if he doesn't have himself, he shouldn't be able to see the lake view alone, right?

Despite comforting herself in this way, Al still couldn't let go, and just as her eyes were a little blurred, a voice came from behind.


Hearing the call, Al also recovered. She turned around and saw that Kayère was coming, her eyes were gradually clear, and then she walked up.

"Al, are you hungry? I have prepared a lot of delicious food." Kayel looked very happy. He smiled and lifted the basket in his hand. It contained the magic of temperature regulation, so he was not afraid of the food cooling down.

"Thank you."

Because he agreed to have a meal with Kayel, Al never had dinner. Since Kayel prepared this by himself, let's have a meal together, and we can't disappoint others.

After the meal, the two stood on the edge of the railing, and Kayel looked up at the dazzling starry sky. He smiled and said, "Al, look at the stars in the sky, are they super beautiful!"


Al responded.

Hearing this plain response, Kayel was also startled. He turned his head to look at Al, and then asked suspiciously: "Al, is it too cold? Why does it look a little listless."

"Huh? No, no, just thinking about something."

Al immediately returned to her senses, and then put away the complicated thoughts, and responded quickly. She raised her head to look at the shining starry sky, with a faint brilliance in the blue and purple eyes.

Very beautiful starry sky.

After a while, the sky suddenly swept across countless pops, and gradually converged into a meteor shower. The dazzling meteors kept passing across the sky, and the colorful colors were printed in countless people's eyes.

That is the meteor shower curtain, a spectacle that is hard to see, even more strange than the meteor shower, like a meteor waterfall hanging from the sky, and the beauty is suffocating.

At this moment, Al's eyes were also attracted by the extremely beautiful scene. She opened her eyes wide, and countless rainbow-like brilliance flashed in her eyes. Her soul was shocked. For a while, she felt that if today had not come This, she will definitely regret it for a lifetime.

Kayel on the side suppressed the shock in his heart. He didn't expect to catch up with such a spectacle. Could it be that God is helping him?He turned his head to look at the girl beside him, his heartbeat speeding up slightly.

Probably in such a scene, no girl would refuse a boy's confession, right?

"Al, I..."

At the other end, a snow-white man was standing there, his dark blue eyes looked at the girl and the boy. He clearly heard what the boy said, and he did not have the courage to listen to the girl. reply.

He also thought so in his heart. Under such a beautiful scenery, as long as the girl has a good impression of the boy, then he will definitely not refuse the latter's confession.

So, he turned and left.

Over there, the boy was full of nervousness, while the girl looked at him with a dull face.

Chapter 522: Bad mood

It was late at night, and even people in Sadomali could see the sky full of meteor showers, but it was not as spectacular as the peaks.

At this moment, an all-white man came to the west of Sadomali. He came to the lake view. There were not many light bugs. Some of them may have flown away. However, there is a faint light flashing on the lake surface, which is enough to express The feeling in Belen's heart.


Belen looked around, glanced at the trees, but there were some pairs of men and women chatting, he retracted his gaze, and then started walking around the lake.

What's the situation over there?

He didn't have the courage to hear the end, but thinking about it carefully, he didn't need to be so nervous, after all, he was just her childhood sweetheart.

Compared to his childhood sweetheart who couldn't be together since he grew up, is Kayel who stayed by his side better?

Belen exhaled a breath of heat, and then looked up at the sky. This was his most accustomed movement when he was melancholy, because looking at the sky could relax his mood. The endless feeling is very vast and free.

He came to a tree and sat down. He didn't know what to look at. He simply stared at a glowing light bug. He didn't want to go back to rest. It would be nice to sit here in a daze. .

Looking at it, Belen fell asleep leaning on the tree. He fell asleep deeply, frowning slightly. It seemed that even in his sleep, his mood was still not very good.

At this moment, the gray streamer came to the shore and revealed her figure. She walked to Belem's side, stretched out her right hand and waved lightly, a gentle magical power surrounded Belen, making him feel The frowning brow eased, and the sleep was deeper.

The figure stood in front of Belen, and stretched out her hand to gently stroke the snow-white hair. She lifted her red lips and quietly said to herself: "Can't you go traveling obediently? Why do you have to toss so much? ."

Of course she knew that Belen would not respond, so she sat beside him like this, leaned her head on his shoulder, looked at the fewer and fewer light bugs, and slowly closed her eyes.

Same as before.

The night passed, Belen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes gradually brightened, and after returning to his consciousness, he found that it was already bright, and he was in a daze for a while, then rubbed his head. He felt his right body heavier and looked towards his arm. He was stunned when he noticed some wrinkles in his clothes.

Maybe when you are asleep, twist yourself.

Standing up, Belen looked around, the wind was calm, and there was surprisingly no heavy snow today, only a few snowflakes, which is equivalent to nothing. This is really a very strange weather in Sadomali.

Immediately afterwards, Belen suddenly remembered the scene he saw last night. He pursed his mouth, then shook his head, trying not to let himself think about what happened afterwards, although he felt that it was already certain.

El has a good impression of Kayel, there is no doubt that if this has not been successful, then, that guy is too bad, right?

No longer thinking about this tiring thing, Belén walked towards the hotel, saw fruit stalls along the way, and carefully selected it. After all, the lake view was introduced by Zela, just like a small one. Repay you.

When Belen returned to the hotel, he stopped, because at the door was standing a girl in a priest's overcoat. The latter also seemed to feel something. Then he turned his head and the two eyes met.


Al saw the white-haired man, she greeted him, and at this time, the latter also walked up slowly, for some reason, the former was a little nervous.

Belen was silent for a while, and then asked calmly: "Why come to me in time?"

Hearing Belen’s tone, Al also noticed something was wrong, but still replied: “There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just a bit boring, so come and have a look.”


Belen responded softly, then turned into the hotel.

After seeing this scene, Al frowned slightly, she was a little confused, but she didn't know what to ask, and stepped to follow.

When he arrived at Belem’s room, Al sat on a chair beside him and looked around. At this moment, Belem’s voice came from his ear.

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