Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 526

At this moment Al had passed out in a coma, and Belem's voice was choked and trembling. His eye sockets were a little moist, but he couldn't see clearly because of the blue light.

The girl in front of him is his first friend in life, the childhood sweetheart who accompanied him when he was a child, the one who knew him the most and the one who didn't know him the least, and was his first family!

Never let you die!

The blue gleam was scattered around, Belen subconsciously allowed himself to enter the "Demi-God Realm" and merged himself with the magic of heaven and earth. At this moment, he could even reverse the magic circuit in a person's body. In this way, he has a chance to save Al.

"The extreme of snow, the extreme of ice, freezing time and space, returning to zero, making the blank whiter, making the ice colder, in the name of the ice maiden, chanting the mantra of ice and snow, making the boundless territory cold to the bone!"

A round of huge magic array patterns appeared in the air. Among them, the mysterious magic spells seemed to come from countless years ago, and the magic contained in them seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

After Belen tried his best to finally make up most of the magic circuit, Al also gradually opened his eyes, his eyes filled with weakness, and the cherry lips trembled slightly, and then said in a very weak voice.

"Do not be mad."

Hearing Al’s words, Belen trembled in his heart, and then nodded violently. He hurriedly yelled: “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry anymore! It's mine, and I will never make you sad again!"


Al responded softly, and then her gaze fell on the countless magic lines in the sky. She opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't have the strength.

"do not worry."

Belen retracted his hand, and then placed his hand on Al’s head and rubbed it gently. This is a move that has not happened since the quarrel two years ago. A gentle smile appeared on his delicate face. .

"I won't allow anyone to hurt you anymore, absolutely."

Hearing Belen's words, Al's eyes were also shining with a gleam, and she closed her eyes again, this time, she fell asleep peacefully.

Upon seeing this, Belen also exhaled, then stood up, his smile slowly reduced, and said flatly: "Zera, take Al, she will not be in danger for the time being."

"What about you?" Zella looked at the white-haired man.

Belen slowly turned around. The blue light on his body seemed to have accelerated as it floated on him. There was a snow-white long sword in his hand. The breath on his body was gradually releasing, and he was working hard. Suppressing his own anger is endless anger and murderous aura.

"I want to kill."

Chapter 533: Anger and Killing Intent

Seeing the white back, Zela also nodded slightly, and then carefully put Al back on her back. Her leg bones may have been cracked, but this is nothing compared to Al’s injuries. !

"You must be careful."

Zela yelled, and then ran forward with Al on his back. Although he was limping, his speed was not much slower, knowing that Al had not been completely out of danger.

Belen didn't respond to Zela's words, because his brain was already boiling, and he felt like he was about to explode. He held the sword in his hand tightly, and the veins clearly appeared on the back of his hand.

He wants to kill!

In so many years, this is the first time Belém’s killing intent is so boiling. After the panic and fear have gradually subsided, anger and killing intent have suppressed those two emotions. He wants to kill now, and kill a lot. Lots of people!

The icy blue magic pattern has covered this one hundred meters, all the magic power is compressed in this space, the terrifying magic power begins to rippling, even the space barrier is shaken.

"No one wants to escape."

Gaura said indifferently, and then slowly pressed his right hand downwards, and the countless magic lines instantly sank downward, and then shining with a ray of light!


The temperature of this world seems to have reached its extreme. At the moment when all the frost was stagnant in the air, a huge light wave, one hundred meters long and wide, shot towards the white-haired man below. Ji magic has the power to break the earth.

However, in the face of such magic, Belen didn't have the slightest intention to evade. He raised his head and looked up. His dark blue eyes couldn't even distinguish the pupil from the white part of his eyes. There was only a dark blue color, like the middle of the sea.

"You must die!"

Belen opened his mouth and roared out. His anger was as calm as the ocean, but when he thought of the scene where Al was pierced by an ice gun, his anger immediately rushed out of the sea like a volcanic eruption!

Rage like a volcanic eruption, his killing intent is endless like a river, his mind has been filled with endless killing intent.

Demigod Realm!

Facing the super powerful magic, Belen did not retreat. He stepped forward, and then held the sword in both hands. The strength of his whole body caused the earth to tremble violently, and his expression was somewhat ferocious.

The creation of Vientiane, one of the kendo flow!


Holding the sword in both hands and slammed it upward from the lower right corner, the blue brilliance on the blade flickered, the sword aura spread, and it turned into a huge sword invisibly, turning into a meteor sword light.


The piercing sound was fleeting, and the sword directly split the huge light wave, and then the boundless sword energy shattered the magic lines.

How can this be!?

Seeing this scene, Gaola's pupils also shrank suddenly, and she couldn't imagine that the magic she was casting would be broken by the opponent's sword.


"Swordsman" is indeed a very special existence, because while practicing swordsmanship, they also have a power called "qi", which is a power similar to magic but different, if you insist. , That is nature itself.

But people who only use "qi" are often unable to fight magic, so generally speaking, they will fight with their own strong physical qualities.

However, the white-haired man in front of him, why can his "qi" cut off such a powerful magic?This is what Guyora does not understand!

Magic power is more widely used than "qi", and Belen can't cut such a powerful magic with "qi" alone, but he has stepped into the "demigod realm" at this moment, touching him in the magical dimension, Enough to cut any magic with unpredictable "qi".

It’s like a blind man holding scissors to cut the thread. He can’t cut the thread close to him without touching it, because he can’t find the position, and after regaining the light, it’s easy. This is when he touches the magical dimension. Ability.

This is more like a technical break than a force break!

Just as Gaura was shocked, Belem's body squatted slightly, and then the ground under his feet suddenly cracked, and he rushed towards the former with a sword in his hand. His anger and killing intent were about to pour out!


The glacier was torn apart by the battle between the two, but Gaola was completely defeated, let alone she was injured before, facing such a powerful "swordsman", she even chanted her own magic spell There is no time, she needs someone to help her stop the white-haired man!


A crescent sword light suddenly cut the ice peak, and the streamer stomped on. Although Belen could not fly, his speed was no slower than Gaora's flying speed, and even faster, so he could launch attacks again and again. !

Seeing Guyora who had been running away, Belen didn't care what her intentions were. He just wanted to kill the opponent now. This desire was uncontrollable.

Gaola's gaze swept over the blue-glowing man, her pupils were full of jealousy, and she already knew what the latter was like now.

That is the realm of demigods.

It is really unheard of that a human being can step into that level. Perhaps someone has reached it before, but without records, this white-haired man is the first person in history!

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