Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 531

Seeing the group of soldiers from the Demon King's Army that kept coming up, Belen was also very irritable. He let out an angry cry, and then swept across with a sword, opening the land.


After driving a road, the soldiers rushed towards the inside, the horn of victory sounded from their mouths, and they were already at the gate of victory!

Gaola, who had flown far away, came to the cliff. Iona was standing there. The latter was surprised when she saw the former in such a panic. She didn't expect that the person was so strong, she also knew Bingxue. The news that the grief has fallen.

Iona couldn't help asking: "Are humans in the demigod realm so strong?"

"The Demigod Realm is already an inhuman realm." Gaura nodded slightly, then glanced at Jian Guang in the distance, and she said solemnly: "Just now, he may have surpassed that realm."

Beyond the demigod realm?

Iona didn't know what this meant, because in her opinion, the human stepping into the demigod realm was already a terrible thing, surpassing that legendary realm?This is unheard of!

Immediately afterwards, Gaura looked at the hinterland of the Demon King's army. She frowned slightly, and she had already hit the door. Why was the one inside still not moving?

At this moment, Gaura suddenly noticed something. She turned around and looked around. A mysterious person in a black robe appeared in her sight, and she frowned slightly when she saw this person.

"Are there any plans next?"

The mysterious man walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at the blue sword light that passed by in the distance. The hand under the big robe slowly shook his head, then slightly raised his head, the eyes with the pentagrams looked towards the sky. .

"Retreat, he won this battle."

Hearing these words, Gaola's eyes flickered slightly. She heard the weirdness in this sentence, so she asked: "You know that "swordsman"?"

The mysterious man turned around and passed Gaiola. She said flatly, "I knew each other before."

After hearing the words, Gaura glanced at the direction of Belen. She always felt that the relationship with this "swordsman" was more than just acquaintance.

Immediately afterwards, Guyora asked, "Why not join forces with the adult in the barracks? I think the three of us join forces and the "swordsman" can't stop us."

"A troublesome guy is here." The mysterious man took a look at the Demon King's army barracks, then turned around, she said indifferently: "Retreat." After saying this, the mysterious man turned As a plume of gray smoke drifting away.

Seeing her leaving, Guyora frowned slightly. Hearing what the other party said, there is probably a strong person here, but even so, it is not without the power of a fight, because the one in front of him can only be one person. The existence of comparison.

After the mysterious man left, Iona said, "The relationship between her and that "swordsman" is very difficult."She also saw this.

For one person, gave up a battlefield that can be won?

This is unimaginable, not to mention that the one still...

Gayola also shook her head incomprehensibly. She sighed: "Forget it, the war between them has nothing to do with us, we are just helping."

"Then now, retreat?" Iona glanced at the approaching army.


After Gaiola said, Iona opened the already prepared space teleportation array. They didn't plan to continue to do something in this inevitable war. They had done everything they had to do. Whether the Demon King Army wins or loses has nothing to do with them.

The war was reversed because of one person. At this point, Gaola and Iona were still a bit angry. They looked back at the place where the sword light flashed, and then turned back and stepped into the space to teleport. Array.


When the two were teleported away by the Space Teleportation Array, Belen below suddenly sensed the fluctuations of the space magic. His gaze looked at the cliff. There was no one at this moment. He gritted his teeth and anger came up again.

Had it not been for Frozen Grief and the Demon King's army, he would have killed that woman long ago!

Now, let her run away.

Chapter five hundred and thirty-ninth: Black Dragon!


There was a deafening noise in the hinterland of the Demon King’s army camp, and several cliffs in the gorge suddenly cracked open and the rolling stones fell.


A cyan light and shadow stood on the Demon King’s army flag. It was Antrina, holding a silver-white long sword in her hand, looking back, with a smile on her mouth.

"It seems to be resolved."

Below, the undead bone clan was surrounded by black magic power, with endless horror, and there was a strange black magic circle under its feet.

But just when this undead bone clan was about to do it, its magic suddenly stopped, and then raised its head and looked at the beautiful blue skirt woman.

""Juggernaut", I'll be here first this time, next time I will kill you."

Immediately afterwards, the Undead Bone Race opened a spatial tunnel and stepped into it. The Demon King's army also quickly followed, and they all received the order to retreat.


Antelina also smiled, and then turned around and looked into the distance. She put the sword away and stood on the banner of the Demon King's army, with a unique temperament.

Immediately afterwards, Antelina's smile suddenly diminished, her gaze looked towards the sky, behind the dark cloud, it seemed that a huge figure flashed by, it was a huge monster!

Seeing the scene that flashed in that moment, Antelina's blue eyes flickered slightly, and she whispered: "There are too many dead strong men, so it's just here, right?"


With the successive withdrawal of the Demon King Army, the Legion also swept all the Demon King Army that had not escaped. The victory of this war has no suspense!

Belen hadn't done anything at this moment. He was running away from the battlefield. The killing intent and anger had faded. Now only the worry about Al was left.

How is Al?

He desperately wanted to know this.

But just as he was rushing on the battlefield, his heart trembled for a moment, stopped abruptly, then turned and looked up to the sky, his pupils slowly shrinking.

That, that is...

On the sky, a huge figure of incomparably stalwart swept past, the whole body was darker than the night, with huge wings that covered the sky and the sun, and the huge body was bigger than the mountain top!

That is, the black dragon!

Seeing that huge creature, Belen suddenly remembered the scene many years ago. This was the second time he saw this black dragon.

In addition to the battlefield many years ago, Belem also remembered one thing, that is what Latier said at the beginning that her hometown was destroyed by this black dragon!

"Damn it." Belen's eyes gradually became cold.

The black dragon is the dragon of the undead. It specializes in absorbing the breath of the dead. This kind of rebellious thing is really hard to like. It is disrespectful to the dead, even if the dead is an enemy, this is for Belem. Unbearable things!

Moreover, that guy ruined the hometown of La Tier and La Tis!

Even though Belém is a little weak now, he still can't bear this black dragon appearing here, but he didn't do anything, he wanted to cut it anyway!

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