Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 541

"Belen, I..."

"Al, I'm hungry."

Hearing Zela's words, Al also stopped. She turned her head to look at the girl beside her. She was stunned for a while, and then the corner of her mouth twitched slightly. Could this guy be deliberate?

Zela looked at Al directly, she did not avoid the latter's questioning gaze, her meaning was very obvious, but it also made Al very helpless.



"If you want, I will let you speak first."

Hearing Al’s words, Zella blinked, and then faced Belem. She stared at the blue pupils and said without hesitation: “Belen, I like you, let’s get married!”

"What, what!?"


Both Belen and Al opened their eyes wide. The former did not expect that Zella would suddenly come to such a sentence, while the latter did not expect Zella to jump directly to the step of getting married!

Seeing Zela's expression didn't seem to be a joke, but just as Belen was about to reply, he suddenly noticed the gaze from Al, and he coughed dryly.

"Hug, sorry Zella, I don't have that plan yet."

Hearing his reply, Zella also blinked, then nodded, she said: "If you have this plan, please consider me."

So, before Belen could say anything, Al hurriedly said: "Ze, Zella, aren't you hungry? Let's go eat something!"


Belen followed the second daughter to the canteen of the medical center, but he had already eaten, so he could only sit and watch the second daughter eat.

Al was also a little uncomfortable being stared at by Belen, so she found a topic, and she asked, "Where is Antrina? You won't run to drink again?"

"Well, I went to Socia." Belen said like this.

Hearing this, Al was also startled, and curiously asked: "She has also come to Sadomali?" She remembered that Socia's tavern should be in Futantis.

"When we came to Sadomali, she followed." Belen said like this, but then he asked a little worriedly: "You won't trouble her anymore?"

Hearing Belen's question, Al just glanced at him, and she said: "If she does anything unruly, I will solve her personally."

When he got this answer, Belen also smiled slightly, then responded softly, and continued to look at the girl in front of him eating, Al felt a little embarrassed and continued to look for topics in his head.

"Ah, yes, yes! Will you go back to Latier and the others?"

Seeing Al's question about this, Belen's brows also trembled slightly. He pursed his lips. After a while, he replied, "I don't know either."

Hearing this answer that is not an answer, Al also glanced at Belen. She knew that the latter still couldn't let go of the girls, but what made him hold back and leave them?

"If you can't let it go, then go find them." Al said like this while eating. She didn't know if what she said was reasonable, but if it were her, she would definitely do it.

Hearing Al's words, Belen was also stunned, and then he was silent, his eyes drooping, if you think about it, it has been almost a year since he left them.

During this year, did Latier and the others live well in Hill's house?They are all good children, and they must be able to integrate into that family easily, right?

My original intention was to make them live better, and I couldn't give them that kind of life anymore. Besides, he didn't know how much time he had left, he didn't know how much time he had left, and he might leave this one day. The world.

He didn't want to walk so suddenly in front of his family, it would be very sad.

It's almost a year...

The snow in Sadomali is getting bigger and bigger, maybe it's the season of life?Has it started to snow in the imperial capital?Did they dress well?Does Ratis go to school well?Is Laiya already home?

There are so many things that Belen cares about, he wants to know, but he can't.

If they have adapted to that kind of life, will they still accept themselves?Since such a long time has been spent by himself, then there is no need for him.

He cannot forget them.

What about them?

Chapter 551: Follow Al

Because of the fall of Alexandria, the position of the commander-in-chief of the coalition command was vacant, and major decisions made in many areas were incorrect, which led to the coalition's defeat in the fight against the Demon King Army.

But fortunately, after "The Brave" Sisia cut off the King of Kong's arm, the "Great Sage" came to the headquarters to take the position of commander-in-chief instead of Alexander. You must know that the "Great Sage" is also extraordinary. His strategy used to be an occasional staff member to solve problems, but now he has to take over the important task.

With the help of the "Great Sage", the coalition forces once again regained their momentum and fought a few beautiful battles, all of a sudden to make up for their huge disadvantages.

After losing one of the pillars, the pressure on the main forces increased. After stabilizing the situation, the coalition forces did not continue the fight. They needed time to make up for the loss.

Therefore, after retreating to the position, both sides began to enter the rectification period, but they did not dare to be careless, and no one knew when the other party would suddenly launch an attack.

For a period of time, no large-scale war will break out for the time being.

And in this short period of time, in Sadomali in the northwest region, Al’s injury has almost recovered, but Al still needs to adapt to the magic circuits in his body repaired by Belen, so for a while There is no way to use all of his power.

At this moment, Belen was following Al. He was afraid that the girl in front of him would suddenly fall with a soft foot, because the latter did not wrestle in the past two days, but he was frightened.

"Al, you go slowly."

"I won't fall again!"

Hearing what Belen said, Al was also a little upset. She turned her head and gave the former a blank look, and then complained: "Isn't it the same as before?"

"No, no, I'm just afraid you fell." Belen explained.

"So, isn't this the same as before!? Don't think of me as a kid!" Al was very upset about this, and he obviously wouldn't be like this anymore, but now it's back!

After saying so many things that are easy to misunderstand, do you still think of yourself as a child?!

Belen blinked, then smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Al's head. He said, "Okay, okay, hurry up, I'm leaving today."

Feeling the hand on his head, Al also puffed up her cheeks in anger, but after seeing Belen's smiling face, she also sighed, and she raised her hand and took the palm away.

"Can you stop treating me like a kid?"

Belen was startled when he heard the words, and then said, "I didn't treat Al as a child."

"Then what do you think of me?" Al stared into Belen's eyes, her expression was very calm, there was an urgent emotion in her eyes, she seemed to have the answer she wanted.

"What? Of course it's blue..." Belen just wanted to say "childhood sweetheart", but when he saw Al's look, he was stunned, so he was silent for a while, as if thinking, for a short while After that, he gave the answer.

"Of course it's family!"

After getting this answer, Al showed a helpless look again. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her. The answer given by this guy really made her unable to give birth.

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