Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 532


Belen let out a deep sigh, his breath rose, and he stepped into the demigod domain again, but he was much weaker than before. Then, he turned into a blue streamer and shuttled towards the battlefield.


When the earth-shattering roar sounded, everyone jumped with horror, and their eyes widened when they looked up.

What did they see?That is, dragon!?

Dragons are the ancient creatures recorded in legends. Their power is beyond the reach, because no matter which story they are in, they have the power to destroy the world!

And at this moment, what hovered in the sky was a black dragon!

Ancient creatures, dragons!

Everyone is dumbfounded, why would a dragon appear here?The feeling that this black dragon gave them was too depressing, could it be said that it was the helper of the Demon King Army?!

No one knows what the black dragon is here for, but the next moment, a blue stream of light suddenly flew onto the cliff, attracting everyone’s eyes. The white-haired man covered by the brilliance of color, everyone was happy.

It's the "white-haired sword saint"!

This strong man, dubbed the "White-Haired Sword Saint" by them, is the key to turning this war around!They knew this well.

"It's the White-haired Sword Saint! Don't be afraid, brothers! He will definitely be able to solve the dragon!"

Although the black dragon did not attack, everyone felt a sense of anxiety. After all, the ancient creature hovering in the sky was too terrifying. They were worried that the black dragon would suddenly attack.

Belen was standing on the cliff, his mouth was gasping, maintaining this level did not burden him, but he had been fighting for so long before, and he had already consumed countless times.


At this time, Lumia suddenly rushed to Belem's side. She looked at the black dragon in the sky and couldn't help swallowing. This is a creature that can only be seen in books!

"Belen, what is that big guy here for?"

Hearing Lumia's question, Belen said flatly: "For the death of all the dead."

"Death?" Lumia frowned slightly. She wondered what the black dragon was doing. As an ancient creature, wouldn't she be afraid of death invading her body?

The so-called death air can be fatal. Generally speaking, only the dead and the dying can be born. All living beings have energy, which is the power to sustain life, which is called anger, and death air is the opposite.

When everyone was talking and daring not to act rashly, the black dragon on the sky suddenly looked at the huge black pupils towards the battlefield below, then opened his mouth and began to breathe in death.

Because of its absorption, the aura on this battlefield has become much purer, but Belen will not think that this black dragon has good intentions.

What does it want to do?

Just as the black dragon was absorbing the death, Belen on the cliff suddenly stepped back two steps to an empty place, which made Lumia a little puzzled.

"Belen, what are you going to do?"

Belen took a deep breath, the silver-white long sword appeared in his right hand, and a scabbard appeared on his left waist. The vigorous rotation under his feet caused a whirlwind around him. Then he stepped out and turned into a blue streamer. While going, he left a sentence.

"Cut it!"

Lumia was shocked when she saw Belen actually attack the black dragon. She didn't expect Belen to do that, and she couldn't understand why he did it.

Is it possible that Belen has an enemy with this black dragon?

Not only Lumia, but even the warriors below saw that the white-haired Sword Saint in their hearts actually did it directly, they were also stunned, obviously the black dragon hadn't done it yet?

Five hundred and fortieth chapters: Can't help but want to cut it

call out!

The blue meteor quickly approached the black dragon in the sky, and the blade in Belen's hand was surrounded by sharp sword energy and then collected in the sheath of his left waist. His eyes were a little gloomy.

The sufferings of Latir and Latis cannot be understood with a single sword!

The reason why he did it was La Tier and La Tis. If the two well-behaved girls hadn't destroyed their hometown because of the black dragon, they would not have become slaves. Belen would have suffered all these years. I already know, and the culprit is here at the moment, how can he not be angry!?

"Sword Skill·Dead Song!"

At the moment Belen drew his sword, a terrifying sword gas blasted away, even hitting a gas explosion in the sky, and then bombarded the black dragon.


The body of the black dragon trembled for a moment, and an inconspicuous bloodstain appeared on his body. He turned his head abruptly, opened his mouth and sent out a terrifying dragon roar in the direction of Belem!


The black air current swept out with the terrifying majestic magic power, which made Belen also frowned. He held the sword in front of him, and then he held the sword in both hands and drew a straight line in front of him. .

"Sword Skill·One Sword Slash!"


The piercing sound of the sword sounded, the sword aura directly divided the terrifying power away, and Belen also lost the suspension at this time, and he fell towards the bottom.

He turned and landed on the cliff, and then Belen put the sword across his body. His breath was rippling, and he was already a little weak, unable to let himself have the same power as before when he dealt with Snow Grief.

It is not realistic to want to kill the black dragon. It is also the first time he has fought against this ancient creature. The size of the deal shocked him. This is simply a big mountain!

The defensive power of the black dragon is so strong that even the sword he just made did not cause serious injury to this big guy, and the black dragon must have shocking magic, with his current It's too hard for the power of the world to kill it.

However, how come you have to ask for a little interest for Latier and Latis first!

Seeing Belen's posture, Lumia didn't have time to ask the reason. She ran to the rear to make room, and then looked at the black dragon above from behind a rock.

At this moment, the black dragon above is still absorbing the huge death energy on this battlefield. As for Belen's previous attack, it didn't care about it. Obviously, it was more attractive than killing this person.

The blade of the snow lion has been covered by blue brilliance, and the aura it contains is very prosperous. All the spirits of Belen have reached the peak at this moment. This sword will definitely break through the defense of the black dragon. !

The creation of Vientiane, one of the kendo flow.

Belen did not jump into the sky again, but slowly walked up to the top of the cliff. He held the sword in his right hand, and then gently swept across in front of him in the direction where the black dragon was. Explosive power.


But with such a sword, it easily broke through the barriers of space. Borrowing the power of the magical dimension, the blue sword light disappeared on the cliff and suddenly appeared in front of the black dragon. Its huge pair of The black eye pupils suddenly widened, and the blue sword light suddenly cut through its body, then cut through the sky and rushed to the top of the sky!


The black dragon suddenly let out a deafening roar. Dark red blood spattered from its body. A huge blood stain was left on its body. The blood fell on the earth, making the earth bigger than before. It is more bloody, if there is a dry river, it will probably fill up in one fell swoop.


Everyone was stunned by this scene. The dragon didn't do anything, so why did it attack the White-haired Sword Saint?And it looks like this now, as if angry!?

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