Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 540

Gadri didn't understand Belen's meaning, and at this moment, he looked behind Belen, then sneered back and sat back in his position.

Just when Belen was puzzled, a hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder, his face suddenly stiffened, and then there was a smile in his ear.

"Am I fierce?"

Belen shook his head quickly and shouted: "No, no, I'm just kidding."

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Belen was so flustered. No matter how much this guy is now a "white-haired swordsman," would he be nervous and afraid?

Antrina slapped Belen on the head unceremoniously, just like when she taught this guy a lesson when she was a child, and then smiled and looked at Gardre and the others.

"Hello, I am Belém's foster mother."

Raise, foster mother!?

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and they never expected to get such an answer. For a moment, they thought it was a joke, but they were stunned when they saw Belém's awkward look.

Feeling the strange gazes of everyone, Belen also looked back at them, then raised his hand and scratched his cheek, he said helplessly: "Don't look at it, it's correct."

"What's the name is right?" Antelina stretched out her hand to squeeze Belen's face, and then said with a smile: "Isn't this what you said when you introduced me to Rumia?"

Belen turned his head away, not looking at the woman's joking smile, he couldn't refute anything, then he sighed and nodded to Gardre and the others.

Immediately afterwards, Ant Lena introduced herself: "My name is Ant Lena. I am the teacher and foster mother of this kid. I have heard about everyone. Thank you for taking care of him over the past six months."

"No, no, no, it's not so much that we take care of Belem, it's that we are taken care of." Lucy suddenly responded at this time, she knew this very well.

"Antelina? Teacher?"

At this moment, Gadri frowned suddenly. He vaguely felt that the name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere. But the next moment, his mind flashed, and he remembered the woman before. Calling herself Belém's teacher and foster mother.


Gadri's heart suddenly burst, he swallowed, and then looked at Antrina, he asked a little nervously: "Um, may I ask, are you the Juggernaut?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard what Gardre said, and then everyone's hearts resonated, as if they had thought of something, and then looked at the woman with long golden and green hair at the same time.

Difficult, is it!?

Antelina smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, I am the "Juggernaut"."

Sure enough!?

Everyone's eyes widened. If you think about it carefully, the legendary "Sword Saint" is a woman from the Elf race, and the name is Antrina!Full name Antolina Grisdoven!

Is Belen actually a student of "Juggernaut"?!

Now that they know the relationship between the two, everyone is surprised. Although Belen is now dubbed the "White-haired Sword Saint", there is still a gap between the name of the "Sword Saint" with a long heritage.

But now it's different. The two "sword saints" actually have a master-disciple relationship?If this spreads outside, it will probably cause quite a stir, right?

"That one!"

Suddenly heard Gardre yelling, everyone turned their eyes to the latter, and this big fat man was showing a determined look at the moment, only to hear him yell.

"Master Juggernaut! Can I pursue you!?"


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard what Gardre said. They didn't expect this big fat man to say these things in front of the other "Sword Saint". Why didn't you find this guy so courageous before?

Hearing what Gardre said, Antrina did not laugh at him either, but said with a smile: "Yes, as long as you become stronger than me, I can think about it."

Better than "Sword Saint"?

No, no, it’s harder to look at than climbing to the sky, right?

To become a man of this elven clan "sword saint", it is impossible to be stronger than her, and is there really a man stronger than her in this world?

Just when everyone thought of this, everyone's eyes were looking at Belém on the side. If there is a man in this world who can do this, it is probably this guy, right?

Belen was also stunned when he felt everyone's gaze. He didn't understand what everyone was seeing him doing, and he also noticed Antelina's playful smile.

what's the situation?

PS: It was changed yesterday!I thought I posted it!Sorry!!I make up for it!

Chapter 550: Do they remember him?

For more than a month after the end of the Northwest War, Belen and others stayed in Sadomali and did not leave. The most important reason was that Belen was reluctant to leave because of Al's injury.

If it were an ordinary person, the penetrating injury would have died on the spot long ago, and Al had supported Belen’s arrival, but even if the magic circuit in her body was healed, her physical injury would take a long time to recover. And on this day, Al was able to get out of bed and walk.

At the moment, in the medical center, a young girl is helping herself to walk on crutches. This girl is Al, and Zella is next to her. Her injuries have healed.

At this time, Belen came here. He saw the girl walking on crutches, and walked forward after a slight start, and he came to Al.

"You can walk?"

Al looked at the man in front of him, nodded and said, "It's okay, it just takes some time to get used to it. My body is still a little weak."

"Don't force yourself too much." Belen said like this.

Hearing this, Al responded: "I don't need you to tell me to know."

"Yeah." Belen smiled instead.

Seeing the smiling face of the white-haired boy in front of her, Al also had a heartbeat, then turned her head, her cheeks were a little red, she glanced at Belen again, and then spoke again.

"Have you not left yet?"

Belen shook his head and said, "Your injury is not healed yet, I'm not relieved."

Al's heart beat again, she looked at the white-haired man in front of her, and then blushed and said, "When would you say such a shameful thing?"

"Ah? No, no! I just don't worry about you." Belen also stunned, and then quickly explained, he didn't know what was wrong with his words.

Seeing Belen's incomprehensible look, Al also chuckled, this wooden head, really didn't know whether he wanted him to understand or not.

If it is now, if you...

Will he accept it?

Thinking of this, Al raised his head and looked directly at the blue pupils. Her expression was very serious, and she also slowly opened her mouth at this moment.

Belen looked at those blue-purple eyes, his mind trembled a little for some reason, and the moment he saw Al opened his mouth, his eyes widened unconsciously.

But at this moment, an abrupt voice came from the side.

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