Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 524

Since he knew that people were here but couldn't find them, he would simply destroy them all.

Gaola, who was thinking so easily, acted immediately, her body was full of majestic magic power, and the wind and snow around her were inspired, obviously to activate some kind of large magic.

"Ice and Snow Mantra·Silence and ice die."

When the voice fell, an invisible magical power rippled away, causing the space to be frozen, and then suddenly collapsed in the next moment. The terrifying frost magic storm overturned the earth, and the rock was shattered. go with.

This is a very powerful magic, even the terrain here can be easily changed, and in the face of such a magic, Al, hiding in the rock pile below, can't watch it quietly.

"Thunder Magic·Five Thunder Law·Leidi Edict!"

A huge magic circle suddenly flashed out of the pile of heavy rocks, and rounds of magic circle echoed each other. The flashing thunder intertwined, forming countless electric arcs, and finally burst out, encircling it quickly. The frost storm that came was annihilated.


Then another bolt of thunder bombarded Gaora, but she waved in front of her with an indifferent expression, and the magic instantly converged into a huge ice crystal.


The ice crystals shattered, and the thunder disappeared, and Guyora looked down at the girl who was full of thunder and lightning. She opened her arms and the wind and snow surrounded her surroundings, and finally turned into a huge cloud of wind and snow. The ball, with a swing of her arms, dropped towards the girl below.

Zela looked at the falling snowball, her mouth moved slightly, probably grinding her teeth. She felt that she might not be able to separate the thing with her own strength, but she wanted to try it.

"Zera, leave it to me."

El shook her head, Zela's power might not be able to separate the thing, and she was worried that Zela would do it like Kayel.

Zela looked at Al, and then nodded. She took a step back and gave Al's place. It was a matter of life and death, but she was still not afraid.

Gaura didn't intend to continue wasting the world with Al and the others, so she was also ready to use her own ultimate move, the vast magic power was like a surging tsunami, even making the earth tremble.

"Ice and Snow Mantra·Eternal Death."

Going desperately.

Looking at the blue-haired woman above, Al also took a deep breath, and then released her magic power unreservedly. She needed to be able to deal a heavy blow to the opponent, but there was no other way.

Al opened her arms, and the blue-violet thunder and lightning emanating from her body has changed at this moment, and every thunder arc has turned into a pure white, but it exudes an extremely terrible sense of oppression. This is what she has so far The strongest magic, since learning this magic, this is the first time she has used it in actual combat, because after using it once, she has no resistance at all.

"I am the eye of the Thunder Emperor, the first ray of brilliance that runs through the ages, the origin of living beings, the end of all things, can make the sound of the sky penetrate the earth, can make the ocean boil instantly, release it at this moment, Thunder The emperor’s ruling, God thunder punishes!

The sky is a bit dim, and I don’t know how long it has passed. It is actually evening, and the pure white thunder illuminates the sky, and the flash of light makes many living creatures throbbing. The terrible feeling of oppression is just It is unbearable to look at.


Al's body was covered by magic lines, and she yelled in a deep voice, her magic power gradually climbed, supporting the magic, and then a white light opened at the center of her eyebrows, like a third eye.

In the next moment, a dazzling light came out with an endless white thunder hole, and the huge iceberg in the sky also smashed down at this moment.

The moment the two touched, the sound of blasting rang through the world.

Chapter 531: Desperate

Space Witch Iona leaped out of mid-air, and then jumped to the highest point. She looked down at the Demon King’s soldiers who were fighting and retreating. She had to say that she could still fight like this under such a disadvantage. Amazingly strong.

Immediately afterwards, Iona came to a hidden area, in a valley between the valleys. The surrounding area was engraved with magical patterns. She sang softly, and those magical patterns immediately lit up.

She has already prepared a large space teleportation array here.



Because of the huge scale, Iona also prepared a lot of magic crystal elements, these ore reserves have very huge magic power, just for her to open this space teleportation array.


The sound like a bell sounded, the huge magic circle was connected and constructed, and the gap in the valley began to become illusory. Then, one after another huge figures came out from it, exuding incomparably evil and huge magic power. When they appeared At that moment, the valley trembled for it, shaking off the rocks constantly.

Iona turned her head and looked out of the valley, and said calmly: "I am ready to welcome your big gifts, come on."

In the outside world, the soldiers of the Legion showed their momentum and charged inward continuously. Their fears had been wiped out. After all, nothing unusual had happened until now.



The sound of horseshoes keeps on, everyone is charging, the demon warlords have been intercepted, and they who crush the demon king army in number are unstoppable!

Bang, bang, bang.

Suddenly, several heavy footsteps sounded on the ground, and many soldiers of the Legion slowly stopped at this moment. Not only was the ground trembling, but their hearts were throbbing inexplicably.

what happened?

At several high points, the investigators' eyes suddenly swept towards the mouth of a valley, and they saw several very tall and demonic figures coming out of it, and in large numbers!

"Yes, it is a Demon Warrior!"

After receiving this news, everyone in the command center opened their eyes. Could it be that the biggest killer on the Demon King Army is the Demon King Army?

Was the movement of the Space Teleportation Array last time for the purpose of teleporting the Demon Warriors?

How can this be?

The demon warlords are the backbone of the Demon King’s army. They obviously should resist the coalition forces in other major theaters!How could so many suddenly come to their side?

The commander-in-chief, Jagil, had a heavy heart, and he quickly asked, "Tell everyone to retreat a certain distance and count how many new demons will appear!"

"Can't retreat! It's already surrounded!"


Jagil was terrified. He didn't expect the Demon King Army to be so fast. He suddenly woke up. No wonder the Demon King Army soldiers still had to fight with them.

Sure enough, is there a plan?

Despite the changes in the battle situation, Jagil still remained calm. He is the commander-in-chief and absolutely cannot make the slightest mistake, and now Ice Sorrow is not able to come to the battlefield to be the biggest fortune.

So Jagil immediately issued an order to start a decentralized battle, but the next moment, his calm expression instantly panicked, because he got the total number of new demon warlords in the Demon King Army.

The total number of newly-emerged demons, eighteen.


I don't know how many miles away the sound of the blast resounded, but in that place, countless ice-bound mountains and rivers collapsed, and the impact of the collision was even more exaggerated than that of the city magic cannon.

That was the final blow of Al's full firepower, and her blow did indeed work, and a figure slowly floated out of the ice ruins.

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