Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 535

"You, you, you, what are you doing!?"

Chapter 543: Adoptive mother?

When Lumia’s voice reached the ears of the two in the room, both Belen and Antrina looked curiously. When they saw the short-haired girl pointing at them with shame, the latter first revealed A meaningful smile.

"Belen, who is she?"

Hearing Antelina's question, Belen was also taken aback. Why did he think Antelina's tone was a little bit ill-intentioned, but he still introduced it.

"This is Lumia, my friend."

At this time, I saw Lumia walk in with her lips pursed, and asked with an unhappy expression: "Belen, who is this woman? What is your relationship?"

"Huh? She is..."

Without waiting for Belen to explain, I saw that Antrina suddenly pushed Belen down on the bed. She smiled and said to Lumia: "I have a close relationship with Belen. Why have I never seen you? ?"

"Bah, baah! I want to say why I have never seen you!" Lumia panicked when she saw that the woman in front of her had pushed Belen down.

Antrina leaned down like a leopard and leaned against Belen's chest, her eyes full of ambiguity, she said delicately: "Belen, are you looking for a woman again with me behind?"

What, what!?

When she heard the woman's words, Lumia felt her head explode, and there seemed to be steam on her head. She squeezed her hands, and said in disbelief, "Belen, besides Ratil and the others, you actually have other women! ?"

No, no, why does this sound weird?

Belen also twitched the corners of his mouth, and then hurriedly pushed Antelina away. He sat up and said helplessly: "Antelina, stop playing."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Antrina also put away her playfulness, and then sat on the side of the bed. She smiled and looked at the sluggish-faced girl, and then said, "Sorry, I just made you play."

"Why, what's the matter?"

Lumia can't figure out the situation at all.

Belen on the side smiled and said, "She is my teacher, which is what people call the "Juggernaut", the one I mentioned to you last time."

"Ha!? Sword, Juggernaut?" Lumia opened her eyes suddenly. She looked at the woman in the blue and white dress, blinking her eyes constantly, and said in disbelief: "You are that Is it a "Juggernaut"?"

She, was she actually questioning the "Juggernaut" just now!?

Antrina raised her hand and stroked the hair in her ear, then nodded and smiled: "That's right, but since you are Belém's friend, you can call my name. My name is Ann. Trina Gristhofen."

Ever since, Lumia said in surprise: "It turns out that you are Belém's foster mother!"

Hearing Lumia's words, Belem's cheeks immediately turned red, and smoke began to flow from his head like a steam engine, as if it were a shame for him.

"Adoptive mother?"

Antelina was also stunned, and then thoughtfully looked at the boy who was avoiding her sight, and she smiled meaningfully: "So you introduced me to your friends like this?"

"That's not it! It's just that it's just for Lumia to recognize our relationship!" Belen quickly began to explain, it was too shameful.

"Isn't it enough to recognize the relationship between teachers and students?" Antelina leaned closer to Belen with a smile, as if she wanted the latter to succumb.

"Increase, deepen! Yes! Deepen cognition!" Belen also explained with great effort.

Antrina chuckled. She reached out and rubbed Belen's head, still smiling and saying, "My dear, my mother will take good care of you."

"Only, don't need your care! I'm already an adult!" Belen took the hand away from his head with a face of shame, knowing that Lumia is right next to him!The image he has always maintained is about to collapse!

However, Lu Mia who saw this scene showed a bright smile. She did not expect that Belen would have such a childish side. Sure enough, this Sword Master is a very close person to Belen!

"You have changed a lot during the years I have not been here." Antelina smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch Belém's cheek, she pulled back and forth, but she knew Belém very well, if it was him. , But rarely can express emotions on the face.

"Lumia is still watching! Give me some face!" Belen muttered softly.

Antrina laughed, then stretched out her hand to pat Belen's arm, and said with a smile: "You are cuter now than before!"

No, no, cute or something is not suitable for me.

Belen sighed helplessly, but then smiled slightly. Although he had such a premonition for a long time, he didn't expect to meet in this northwestern realm.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at Lumia and asked curiously: "Lumia, how long did I sleep?"

"Seven days."

No wonder the stomach is so hungry.

Belen touched his stomach, then thought of something, and quickly asked: "How is Al?"

"Al is recovering quickly, don't worry, do you want to wait a while to visit her together?" Lumia comforted Belen, then smiled and asked.

"Okay." Belen nodded.

"Al is here too?" Antelina obviously didn't know Al was here, she was a little surprised at the moment, and then smiled and said: "It's just right, I'll go with you! Anyway, what happened to Al? "

Hearing Antelina's question, Belen's smile also froze, which reminded him of the unpleasant scene. He scratched his cheek and didn't know what to say.

"Why didn't you speak?" Antrina looked at Belem in confusion, then looked at Lumia curiously, and asked, "What happened?"

Lumia looked at Belén on the side, and then smiled: "You should ask Al at that time. In fact, I don't know the situation."


Antelina looked at Belen suspiciously. Although she was on the battlefield over there at the time, except for blocking the King of Annihilation, she was almost always on the scene to fight and didn't know what happened.

"Let’s go to the medical center, bring something to Al, and by the way, I’ll eat too, I’m a little hungry." Belen quickly changed the subject, he didn’t want to bring up the matter of that day, and then stood up and put on his shoes. After changing clothes, I plan to go out.

The killing intent in his heart was finally suppressed, and when he thought of what happened that day, his killing intent and anger couldn't help but want to erupt.

Seeing Belém's evasive appearance, Antrina was also thoughtful. She also stood up, and then followed the two out of the hotel.

Sure enough, ask Al in person.

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Four: Survival

After the three of them left the hotel, they just found a stall and bought some food. Belen himself was starving, but besides bringing Al, there was also Zella's share. This time he could Can't forget!

On the way, Antrina did not talk about what she did before, but about what she was doing during the war.

"Are you there at the time?" Belen was also a little surprised when he heard Antelina had been observing in the dark, but she was there when she was fighting.

Antelina nodded, then smiled and said, "Remember that black dragon?"

"Of course." Belen nodded slightly.

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