Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 533

The black dragon raised its head and roared, then stopped absorbing its breath. It suddenly lowered its head and looked at the sound on the cliff below. The black eyes blinked, full of extreme anger.

"Damn human!"

It didn't open its mouth to speak, but this sentence fell into everyone's ears clearly, which made everyone stunned. Did the black dragon speak?

Belen looked at the black dragon, and said indifferently: "This is a sword you deserve for your sins. If you want to fight to the death, I am willing to accompany you to the end, if not, then get out!"

Borrowing magic power, I amplified my own voice countless times. Everyone heard what Belen said, and all the soldiers were dumbfounded. This is what killed countless demon warlords and defeated Snow Sorrow. The strong, they are so domineering even in the face of creatures that are longer than Ice Sorrow!

""White-haired Sword Saint"!"

I don't know who shouted from below, and then one after another voice rang from below, and finally turned into a slogan-like rhythm.

Even Belén could hear very clearly at this moment. He glanced at the soldiers below, and didn't know how he had such a title, but he didn't care. He raised his head and looked at the black dragon in the sky. Now, all the attention should be on this big guy!

The black dragon opened its mouth in the blood basin, and magic lines suddenly appeared in front of its mouth. It seemed to launch some terrifying magic, and the direction it was aimed at was everyone below!

For it, humans are just annoying bugs!

Seeing this scene, Belen also clenched the sword in his hand. This black dragon actually chose to fight after suffering such a serious injury. It was indeed surprising, but not unexpected!

However, just as the black dragon was about to breathe, its pupils suddenly looked in one direction, and a touch of turquoise fell into its line of sight. Seeing that person, it seemed to hesitate, and then the magic lines gradually disappeared. go with.

Seeing that the black dragon actually stopped attacking, Belen also frowned slightly, and at this moment, the former suddenly made a thoughtful sound.

"Human, I remember you."

After conveying the resentment-like meaning, the black dragon took a deep look at Belen and another direction, then soared towards the sky, and the blood on it continued to shed again.

Seeing the departure of the black dragon, Belen was very puzzled. Why did he stop suddenly when he was planning to do it just now?Was it because he realized that he was seriously injured and was not sure to deal with him, so he left?

At the same time, on another mountain, a cyan figure was sitting on the edge of the cliff swaying the pair of slender legs, and there was a long sword stuck in the ground beside her, and the beautiful woman was smiling slightly.

"It's very interesting. If you don't leave, you can prepare to be cleaned up by us."

Five hundred and forty-first chapters: this time is at ease

After the black dragon left, the general headquarters began to command the soldiers to occupy this land. The victory in this theater can be said to be a celebration of the whole country, but while passing on the war, there are too many things here. Need to be dealt with.

Belen and Lumia were sitting in a commercial car and driving on the wasteland. At this moment, his whole person felt a sense of depression. The whole person was almost tired. He could fall asleep now, but before that , He wanted to meet that person.

After returning to the barracks, Belem learned that because the war was over, he had spare troops to escort all the wounded back to Sadomali. Even the doctors had returned to Sadomali, so Belem had no idea. Knowing how El and their injuries are going, they feel a little anxious.

Lumia also knows Belen's mood. Although she is also very worried, she still comforts: "Al, she will be fine."


Belen responded. He was sitting on the commercial truck. Although he was very tired, he was not in the mood to rest, and he kept praying for the girl in his heart.

It seems to know that Belen is in a very urgent mood. The two earth dragons are also very strong, and they are moving very fast. At this speed, they will probably be able to reach Sadomali tonight.

At night.

In Sadomali’s medical center, Al and Zela are still in the same room, the former still has his eyes closed, and the latter’s eyes are looking at the moonlight outside the window.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, and Zela also turned her head and looked at it. At this moment, Al slowly opened her eyes, and she cast her eyes on the door, her heart beating extraordinarily. obvious.

Immediately afterwards, the hurried footsteps disappeared, and the sound of opening the door was very soft. A white-haired man walked into the ward, and the blue eyes touched the blue-purple eyes for a moment.

Belen opened his mouth, but found that he was a little choked, his eyes were a little moist, he resisted the urge in his heart to rush to hug the girl, he took a breath, and then his face showed lightness. Smile.

"I am back."

Seeing the boy's almost crying appearance, Al's heart also softened, and his delicate and beautiful face showed a responding smile.

"Welcome back."

Belen walked into the ward, then came to Al’s bed and sat down. He was exhausted, but now he was happy to not go to sleep.

Before, because of the night of the meteor shower, Belen even had the idea of ​​wanting to go away, but now he felt guilty for having such an idea.

Fortunately, I didn't leave. Fortunately, I passed by myself. Fortunately, she was fine.

That scene has been deeply burned in Belen’s mind. It is the most terrifying thing Belen has ever encountered so far. That fear and pressure can almost crush him, and he is helpless for a moment. Let him lose his mind.

Not everything is satisfactory in this world, but fortunately, this world always shows a gentle side when Belem needs it.

"Belen, Kayel him, in order to save us..."

Al lay there, and she remembered the scene at that time, in order to save her and Zela, the boy made such a decision resolutely.

Hearing this, Belen found out that he hadn’t seen Kayel, his smile slowly faded, he no longer hated Kayel, it’s just not right, and his determination was naturally clear to him. .

That is a man willing to die for the girl he likes.


Belen didn't know what to say. He wouldn't be grateful for it, but rather melancholy. He wouldn't want anyone to die, even the one he hated.

"Then live on with his share."


Although a little sad, Belen hurriedly moved the painful topic away. He said, "Sorry, I didn't kill that guy, but let her run away."

Thinking of this, Belen couldn't help but clenched his hands. He gritted his teeth. The "natural disaster" really annoyed him. No matter what their purpose was, they undoubtedly made him angry. Up.

"It's okay, I will avenge myself." Elman said nonchalantly, rather than letting Belen help out, she wanted to get rid of the woman herself.

Although she is not the opponent's opponent now, she still needs to practice hard!

Compared with the "natural disasters" doing so much trouble here, the biggest thing for Al is Gilt's rebellion. He is actually the traitor hidden in the Holy See!

This matter is too serious. You must know that Gilt is the arbitrator of the Holy See!

Moreover, what worries Al more is whether there are any other rapes in the Holy See besides Gilt. She must find out all of this!

If it weren't for Geert's rebellion, Kayel would not leave them.

At this moment, Zela on the hospital bed on the side was watching the two of them. She didn't want to disturb them, so she didn't say anything, but watched quietly.

However, Belen also noticed Zela’s sight at this time. He turned his head and looked at him. He was also stunned when he saw Zela also in the ward. Then he hurriedly said hello, a little embarrassed, that he actually treated others like this. I ignored it.

"Zera, how are you?"

"Please don't care about me."

"Hug, sorry..."

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