Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 534

Belen scratched his hair in embarrassment. He had just put all his thoughts on Al, and actually ignored Zela on the side. This was really sorry.

In response, Zela stared at Belen, and she said calmly: "It's not a big problem, it's just that the leg bones are cracked. It's fine to recuperate for a while."

"Well, if you need help, just tell me." Belen said like this. If it hadn't been for Zela's protection, Al would probably have had an accident.


Zela responded softly, then lay down, closing his eyes and going to sleep.

Seeing the girl's clear and depressed appearance, Belen understood that it was because of Kayère's sacrifice, and he could not comfort him, only let time heal the pain.

Because of the relaxation, Belen's head was also a little tranced. He lay down beside Al's bed and said softly, "I'll take a break."

He has run out of strength, just sleep like this.

So Belen fell asleep, and Al smiled when he saw his tired look, she reached out and rubbed the boy's head.

"You work hard too."

Chapter 542: Antelina

In the early morning of the second day, after Al woke up, she found that Belen was still lying on the bed and fell asleep. She was also a little helpless at the moment. It seemed that she was really tired.

It wasn't until noon that Lumia came to Al's side. She had been here last night, but she didn't want to disturb Belen and Al so she left.

Lumia glanced at Belen who was sleeping, and then reluctantly said, "Oh, Belen has to see you to be at ease, so I can't help it."

"That's it."

El is also feeling sweet when she hears this. She can only lean on the head of the bed now, and is unable to sit up on her own. The wound on her body has not healed yet, and it will be particularly painful if there is a larger movement.

"But, Al, it's great that you're okay." Lumia smiled and looked at the girl, and then looked at the sleeping white-haired man. She said, "If something happens to you, I can't imagine him becoming What is it like, after all, his physical condition is not good."

Hearing Lumia's words, Al also looked at Belen. She knew that the latter had deliberately concealed her physical condition. Even she could only guess by guessing, but it seemed that it might be very serious now.

Lumia sighed, and she said: "You don't know how many Demon King's army Belen he killed on the battlefield. I have never seen him turn into that way."

Even if he was called a devil, he couldn't compare to Belem's appearance at the time. He slaughtered countless demon-like demon kings as a human being. It can be said that everyone was frightened to kill.

Up to now, there is no general statistics on how many Demon King's soldiers beheaded by Belen, and for this, the legion side obviously cares very much, so it is still collecting intelligence.

After Lumia carried Belen back, Belen slept like this for several days, and it was not until the seventh day that he slowly opened his eyes.

"Yo, wake up, sleep like that."

The familiar and sweet voice made Belen's heart move. He sat up abruptly, and then turned his head to look away. A cyan figure fell into his eyes, and his pupils gradually widened.



Suddenly a nut hit Belem's forehead and let him lie down on the bed again. He called out in pain, and then sat up again and looked at the figure.

"As a student, can you call the teacher by his first name? How courageous!"

Sitting in a chair eating fruit is a beautiful woman in a blue and white dress, with blue eyes, long golden and blue hair, and a beautiful face, but despite this, she is sitting on the back of the chair, with a whole body all over her body. The breath of a bad young man.

This woman is the "Juggernaut" Antelina Gristhofen.

Belem was so happy the moment he saw Antrina, after so many years, he finally met her again in this northwestern realm.

"You really are here."

Antelina was also taken aback when he heard Belem's words, and then asked curiously: "Listen to you, as if you already knew I was here."

"I met Socia, and she said you are here, too." Belen explained.

"Ah, it's her." Antelina also remembered that Socia had followed her to the Northwest Territory. She chuckled and ate the fruit, and then her eyes fell on the white hair.

"How did you get this hair? Did someone dye it?"

"Ah? Ah! Yes, yes, occasionally I want to change the style." Hearing Antelina's words, Belen also panicked, and then quickly reacted and laughed.

Seeing Belém's appearance, Antrina stared at him for a long time, and then reluctantly shook her head and said: "It has changed a lot, but it won't lie or is the same."

Seeing that Antelina actually saw through her lie, Belen was also a little embarrassed. He nodded his cheek with his hand, and then pressed his lips. He didn't really want to confess this matter, even to Antelina. .

"Let's go, what's the situation?" Antelina obviously wanted to ask the end, and she also noticed Belen's hesitation. She frowned slightly, and then smiled and said: "What else can't you say to me? Yes? When I grow up, I already hide my little secrets from me."

"No, it's not like that." Belen shook his head, and then under Antelina's general gaze, he struggled for a while, then sighed and told the latter about his physical condition and the reason.

Only for the one in front of him, he really had no way to hide himself, and she was also the person most qualified to know everything about him.

When there was not much time left to hear Belem, the smile on Antelina's face also gradually disappeared. She did not expect that so much happened when the "natural disaster" attacked Flozarno Academy. Thing.

After listening to everything, Antrina also said with a headache: "You really have the courage to fight against the out-of-control "brave"."

"If I didn't take action at the time, everyone would have trouble." Belen explained in this way. He knew that the situation was very urgent at the time, and he was already the last line of defense.

"So, in the end, only you had an accident." Antelina stared at Belen with those blue eyes. It was obvious that her mood became very unhappy at the moment.


Belen could only say such a word.

However, Antelina sighed slightly when she heard the words. She said: "You are worthy of everyone, but you are the only one who is sorry for yourself. Are you really too frustrated?

Immediately afterwards, Antelina stood up, and then came to the bed, she stretched out her hand to stroke the boy's face, as peaceful as a mother, she felt a little distressed for the boy in front of her.

"Although I am very happy that you have changed now, but ah, you are only twenty-one now, there is no need to bear so much suffering alone."

"Then what... I'm twenty-two already."

"Yes, is it? That's twenty-two!"

The atmosphere that had been brewing in an instant was broken, and Antelina looked at the boy in front of her with a little bit of laughter and tears. She stretched out her hand and rubbed Belen’s head, as before, in her eyes, he was still a little child.

"I forgot to say something."

"What?" Belen looked at Antrina curiously.

I saw Antrina bending down, then hugged Belem, not caring about physical contact, because he was her student and she was his first family member.

"long time no see."

Hearing the words in his ear, Belen was also full of emotion. He also smiled and hugged Antelina, and then replied, "Well, it's been a long time."

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Lumia stood there blankly looking at the two embracing each other. Her face suddenly turned red, and then she pointed her finger at the two, shaking violently. With.

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