Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 519

Perhaps, in Al's opinion, he was different from before, and now he made it difficult for her to approach, and it was difficult for the two to confide in their hearts.

Is it a thing of the past for childhood sweethearts?

"Now, Belem..."

Hearing what El wanted to say, it seemed to Belen that it was a comfort to himself. He shook his head secretly. He didn't need comfort now, so when she spoke, he interrupted aloud.

"After a long time on the road, I was a little tired, so I left first." After saying this, Belen stood up, his eyes glanced at the girl again, and then walked to the tent curtain to pull it. Before driving, he left a sentence and let the girl sit there in a daze.

"So far, thank you for your attention, I will probably not make you angry anymore in the future."

Because it's all past tense.

Chapter 525: Selfish and Gentle

After leaving the tent, Belen unconsciously speeded up his pace and left here all of a sudden. His mood was like a ball of intertwined silk threads, and he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Next to the tent, Zella was standing there. She looked at Belen's leaving figure. After the latter disappeared from her sight, she turned and walked into the tent, and then added tea to herself.

At this moment, Al was looking down at the corner of the small table, her eyes were a little rosy, as if something was about to overflow, but in the end she sniffed and suppressed it.

What's this?What does his sentence mean?Are you going to cut off contact with yourself?

She shouldn't use a tough way. If she asks for forgiveness in a tactful way, she may not get the answer, but it will never be the result.

Is he really willing to abandon the feelings of the past ten years?

Al recalled what he had said before, and after that, Belem gave in. It was her fault that she said too much.

The girl regretted it and felt it was her fault.At the same time, her mood was very complicated and she started to think about it, which is probably the worst thing in her life so far.

what?Will this "contest" be won in this way?

After sitting for a long time, Zela didn't bother Al, so he let the latter continue to be in a daze, but in the end, the girl suddenly stood up, turned and ran out of the tent.

Coming to a high place, with the wind and snow in the sky, Al looked at countless camps in the distance. She wanted to see that figure wandering nearby, but of course it was impossible.

Hello, are you serious?

Can't I be wrong?

The voice shouting from the bottom of her heart was sad, and she wanted to admit defeat, but she won and lost in this "contest", which made her wonder what to do.

Al slumped on the ground, in the posture of a duck sitting. She stared blankly at the snow-white floor. She was weak and unable to move.

So, how could this be?

Inside the tent, Zela was drinking hot tea, and she glanced across the curtain of the tent, as if she could see the girl sitting in the snowdrift, she sighed.

This is his fault and hers

Zela sipped his tea, her expression calm, maybe only outsiders can know the unpredictable places of the two, she shook her head, and didn't want to continue to help, she knew that both of them needed time.

Those two people are both stubborn idiots, the stupidest idiots who are willing to give in to each other only at the last moment.

And now, maybe it hasn't come to the end.

Belen, who had already left, did not look for Lumia and the Silver Birds, but walked alone on the snow slope. Of course, his mood was very chaotic, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

He regretted what he said, but he felt that what he said was not wrong.

Al feels that he has changed. He doesn't deny it. He knows that he has changed, but he doesn't know exactly what has changed.

But in Belen's view, Al probably felt that he was different from when he was a child. He was her childhood sweetheart at that time, but he is not now.

Looking down from a height, he could not see anything except the boundless snow, but he seemed to see the cute little girl in his memory, whether it was Al at that time or Al now, actually watching in Belém It doesn't make a difference to come, she has always been her.

Belen exhaled, as if vomiting the gloom in his heart, he grinned, and now he can make some expressions, obviously he couldn't do it just now.

This time, what he did was really thorough, he didn't hesitate to hurt Al directly, and he was very resolute in saying that he and her were so peaceful.

Forget it, so be it.

Before, he could let her rely on, but now, she doesn't need to rely on anyone anymore. The little girl has grown up and she should have her own choice.

After exhausting all the rhetoric to convince himself, Belen's mood was also a little better. He forced himself to forget what had just happened, otherwise it would be too annoying.

He doesn't need time to forget these, because he doesn't have much time at all.

In the end, it disappeared naturally.

After Belen returned to the commercial vehicle, he entered the door and saw Lu Mia who had just woke up. He smiled naturally and then greeted him.


Seeing that it was Belem, Lumia also stopped rubbing her eyes, and then smiled in surprise: "Are you here? Are you getting better?"

"Well, no problem." Belen responded like this.

Lumia looked at Belem's face, and then frowned slightly. She asked in confusion, "Really? But how do I feel that you are even more listless than before?"

"Really? I don't think it's anything." Belen's face was slightly stiff, but soon returned to normal. He stretched out his hand and gently patted Lumia on the head, and then looked out the window.

"Lumia, if I want to leave now, will you go with me?"

Hearing Belen's words, Lumia was also slightly startled. She looked at the profile of the white-haired man, and she could vaguely see the hidden end of the curtain, so the girl nodded firmly.

"Of course!"

Belen, who got the answer, slightly raised the corners of his mouth. He looked out the window, then smiled and shook his head, then turned back and patted Lumia on the shoulder.

"Thank you."

Hearing that, Lumia was a little confused, but did not ask anything. Instead, she asked curiously: "Then when shall we leave? I think it's better to go and tell Lucy and the others?"

When Belen heard this, he smiled and shook his head. He sat on the edge of the bed and then lay down on his back. He looked at the light, as if hesitated, and spoke slowly after a while.

"Just kidding, wait until everything is over before leaving."

He still can’t walk away. War is about to start here. It would be too shameful to leave at this time. Gruul will go to the battlefield. The mysterious woman and the "natural disaster" man might do something, no If he helps, it will probably be very bad.

He is a very selfish person, and also a very cowardly person, and because of this, he can't just watch the people he knows fall into danger and ignore him.

Hearing Belem’s answer, Lumia smiled sweetly: "Belen, you are such a gentle person."

"Tender?" Belen blinked, noncommittal, he didn't know why Lumia came to this answer.

But can selfishness and gentleness coexist?

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