Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 525

That is Guyora.

At this moment, her dress was a little torn, with a little blood on her mouth, and she looked very embarrassed. She didn't expect that "Thunder Emperor's Eye" would use such powerful magic. She wanted to reserve some power for follow-up. But I didn't expect to be caught off guard because of this.

However, "Thunder Emperor's Eye" should have no power anymore.

Guyora wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, exuding magic power, and then chased forward, trying her best to release the power. Now the girl definitely has no mobility, but there is another person beside her. Moving with the exhausted "Eye of Thunder" will definitely not move very fast.

Sure enough, the distance is not far.

At this moment, Zela was carrying Al and continuing to escape, and she also didn't expect Al to burst out with such a terrible blow, turning the death around again.

Although very happy with this change, Zera has no time to be happy, because now Al is exhausted, and the ice maiden has not lost her combat power. If they are chased again, they will have no time. The ability to resist.

And Zela also used her magical power to start trying her best to escape. She went all the way forward, and when she encountered a stone wall that was too thick and needed to bend, she directly opened it with her magical power.

At this moment, Al is very weak. She lay behind Zela and said softly: "Zela, put me down, or you can't run away."

"Don't let go."

Zela responded calmly, her footsteps did not stay at all, her current position was only a little bit away from the battlefield, and she would be able to reach there in a short while, as long as they reached Belem's side, they would be safe.

Seeing the girl’s persistent and stubborn appearance, Al’s heart warmed, but at this moment, her heart trembled suddenly, she reluctantly looked back, when she saw a huge cone of ice shooting towards them. When she called quickly.

"Zera, behind!"

Hearing Al's words, Zela quickly turned around and saw the huge ice cone coming. She stretched out a hand and used the magic power she hurriedly mobilized to separate the ice cone.

The next moment, a huge ice rock hit, Zela quickly avoided, but was hit in the leg, she made a painful sound, and then gritted her teeth, threw Al out, and flew upside down. Going out, it fell on a stone wall.

"Running very fast, your magic is very practical."

Gaiola was floating in the air, her blue eyes looked at Zela in the distance, her tone was very flat, and then she raised a hand, the snow all over the sky gathered into dozens of crystal ice spears, and then swung them. He swayed his finger and pierced away instantly.


Zela hurriedly responded, and then separated dozens of ice guns, and her magical power also instantly bottomed out, and her pupils suddenly shrank, because she saw another ice gun pierced from the sky.

Are you going to die?

At this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of her, and the ice gun went straight through her body, splashing blood, dyeing Zela's face red, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Ai, Al!?"

Chapter 532: Never let you die!


The cold wind was blowing, and Zela felt her blood had cooled down at this moment, her eyes trembled crazily as she looked at the figure in front of her, and finally made a stern voice.


In front of Zela, Al was standing there, one foot in front and the other supporting herself at the back. Her right half of her body was penetrated by an ice gun, and blood flowed down the gun body, dripping continuously on on the ground.


Al finally couldn't support her body, and then knelt down on the ground. She vomited a mouthful of blood, her eyes were a little tranced, and her head was very heavy.

Is it going to work?


Zela hurried to Al’s side regardless of the pain in her leg. She looked at the ice gun running through her right body. The calmness that had remained unchanged for thousands of years became extremely flustered. She didn’t know what to do Up.

"Cough, run..."

Al didn't even have the strength to turn her head. She glanced at Zela, and said "Run" with her remaining strength, she was almost dead.

"No, Al, you can't die!"

Zela's tears gushed out like spring water, and she never cried when she grew up. She has lost Kayel, and she doesn't want to lose Al again. The three of them are the best partners.

Seeing this scene, Gaura showed no mercy. She looked at the second woman indifferently, and said calmly: "In order to make your pain shorter, I will send you away now."


Two ice spears were condensed by Gaiola's side. It was time to end the two of them. She had no interest in torturing people, and giving one a pleasure was also saving time for herself.

Gaura waved her hand, and the ice gun was shuttled towards Al and Zela. This time their ability to resist again, at this moment, her heart suddenly jumped, and there was a roar in her ears. .

"No, no, no no no no!"

The voice full of fear and anger came from a distance. When the ice gun shuttled away, a stream of light was faster than lightning. In an instant, it penetrated a hundred meters and came here. A touch of sword light cut through.


That Jianguang directly smashed the two ice spears away, and the terrifying sword aura split a small iceberg away. Even the Gaura in mid-air retreated for fear of being affected.

Guanghua dissipated, and a figure came to Al's face, and then the sword light swept across, the ice spear shattered away, the white-haired man put a hand on Al's chest, and magic poured into it frantically.

"Al, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

Belen has never been so anxious, or even flustered. He has never been so scared in his life. When he saw that ice gun penetrated Al's body, his heart seemed to be broken.

At this moment Al hadn't lost consciousness. She saw the white-haired man in front of her, but her eyes didn't even have the strength to open, and they were slowly closing.

"I was wrong! I will never argue with you again! Don't fall asleep!"

After seeing this scene, Belen suddenly became more panicked. His heartbeat was about to explode. He was organizing the magic circuit in Al's body at his fastest speed, borrowing her own recovery ability. Stop bleeding.

"Belen, save Al!"

Zella on the side saw Belen coming, and hope suddenly emerged in his heart. Now the only person who can save Al is Belen.

"Zera, help Al to stop the bleeding!"

Belen yelled, and he was doing his best to help Al repair the magic circuit in his body. Most of the magic circuit in the latter's right body was interrupted.

Above that, Guyora stared at Belem's figure. Although the latter was gray-haired, she had not forgotten that face. It was the "swordsman" of Flozarno Academy.

Why is he here?

Gaura squinted her eyes, then put her doubts behind her head, and then she was full of magical power, and she began to chant magic spells. There is very little magic for her to activate with the help of chanting spells.

Her ice and snow mantra was not as proficient as others imagined.

Belen naturally felt the magical fluctuations coming from behind, but he didn't care at all. He now put all his body and mind on Al, his body was glowing with a faint blue fluorescence, faint but sacred.

"Al, as long as you can wake up, I will tell you what you want to hear, and I will bring you whatever you want, please, wake up!"

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