Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 547

At this time, a commercial vehicle drove up to be level with Al's commercial vehicle, and there was a fat man and a young man sitting in the commercial vehicle. They were looking excited and still looking forward to their eyes.

"Al! When can I get to the Holy See?"

"Can we really get in?"

Because they are not far from the Holy See, they have this expectation. They want to see more scenery, so they become adventurers. For that incomparably sacred and great temple, there is no shortage of sins. There are people who want to see it.

Seeing the look of the two of them so expectant, Al also smiled, and she replied: "Of course it can, but you have to follow me when the time comes. You can't run around in the Holy See."

"Of course!"

The two responded together.

After that, Al put aside the teacup with the remaining warmth after drinking, her gaze was far away, and she was about to return to the Holy See, and there was also a joy in her heart.

For her, the Holy See is her second home.

As for the first home, it is long gone.

"Hey, Al!"

Suddenly there was a playful voice in his ears. Al turned his head and saw the girl with short black hair jumped down beside her and sat down. She also placed her legs outside the commercial car, and then shook gently, looking in her mood. Very pleasant.

"Lumia, what's the matter?" Al looked curiously at the short-haired girl on the side, and then focused on the little wolf pup in the latter's arms. She vaguely felt that the size of the little wolf pup It seems a bit bigger than before.

The girl's delicate face was carrying a pleasant smile, her left hand was holding the sleeping little wolf pup, and her right hand gently stroked the soft gray-white hair.

"Just want to ask if you are free when you return to the Holy See? Let's go to Eloranya together? I want to visit Latir and the others."

Hearing the girl’s words, Al was also startled. She just remembered that the location of the Holy See is the southern border of the northern region, just above Aloranya, not far apart, and it takes about two or three days to travel. Arrived.

"Does Belen know about this?" Al asked like this. She knew very well that the relationship between Belen and Latier was an inseparable bond even after a year.

Lumia blinked, then sighed and said, "Although he agreed to go together, he does not intend to show up in front of them. If he is worried about showing up, he can't bear to leave.

"He's that kind of person."

Al knows exactly what Belen is like. Although his temperament has become much more cheerful these years, the tenderness rooted in his heart has never changed, but it is not obvious from the past.

"Then, I will go with you when the time comes. I also care about how they are doing now." Al said like this, and the connection between her and everyone was made by Belem.

And she is more concerned about the current situation of Ilia. She already knows a lot about some things about that child. She is probably studying and living in Flozarno Academy now, right?

There is probably no problem.

At this moment, Lumia suddenly thought of something. She asked: "Ah, by the way, Al, people in the Holy See, would you mind my previous...identity?"

Regarding the fact that Lumia was a killer, Al had also learned from Belen, but she didn’t really care about it. After all, even Socia, who was a witch, was no longer alive. Grieved

Rather, El has no sense of disgust for the witch race itself. She doesn't know the reason for this. Maybe her mind can already see more things.

Furthermore, Lu Mia’s past as a killer can be said to be so dark that Al feels heartache. For this girl who can show a happy smile at any time, Al can’t have anything. The emotion of resistance.

Of course, except when in close contact with Belém!

Only this is absolutely resistant!

Back to the topic.

Al thought for a while, and then said, "Although I think those guys might mind, but they don't know about you, so don't care too much."

In Al's opinion, if Belen faced Rumia's problem, he might say something like "Now you, you can face your past with your head high."

"Well, I understand." Lumia responded with a grin.

"By the way Al, I actually have one more thing." Lumia suddenly looked at Al, her expression becoming very serious.

"What's wrong?"

After El saw Lumia's sudden change of expression, her heart jumped and she became a little nervous. Why did she suddenly become serious?

Lumia took a deep breath, and then asked in a deep voice, "Are you dating?"

"Huh?" Al opened his eyes wide, looking at the girl in front of him with a confused look, and then asked: "What are you talking about? Associate? With whom?"

"Belén! After he came back that night, his mood became super good!" At this point, Lumia squashed her mouth and lowered her head pitifully.

If this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a blow to her.

"Where is it!" Al chuckled, then stretched out his hand to squeeze Lumia's cheek, then smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? It was just a chat about other things that day."

"That's it..." Lumia looked at Al, who didn't feel like hiding her from her, so she was also relieved, and then looked at the girl questioningly.

"Then you don't want to confess?"

"Wh, what!?" Al was choked by his saliva instantly.

Lumia blinked, and then with a strong jealous taste, she said to herself: "According to my reasoning, the person Belen wants to get married most is Al you."

No, no, so this is just your reasoning!

Chapter 558: Hislant, Holy See


This is the name of the most magnificent city in the north, and it is also the location where the Holy See stands. After more than a month, Belém and others finally arrived in this city.

"This is Hislant?"

Everyone who came to Hislant for the first time had their eyes wide open. The prosperity here was no worse than that of the capital, Eloranya, and it might even be a bit more prosperous.

Probably this is because of the Holy See. It is a sacred temple with a history longer than the empire. It is not too surprising that it can be so rich here.

The commercial vehicle came to Hislant, and many people jumped out of the commercial vehicle and walked on the street, while Gadri's gaze suddenly locked on the towering tower in the distance.

"What's that tower?"

Hearing someone questioning, Kayel beside that person also smiled and said: "That is the Heavenly Elephant Tower of the Holy See. It has the ability to change the weather on this side, and it seems to be engraved with some kind of huge magic circle. But I don't know this very well. Even the ice witch attacked here, it didn't activate any magic circle."

After hearing this, everyone looked at the huge "Tower of Heaven" in the distance. The shadow of the Holy See has not yet been seen, but the tower standing in it is very attractive.

"came back."

Looking at the "Tower of the Elephant of the Sky," Al also sighed. Although he had only been out for less than four months this time, he felt as long as a year or two.

On the commercial vehicle, Belem’s gaze also looked at the tower. It was the first time he came to Hislant. Although he had wanted to come to see what the headquarters of the Holy See was like, it was because of the girl, so let’s not say it The headquarters of the Holy See is now, and even ordinary churches are intentionally avoided.

"The Holy See?"

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