Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 536

"Oh, speaking of this." Antelina seemed to think of something, and then put her hand on Belen's shoulder, with a surprised look, she said: "You Belen, you are stronger than before. what!"

Antelina was the first to know about Belen’s own unique amplification magic, and Belen in the academy was already strong enough, but when she saw Belen’s sword to the black dragon Later, she realized that she, a student, had become stronger!

Demigod domain, magic dimension.

That was a level that Antrina knew but had not touched. Although she didn't care, because she was already strong enough, she didn't expect Belen to enter that area.


In this regard, Belen is not good at responding to anything. He has always been unable to bear the praise of people around him, because he always feels a little ashamed.

"Then back to the subject."

Antelina thought of the black dragon, and her smile faded a lot. She said, "Although it may be its instinct to suck life, the more it sucks, the stronger and stronger it will become. It will endanger the world."

Belen frowned slightly when he heard the words, the black dragon's aura was too filthy and evil, and if it was allowed to suck the lifeless energy like this, it would definitely cause problems in the end.

"Especially at the end of the war in the past few years, countless strong people have died, and it has sucked more and more dead energy. It is already much stronger than it was a hundred years ago."

Antelina recalled the scene where she met the black dragon for the first time. At that time, she could still fight the latter and couldn't take care of herself. Now, it's really hard to say.

"So, as soon as it appeared, I had the idea to kill it. After all, you were there, but if you think about it, you can forget it." Antelina spread her hands.

"No wonder that black dragon finally stopped."

Hearing what Antelina said, Belem knew why the black dragon stopped at that time. Because Antrina was there, and with him, even the black dragon was not sure that he could handle it, so he didn't fight. And retreat.

"Why don't you do it?" Belen was a little confused.

Antelina said with a smile, "Even if it will become a huge disaster in the end, why do I have to fight it? Leave it to others!"

Ah, yeah, this guy is such a person.

Belen twitched the corners of his mouth, he shook his head helplessly, thinking carefully about his dislike of participating in disputes, he learned from this guy.

Soon, the three of them came to the medical center. Antrina came for the first time, so Lumia helped to take the registration, so Belen took the lead to the ward where Al was, when the door was opened. For a moment, Belen was stunned, because there was a man sitting beside Al's bed.

Kay, Kayel?

Seeing a person who is said to have died unexpectedly appeared here, Belen was also stunned for a while. At this time, Al's gaze came over, her face was smiling with joy. As for the reason for being happy, Obviously because of the fact that Kayel is not dead yet.


Hearing Al’s name calling out, Kayel sitting there also turned his head. His eyes locked on the white-haired man for an instant. The two looked at each other for a while, then Kayel stood up and walked towards it. Belem.

The two men looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little silent for a while, but this time, Al was not worried that the two would quarrel, so her smile did not change.

Belen looked at the man in front of him, and then the first one said: "This time, thanks to you."

If Kayel hadn't helped to stop the "natural disaster", maybe Al and the others had already had an accident, so because of this incident, he would no longer be prejudiced against the man in front of him.

Hearing what Belen said, Kayel was also startled, and then he grinned with a smile on his face. He said seriously: "Thank you for saving Al too."

He had already heard of what happened on the battlefield, and today he learned from Al’s mouth that Belen had saved her, so he was also willing to temporarily abandon the past.

Belem shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "This is what I should do."

"Al! Where are you?"

At this time, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside the door. Everyone looked at it, and saw an elf woman in a blue and white dress coming in. The moment she walked into Al’s sight, Ai Er screamed immediately.

"you you you you..."

"What are you?"

Antrina walked helplessly in front of Al, and then stretched out her hand to pinch the girl’s cheek and pulled it back and forth. She said helplessly: "Why are you just like him, can't you show respect? The students called out their names, but one of them couldn't even say my name! Are you trying to piss me off?"

"I'm wrong!"

After the girl apologized, Antrina retracted her hand, and then saw the chair beside her, so she sat up with a smile, she suddenly noticed Kayel, and then smiled and said hello.

"Yo, boy, you are here too."

"En, benefactor?" Kayel also stared at the elf woman blankly.

When they heard Kayel's name, everyone's eyes swept back and forth on Kayel and Antelina. How could they become benefactors all at once?

"Antelina, do you know him?" Belen looked at Antelina curiously.

"It's okay to call my mother! Even though I feel I'm old." Antelina was unhappy when she heard Belen calling her by name again, and then began to explain the reason.

It turned out that after Kayel caused the terrain disaster, he was buried in a large snowdrift. After he tried his last bit of strength to climb out, he lost the ability to move, and then he felt the magic remaining here. Trina found him and rescued him. Kayel, who almost died of excessive consumption of magic power, also survived because of Antrina’s help, but it took several days to restore the magic. , Although he has not recovered now, it does not hinder his daily actions.

After learning everything, everyone explained the relationship between themselves and others. After learning the identity of Antelina, both Zella and Kayel opened their eyes. This woman is actually the legendary one. A "Juggernaut"!Also, Belem's teacher!?

Chapter 545: "The White-Haired Sword Saint"

This ward is actually bigger than expected, because after learning about Al’s severe damage, Jagil immediately prepared the most luxurious ward in the medical center. The environment here is not comparable to an ordinary ward, because it is The only ward in the tallest building, and only this room.

Both Kayel and Zela were very surprised that Belen was actually a student of "Swordmaster". It is no wonder that his kendo is so strong, after all, he is a disciple of "Swordmaster".

At this moment, everyone is sitting on chairs or sofas. At this moment, there are a few more people here, such as the commander-in-chief of Sadomali Jagil, the general of the imperial army, and some officials.

When everyone learned that the elven beauty who appeared from nowhere was the legendary "Sword Saint", they were all surprised. Although they had heard of the name of "Sword Saint", they had never seen it with their own eyes.

It turned out that, as in the rumors, the Sword Saint of the Elf Race was really a pretty and incompetent woman.

When Antelina talked about the annihilated queen in the depths of the Demon King Army’s barracks, everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, the Demon King Army had such an ultimate killer.

To know that the demon warlords are so powerful, how strong will the four demon kings, who are above all the demon warlords, be?

The general of the Imperial Army wanted to measure his combat power, so he asked curiously, "Master Sword, are you not even the opponent of the King of Annihilation?"

"It's hard to say, I haven't battled those guys to the death, but they are very powerful guys." Antelina said, rubbing her white chin.

When everyone heard this, they were all very nervous. You must know that there was an ice maiden with ice mourning and "natural disasters" at the time, and the black dragon, if it wasn't for a "sword saint" to drag the King of Annihilation there. , I'm afraid even Belem can't stop them, right?

Immediately afterwards, Al told all the high-level personnel present about Gilt's rebellion. As long as they knew the news, Gilt could not slander her even if he returned to the Holy See first.


When Al thought of the injuries suffered by the three of them, she couldn't help but clenched her fists, a little anger appeared in her heart, almost, almost all three of them would not be able to return, and all of this, It was all caused by Geert!

Seeing Al's look, Belen also pursed his mouth. He knew what the girl was upset about, and he was the same. If he met that guy, it would not be as simple as letting him die.

Immediately afterwards, Jagil left with the officers. They still had a lot of things to do. When they left, they also solemnly expressed their heartfelt thanks to Belén and others. If it were not for them, this war Can't take it down!

In the war in the Northwest Territories, they lost countless soldiers. Whether it was at the beginning or now, although it is the battle zone with the least number of demon kings in all the battle zones, they have also experienced hardships because they did not have the help of the coalition forces.

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