Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 542

After leaving the medical center, Belen and Al came to Socia's tavern, and in the tavern, everyone from the Silverbird Adventure Group, Lumia and Antrina were all here.

"Continued Cup!"

Familiar voices came into the ears of Belen and Al. When they walked into the tavern, they found an elf beauty with long golden and green hair holding up a drink glass.


Seeing Antelina drinking, Al immediately murmured from the side. Antelina had been particularly fond of drinking before, so Al liked to call Antelina a drunkard.

Hearing this voice, Antrina also turned her head and smiled when she saw the girl. She said: "Al? Ah, you are discharged from the hospital! Come on, have a drink with me!"

"Just don't drink."

"Eh!? Don't! Have two glasses together! Socia's wine tastes great!" Antelina shouted again, and then smiled and took the glass from Socia.

El glanced at Antelina, and then sat aside. Her injury was just right. She had no intention of drinking, so she naturally asked Socia for a glass of water, but the latter did not refuse.

It used to be Al chasing Socia, but now it seems to have been relieved.

"I'm going back to the Holy See today." Al took a sip of water, and then said to Antrina.

For Antelina, she has a very deep affection like Belem. Although she is different from Belem, she has also been taken care of by Antelina since she was a child. Almost all the happy memories of her childhood are with Antelie Na can't get rid of the relationship, so she also has a feeling for Antelina.

She is also Al's family, and it is also a very disappointing and sad thing for her to be separated from the long-lost family again.

"I know." Antelina responded with a smile, then glanced at Belem, and she said again: "Didn't Belen tell you? We will accompany you back."


Al was stunned, and then looked at Belén blankly. She asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I can't finish it now." Belen smiled slightly, then looked at the people of Silver Bird, he said: "We have been in the northwest for a long time, and it is time to leave, and everyone has never been to the Holy See, so I thought Go take a look."

The headquarters of the Holy See is located in the northern area of ​​Florence. According to the itinerary, if hurry up, it will take about a month to get from here to there.

The members of the Silver Bird Adventure Group are indeed somewhat interested in the Holy See, but the main reason is still because of Belem, the latter is really worried about Al.

Because the "natural disaster" knew that Al was not dead, although he didn't know whether it was necessary or unnecessary for them, Belem still wanted to send Al back to the Holy See safely. As long as he returned there, Al would be safe.

Immediately afterwards, Belen smiled again and said: "Of course, I am also very interested in the places where Al has been in these years. If possible, please take me to visit, okay?"

Al was also stunned when she heard that, and then the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, revealing a touching smile, she nodded slightly, and said, "Of course."

Lu Mia on the side looked sullenly at the two of them happily, then pinched her nose, drank a whole glass of blue wine, and coughed dryly.

Okay, so choking!

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Two: Only if I say, do you know?

Because the Silver Bird Adventure Group had a lot of empty trucks, Lucy gave Zella and Al a room, and Kayère was with Gardre and others, and Belem’s truck followed.

After they arrived at the gate of Sadomali, Jagil came to see off many soldiers. For them, if it were not for Belem, this war in the Northwest might not have been won, and it might even be many. The first one to lose in the war zone.

"Master Juggernaut, go well!"

"thank you for the help!"

When the commercial vehicle was leaving, Belen could still hear the sound coming from behind, while Antlerina smiled at the man beside him, and then showed a melancholy expression.

"This Juggernaut must be called to you. It seems that I am going to retire too."

Belen glanced at her, and then said helplessly: "What are you feeling melancholy?" He didn't feel anything about being dubbed the "White-Haired Sword Saint".

Suddenly he raised his reputation and status to the same status as Antrina, which made him a little uncomfortable and even uncomfortable.

Obviously Antelina is her teacher.

Seeing Belém's strange expression, Antelina also looked like a curious baby. She asked: "What are you thinking? Or, I guess?"

"Forget it, don't guess."

Belen shook her head. Every time she asked Antelina to guess, she guessed very accurately. To prevent her from knowing what she was thinking, it was better not to let her guess.


Antelina seemed to have thought of something. She looked at Belem and said mysteriously: "You'd better go and see Lumia, she seems to be in a bad mood."

"In a bad mood? Why?" Belen was stunned.

Antelina on the side thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Probably the reason why you are always together with Al Tired these days, you'd better go with her."

"That's it."

Belem suddenly jumped onto the eaves of the commercial car, then opened the door from the back and walked in. The girl who looked at the storybook on the bedside caught his eye.

The moment he opened the door, the girl turned her gaze to this side, glanced at the blue pupils, and then set her gaze on the book again.

Seeing the girl's behavior, Belen was also a little embarrassed. He coughed dryly, and then walked into the house. He tentatively asked: "Rumia? Are you busy?"

Obviously it is not busy.

Lumia didn't go to see Belen, her eyes kept on the book, but she seemed a little absent-minded, she said flatly, "Is there anything wrong with me?"

This, this seems really angry!

Belen swallowed, and then said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong, that is, I just want to come and chat with you... or something."

"Oh, then you'd better go and chat with Al, I still have to read a book." Lumia responded flatly without looking up at Belen.

Seeing that Lumia didn't seem to have the intention to talk to herself, Belen was also a little helpless. He walked over to the bed and sat down and was silent for a while before speaking.

"Then what, Lumia, are you a little lonely?"

Rumia didn't immediately reply when she heard Belem's words. Her hand trembling with the book, then raised her head to look at Belem. She said, "No."

Despite this answer, Belen still said: "Sorry, I haven't been with you these days, but please forgive me, because Al has encountered something like that..."

"I know."

Lumia replied that it was because she knew that she didn't bother Belen all the time, but let him and Al be alone.

Hearing Lu Mia's words, Belen also pursed his mouth. He knew very well that for Lu Mia, he might be her only family member, and he still had a lot of them.

So, Belen stood up, and then came to the bed, reached out and grabbed Lu Mia's wrist, then pulled her towards herself, and embraced the astonished girl in her arms.

"Sorry, I am too stupid." The boy whispered softly into the girl's ears.

Lumia lay down in Belen's arms with a look of astonishment. After a while, she put her ears on Belen's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

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