Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 548

Belen looked at the huge tower, where the Holy See was. Although he had always been curious about this temple that had not been ruined for hundreds of years, he did not have any awe.

Because of the intersection with the Holy See, at first it was only Al, and later Kayel and the others, but it was also limited to this. The Holy See was an extremely large and mysterious organization for him.

Today, take a look at this behemoth.

After arriving at Hislant, Al led the way. They passed several streets and then came to the south of Hislant. Before everyone came to the gate of the Holy See, the gate was twenty meters high. It gives people a huge sense of oppression, with countless golden patterns on it, beautiful and very sacred.

In front of the gate, there were four warriors in golden armor standing there, motionless like statues, and even an inaccessible power.

Gardre couldn't help muttering to himself: "The four people seem to be very powerful."

Everyone nodded secretly. Probably these four people were not the strong ones they could contend with. Sure enough, the Holy See was also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Immediately afterwards, Al walked forward, as if he had taken out something, and said something after showing it to one of the four, and then the door opened.

When everyone passed the gate, they found that the four of them didn't look at them. They didn't seem to care at all. This is a bit strange, is it really a statue?

After entering the gate, Al also knew the doubts of the people before, so she explained: "Although the four people are the guards, they are very powerful, and they are not weaker than our arbitrators."

Indeed, everyone was still a little concerned about the four people outside. After hearing Al's words, everyone remembered something, and they looked at the priest girl standing aside.

Lucy on the side also smiled and said: "It's hard to imagine that a girl like Al would be the arbitrator of the Holy See. Thinking about it now, it's really scary."

Hearing these words, Al trembled slightly. She turned her head to look at Lucy, and then showed a shy smile on her face. She stretched out her index finger and scratched her cheek.

"Then what... I'm 22 years old. I really don't dare to be a girl or something."


When they heard this, everyone opened their eyes and looked at the girl. Yes, it was the girl. She obviously looked like Lumia. Is that 22 years old?

Seeing that everyone was so shocked, Belem was puzzled and said, "Didn't I say it before? Al and I are childhood sweethearts, what do you think?"

"No, no, no one said that childhood sweethearts must be the same age!" Gardre called out, and he could hardly imagine Al was already 22 years old.

Belen grabbed his hair, then blinked, as if he was saying this, he smiled awkwardly, he didn't expect that everyone would think Al was so young, even though Twenty-Two was also very young.

Even Lumia is looking at Al at this moment. She always thought that the latter was about the same age as her, but she didn't expect that she was a little older than herself. She seemed to be thinking about something right now and pinched her face .

"Al, it's amazing."

Hearing Lumia's murmur, Al also looked at the girl helplessly. She said, "Could it be that you even Lumia..."

"Actually, it doesn't matter! It looks good to be young! If I reach twenty years old, I probably won't look like a girl anymore."

Lumia who said this also raised her hand and kneaded her short hair. She wondered, has she become more and more like a boy recently?

Everyone grinned, how terrible does this girl think of being twenty?

Aier chuckled when she heard that, she said: "Lumia is so pretty, so she won't be like you said, don't be so pessimistic.

Even Belem was amused by Lumia's words. He smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the girl's head. He also said: "Lumia is so beautiful, even if she is thirty years old, nothing will change."

"Liar, how could there be no change at the age of thirty!" Lumia snorted.

Everyone laughed. After a while, they were attracted by the huge golden palace in front of them. The people around were all wearing priests' uniforms, and the clothes they wore seemed a bit conspicuous here. .

The priests who came and went were all curiously looking at the group of people, and some of the people who were close to him slightly nodded to Al as a gesture of courtesy. Al, as a military arbitrator, was very famous here.

"Then, you can just stroll around here. Don't get too far away. I'm going to report something." Al thought for a while, and then looked at Belem, she said, "Can you and me please Shall we go together? If you come to testify about certain things, I will be much easier."

Belem agreed without hesitation: "Of course it can."

Chapter 559: Conference of the Holy See

In the glorious golden temple, the priest girl Al was walking ahead, and Belen was following her. While he was looking around, many people looked at him.

Who is the white-haired man following the "Eye of Thunder"?

There are even many nuns looking at Belém. If you change to the old one, there is probably no such attraction, but he has a different temperament with his white hair, and it is easy to attract people’s attention. .

"Okay, so handsome."

When passing by Belen and Al, a nun's eyes were slightly enlarged when she saw the former, and then she subconsciously sighed.

Hearing this, Al also frowned slightly, then turned his head and glanced at the white-haired man scratching his cheek behind him with a little shame.

"Are you very happy?"

"Open, what are you happy about?"


Al snorted, then turned around and continued to walk forward.Sure enough, the previous Belem is better, at least not so many people pay attention to him, but now, it seems that this is gradually changing.

Then, in the central hall of the Holy See, Al met an unexpected person, and this person surprised Belen because he had only heard of it, but had never seen it.

In front of Al, there is a woman in a white robe decorated with gold threads. She is very young, probably only in her twenties, and her beautiful face can even make people feel dazed for a moment, her eyes It can be said to be clearer than clear water, and there is a small cherry-like mouth under the bridge of your nose, which makes you want to kiss Fangze. The body is slender and taller than Al.

"My Lord Saint."

Al bowed slightly to salute the beautiful woman in front of him, and then said the appellation that shocked Belen on the side. It turned out that the girl in front of him was the Holy See!?

"Al, you are back, has your injury healed?"

For Al, the saint is called by her name. The smile and soft voice at this moment are enough to make people feel unparalleled affinity.

"Well, it's almost healed." Al said with a slight nod.

The saint also smiled with relief, and then her eyes fell on the white-haired man who was looking at her. She curiously asked, "Is this Al your friend?"

"Yeah." Al nodded, then pulled Labellen's sleeves, motioning for the latter to make a gesture.

Belen was also aware, and then looked at the saint of the Holy See in front of him, he introduced himself: "Master Saint, I am a commoner, Belen Grean." He said that he bowed slightly to salute.

Belém is no exception to salute the Holy See, who is far more honorable than the nobles or even the Grand Duke. You must know that the saint and the pope are noble figures in the same position.

Upon hearing Belen’s self-introduction, the priests and nuns behind the saint looked at the white-haired man curiously, thinking that as a friend of "Eye of Thunder", his identity was at least not too great. It's over ordinary, but I didn't expect it to be just ordinary civilians?

"Hello there."

The saint nodded slightly, even if she was a commoner, she treated her with a polite smile. Then, she looked at Al, and said, "It just so happens that I'm going to the meeting, right?"

"Okay, Master Saint." Al replied, and then pulling Belen's sleeve, she said, "I want to take him in with him, because there are some things that need him to explain."

After hearing the words, the saint glanced at Belen with some curiosity, then nodded, then turned and walked towards the meeting room, Al and Belen following behind.

In front of the conference room door, the priests and nuns all stopped and stood at the door. They were not qualified and necessary to enter the conference room.

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