Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 518

Lumia happened to see the direction Belen was going on the edge of the city that day, and she realized this when she thought of what Zella said in the tavern.

"He, he went to the mountain behind Sadomali?" Al's expression was a bit sluggish. Could it be that when Kayel said that, what did Belem hear?

That's why...

How could this be?Isn't he going to see the lake view?How come...

The army began to move, moving a distance of ten kilometers forward and stopping again. Because of the terrain, it would not be threatened by unexpected avalanches.

On a rock, Al stood there looking into the distance, feeling very complicated, and at this moment, a figure came out from behind, it was Zela.

"Al, I've made the tea, do you want to try it? It's Sadomali's special tea."

Al came back to her senses, and then responded. She was a little upset and didn't know what to say. It would be nice to go drink tea and calm down. When she meets Belem again, she wants to make it clear to him All puzzles are solved.

When Al came to Zela's tent, the temperature inside was very mild, but when she entered the tent, the girl suddenly widened her eyes, a white-haired figure came into view, and the two eyes met.

At this moment, Belen was sitting on the inside of the tent, while he was holding hot tea in his hands. He looked at the girl who opened the curtain of the tent, and his heart trembled slightly.

He hurried for more than a long time and finally caught up with everyone. The first person he met was Zella. When he was invited by the latter, he came here to drink tea. He felt that he also needed good tea. Let your mind calm down.

However, at this moment, the mood of the two of them had violent ups and downs again.

"Al, sit down."

Zela took a look at the two of them, then took a futon and placed it on the ground, calling out in her mouth, pulling the somewhat lost girl to sit down, and then began to serve tea.

El dumbly took the tea that was handed over. She looked at the dark green tea that was steaming, and her mood began to be disturbed. She didn't know what to do for a while.

By the way, she, what is she going to make clear?

Chapter 524: Why are you angry?

Inside the tent, Al was very nervous. She had already decided to apologize next time when she met Belem, but she didn't expect to see each other the next moment.

Although Al was nervous, Belen was not nervous at all. He just didn't know what to do. He quietly sipped the tea, and forced himself not to care about the girl in front of him.

Now that the matter has settled, let it go.

Al was holding the tea in her hand and didn't drink it. Her gaze swept to the side of Zela. She and Belen met here, and she felt that it was Zela's influence.

Is she aware of something wrong between herself and Belém?

Zela looked back at Al, then said, "Is there anything on my face? Why are you staring at me?"

"Ah? No, it's nothing." Al was also startled, and then quickly turned her gaze back, she raised her eyes slightly, and met the dark blue eyes.

The two eyes met, as if conveying their own emotions.

Zela looked at Al and said calmly: "Although I don't know what happened between the two of you, if there is a misunderstanding, then it is resolved here."

There is no misunderstanding.

Belen shook his head in his heart. He knew that Zella was kind, but in his opinion, there was no misunderstanding between him and Al, it was just that he himself was making trouble.

Misunderstanding, what is the misunderstanding?

Al’s mind was a little confused, she didn’t know what she should apologize for, whether she apologized for deceiving Belen, or she apologized for losing her temper afterwards, or she was going with Kayel Do you apologize for watching the meteor shower?

Can't it be the third type?Obviously it is your own right to watch the meteor shower with you, why do you have to apologize for this kind of thing?The girl thought so.

Al pacified the complex feelings in her heart, and then looked directly at those dark blue eyes. She lowered her head with a sincere apology, and then shouted: "I'm sorry! I deceived you!"

Seeing Al apologize, Belen blinked. He knew what the girl was apologizing for, and he was indeed angry about it.

"You could not tell me, you don't need to apologize."

Belen glanced at Al, then took another sip of hot tea. His attitude was not good. This was something he knew well, and he didn't know why he couldn't be relieved.

Hearing this plain voice, Al pursed her lips lightly, and then raised her head again. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her and asked, "Then I want to ask, what are you angry about?"

Hearing Al's question, Belen's eyes trembled slightly. He looked at the girl in front of him, and then said flatly, "I'm not angry."

Hearing this, Al pursed his lower lip, and then replied: "Isn't angry? If you say that lying is good or bad, you and I are actually half a cat."

Faced with Belen like this, Al had to fight back because she had such a feeling that if she gave in, it would make the situation worse.

"Ha." Belen grinned, his dark blue pupils shining slightly with light, and he said coldly: "Okay, I am angry, so what?"

"So, I apologized." Al seemed to shout out, she clasped her hands, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

"That's it." Belen just responded like this, and then looked at Al with a plain gaze. He said: "You apologize, my anger will die sooner or later, so let's end it."

"What's the end?" Al's eyes widened slightly, her gaze changed again, then she gritted her teeth and made a decision in her heart.

"Belem! What do you think of me!?"

Hearing the angry voice of the girl, Belen sat there silently, Zella exited the tent calmly, she knew that she wanted to leave space for the two people now.

In the tent, Belen did not avoid the girl's direct stare, but it seemed that because the latter was angry, his voice and momentum seemed a little weaker, but he did not give in.

"Why are you angry?"

Hearing Belen actually asked back, Al couldn't help shouting: "It's not because of you! Don't you know that your attitude is annoying!?"

"Annoying? Yeah." Belen smiled, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you hate me, don't you still have that guy named Kayel anyway?"

"Ha, I finally mentioned Kayère. It's because I didn't tell you and Kayère to watch the meteor shower, that's why you are doing this?" Al also laughed, with some sarcasm in his laughter.

Hearing the sarcasm in the laughter, Belen was also annoyed in his heart. He wanted to respond with a sneer, but he didn't know why the corners of his mouth were trembling, and he couldn't laugh, so he could only speak in as indifferent voice as possible.

"I won't be angry because of the two of you."

Hearing this, Al also trembled in his heart, but still said in a cold tone: "That's the way it's best. I really don't understand your temper. It's clear that you were not like this before. ."

"Before?" Belen didn't refute anything, but murmured softly, his eyes drooping slightly, and he looked at Al like this, somewhat listless, and finally made a flat and disappointed voice.

"It has changed so much, I'm so sorry."

Hearing the tone and words of yielding, Al's pupils also trembled slightly, did she want such an answer?She just wanted to know what Belen was angry about. She had a guess in her heart, but she was not sure, she wanted an answer.

Is the tough response wrong?

Yes, since a long time ago, he couldn't deal with a girl. Even facing her was the same. She knew this very well, but she forgot.

Belen has finished drinking the hot tea in the cup. It is obviously very hot tea, but he feels a bit cold at the moment. He obviously liked the bitterness of tea before, but now he feels that the bitterness is endless. Even the mood is down.

I really don't understand your temper more and more. Obviously you were not like this before.

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