Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 543


The girl did not excuse herself. As Belen said, she was indeed lonely.

After a while, Belen let go of his hand and smiled at the girl. He said, "Whether you are hungry or want to chat, if I don't find out, please tell me that I'm a fool. If you don't say it, I won't know."


Lumia answered softly, then raised her head to look at Belen, her cheeks flushed slightly, she asked softly: "You only know if I say it?"

"Of course." Belen nodded.

Hearing this, Lumia also smiled, and then hooked Belen's neck with her hands and pulled on the bed. The distance between the two was shortened countless times.

"Lu, Lumia?"

Seeing the delicate facial features in front of him, Belen also opened his eyes wide. He didn't know which Lumia was playing, but this distance seemed a little unfavorable?

Lumia looked at the person in front of her and smiled and said, "Do you understand that?"

"What, what do you mean?" Belen swallowed, and then his neck sank again. Lumia pulled her closer to him again. He was struggling to support the bed with his hands to prevent himself. Go down.

"Don't, don't play, it's almost noon, it's time to cook!" Belem suddenly yelled out in a panic, this joke can't be made!


At this time, a voice came from the window beside him, Lumia and Belen both looked over, and what caught the eye was Antrina's smiley expression, and the two immediately froze.

Looking at the two, Antelina said with a smile: "I said, it's only daytime now, isn't it too rush? Or wait till night?"


The two separated in an instant, Lumia buried her head in the bedding with a blushing face. She had just made such a shameful act, and she also let Antrina see it!

Why is there a feeling of meeting parents?

After all, Antrina is Belém's adoptive mother.

Belen got up quickly, and then gave a dry cough. He looked at the girl who had buried his head in the bedding, and shook his head helplessly. What is this kid thinking about?

But the atmosphere was really embarrassing, Belen stood up, then opened the door and jumped onto the top of the commercial car, and then returned to Antrina.

Seeing the boy coming back, Antelina said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you are quite proactive, but you must also pay attention to the time. Even if you can't help it, you have to close the curtains."

"It does not make sense!"

Chapter 553: Answers that still care about

On the way back to the Holy See, Belen and others also had a rest halfway, and he also saw Al and Kayère who were smiling and chatting, his heart trembled slightly, even now, he still couldn't feel it. Peaceful.

At this time, Al, who was facing this side, also noticed Belen's gaze. She looked at this side. The eyes of the two were in contact in the air. She blinked, while Belen withdrew his gaze.

Seeing this scene, Al was also stunned, and at this moment, Kayel on the side suddenly called her, so he turned around and continued the topic.

Belen glanced again in Al's direction, and then withdrew his gaze. He stood up, and then returned to the commercial car. He was lying on the bed, thinking about something in his mind.

After thinking about it carefully, after saving Al back until she recovered, Belen did not ask her about the night when the meteor shower fell.

Did she agree, or did she not agree?

During the time that Kayère died, Al can be said to be extremely sad. Although Belen was asleep in the past few days, she learned about Al’s condition from Lumia, and she was even sad and frustrated. Can't eat anything.

Obviously, Al cares about Kayel.

After Kayel returned, it was also very obvious that Al was in a much better mood. Although this is not incomprehensible, it can also explain this point more.


Belen thought of this possibility, his expression was very calm, but his eyes were slightly rippling, if that was the case, he could no longer make what he thought was a "childhood boy" temper.

Be calm and look at this matter calmly. After all, Al also has her way to go, her life to go, and he can't be bound by him.

In general, it's just that the mood is a bit complicated.

Yes, it's just a little uncomfortable.

After comforting himself, Belen's mood also improved a lot. In the evening, he was able to calmly go to help everyone cook dinner, because Lumia took the little wolf cub out to play, so he needed him for dinner. To solve it.

However, it suddenly rained in the sky, so Gardre and others were called out to help build the big tent. After all, the food was still to be eaten.

Belen began to cook, and in the middle of the process, a figure suddenly came in from the side. This person is Al, with her hands behind her back, with long ponytails, and surprisingly she didn’t wear a priest’s costume but changed it. She was dressed in a simple white dress, and she was a pretty girl.

Seeing Al came here, Belen was also startled. After a while, he said, "The meal is not ready yet."

"I'm here to help!" Al said like this, then rolled up her sleeves, walked to Belen's side, and washed her hands first.

Hearing what Al said, Belen was also stunned, and then he smiled and shook his head and said, "No help, it's not a troublesome thing."

"Okay, actually I have something to do!" Al chuckled, then took an ingredient and a kitchen knife. She looked at the ingredients on the chopping board and said, "Actually, I want to make it myself. A meal for Kayel is a small reward."

Do you cook a separate dish for Kayel?

Belen glanced at Al's calm expression, and he said softly: "Since this is the case, what do you want to do? Do you need my help? I'm still good at cooking."

"I know, you are the "God of Cooking", I still know this.Al smiled slightly, and then said: "I knew it a long time ago."

"So you know." Belen was also a little surprised. He thought that Al didn't know about it, although he didn't intend to mention it. After all, in his opinion, it was actually not a big deal.

Al responded softly, and then said, "I want to make a bento meal, but my cooking skills are probably not as good as before, so can you help me?"

"of course can."

Belen agreed without hesitation. Although Al was making a lunch for Kayel, it was a life-saving grace. Besides, he had promised to do everything to satisfy Al.

"Then, start now."

After greeted, Belen mentioned a certain cooking theme, and then immediately began to practice, subconsciously put everyone's food aside, and began to teach Al first.

"Why not even cutting vegetables? It's rusty enough."

Belen glanced at Al's vegetable cutting techniques, then stood behind the girl, opened his arms around her body, then grabbed her hands and started teaching her to chop vegetables.

Seeing the hands holding her own hands, Al couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She lowered her head slightly, as if hiding her blushing face.

Immediately afterwards, Belen began to help Al, and took out some better ingredients. If it was before, even if he was helping Al to cook this dish, he would have a dark belly and make some small things in the ingredients. Hands and feet, but now they are different.

Kayel was the one who saved Al, so he would never be hostile to him no matter what, since it was what Al wanted, then he just had to help to do it.

It took a lot of time to make this dish, but it was finally done. After all, Belen’s help is not related to "bad", but it is definitely not very good, but it is Ai after all. He made it by himself, so no matter how unpalatable it is, Kayel will probably bite the bullet and eat it.

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