Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 549

The door opened, and Belém followed the two into the meeting room. What you saw was a huge round table. At this moment, there were many people wearing different priests’ costumes sitting in positions, and when the three of them entered At that moment, everyone stood up and bowed to the saint.

After the saint nodded, everyone sat down again, and then they swept their gazes over Al, and finally settled on Belén, who was not a member of the Holy See, with doubts and curiosity in their eyes.

The only head of the round table was seated by the saint, and this also made Belem a little curious. It seems that the Pope of the Holy See did not participate in this meeting.

Al sat on a seat, and found that there was no more seat for Belem, so he looked at the nun who was pouring tea.

"Thank you for another chair. My friend also needs a seat."

"and many more!"

When Al finished saying this, another abrupt voice came from the side. The girl frowned. A middle-aged priest with scum was sitting in a seat looking at this side, his hands together, his chin Put it on the back of his hand, only to hear him speak again.

"Before I let this person sit down, I want to know the identity of this person, so please introduce yourself."

Everyone’s eyes converged on Belem at this moment. Indeed, the identity of the white-haired man who entered the meeting room with the saint and the "Eye of Thunder", they are also very concerned, if it is an ordinary character , It should be ineligible to enter here, let alone to have a seat.

Belen looked at the middle-aged priest and said calmly: "I am not a noble class, nor an organizer, just an ordinary vagrant businessman, a commoner."


The answer that surprised everyone, and because of this, the middle-aged priest frowned. He solemnly said: "Why can a civilian enter the meeting room?"

The saint did not speak, but looked at Al, and the latter also spoke at this moment: "Because he is the key to victory in the Northwest Theater, he has a lot of information here."

"The key to victory? Haha, what does a commoner do?" The eyes of the middle-aged priest were joking, which was extremely absurd to him.

Just when Al frowned and wanted to blurt out Belen’s identity, a light and shadow walked out behind the round table. His whole body was covered with radiance. He couldn’t see the figure of this person, sacred and mysterious, and he was at this moment. Spoke up.

"Because, this man is a "white-haired swordsman" who suddenly emerged in the Northwest Theater."

At this moment, Belen looked at the mysterious man covered in radiance, the dark blue pupils were glowing with a faint brilliance, and the mysterious demigod eyes seemed to be able to see through the hidden figure of the latter. .

However, this mysterious person covered in radiance did not retreat in the slightest. There was also a ray of brilliance from the eyes on his face. They were a pair of eyes engraved with a cross, so holy.

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixtieth: Another unexpected news

Seeing the cross pattern in the other party's eyes, Belen suddenly remembered the mysterious person with the pentagram in his eyes. The other party must have set foot in the semi-god realm, and is this man in front of him too?

"Belen, this is the guardian of the Holy See."

Al's voice heard in his ear, and Belen was also taken aback. It was the first time he heard that there was such a guardian in the Holy See.

"White-haired Sword Saint"?

Hearing this title, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then after casting their eyes on the white-haired man, they were attracted by the snow-white hair color, and they slowly opened their eyes.

In the war in the Northwest Theater, everyone knew about the "White-Haired Sword Saint". In addition to the victory over Ice and Snow, there was also the beheading of twenty-nine demon warlords, which is simply subverting the concept. The fact that, coupled with the incident of Futantis that came out later, actually killed two demon warlords. In sum, the newly-born Sword Saint powerhouse killed 31 demon tribes. Fighter!

""White-haired Sword Saint"?"

Even the middle-aged priest was stunned. Since it was the guardian's mouth, he did not question this point, but was surprised by this fact.

"Go and prepare a seat for Master Juggernaut."

After the mysterious guardian spoke, a priest took a chair and placed it next to Al, and Belen naturally sat down.

After everyone was seated, the Guardian did not ask anyone to prepare a seat for him, but retreated behind the saint, like a shining statue standing there, silent.

Compared with the content of the initial meeting, Belen focused more on the guardian and the saint. Except for the guardian’s ignorance of his vision, the saint felt his gaze. , Looked at it and smiled lightly.

Probably, this is an angel, right?

I don't know why, this saint's Royal Highness gave Belen the feeling like a green lotus in the water, not stained with dust and out of dust, like an angel descending from the sky, beautiful and holy.

When it came to Gilt, Belen also turned his attention back. The first person who spoke was Al. She told about the betrayal of Gilt with Kayel and Zela. clear.

After encountering Ice Grief, the "natural disaster" appeared again, and then understood the fact that Gilt had rebelled. At this point, Al couldn't help clenching his fist.

That bastard...

When Al was gritted his teeth, everyone at the round table condensed their eyes, and one of the old men said: "Before you came back, we had already arrested people who were close to Gilt, but still There are some connections that have not been figured out yet."

Immediately afterwards, it was Albeit Belen who explained the process of his battle with the ice maiden. Now the "natural disaster" can be said to be the number one enemy of the Holy See, because there are several superpowers in the organization that the Holy See has to pay attention to. The strong.

Thinking of the process of his battle with the Ice Witch, Belen's eyes also showed murderous intent. Because of the demon king's army on the battlefield, he finally let the woman run away, which made him very unwilling.

Belen had never wanted to kill a person so much. The Frozen Witch was the first.

Although Al said he would avenge himself, but if Belen really met the woman, he was afraid he could not help but want to kill her.

That was the culprit who almost made him lose his childhood sweetheart!

After Belen finished talking about the whole process of his fight with the Ice Witch, everyone in the Holy See frowned. The Ice and Snow Mantra that the Ice Witch mastered was really incredible.

However, the Guardian turned his head to look at Belen at this moment, and he said flatly: "It seems that the Ice Witch is not your opponent."

This is also a point that everyone is curious about, because according to what we know now, this "white-haired sword saint" seems to have the absolute upper hand in the fight against the ice witch.

Belen glanced at the light and shadow, and then said: "I can't say that. In the end, she didn't choose to fight for my life. Her power should not be underestimated. It is better to overestimate her as much as possible."

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard this, and it should be true. As long as the other party hasn't done everything, then they can't rely on the current situation to judge the other party's limit.

At the end of the meeting, at the moment when it was about to end, Belen, after hesitating for a long time, finally told another thing he knew.

"Actually, there is another person."

Some priests had already got up and were going to leave, but they all stopped after hearing Belen's voice, and then cast their eyes on the "white-haired sword master."

Belen looked at His Royal Highness the highest authority here, and he said in a deep voice: "There is a mysterious person who fought with me. She should be a woman. She is very strong and has a deep connection with the Demon King's army. Probably it has something to do with "natural disasters."

Hearing these words, even Al turned his attention to Belém, with doubts in his eyes, because she had never heard of it from Belém.

But what everyone cares more about than what El is paying attention to is what Belen said. Even the "White Haired Sword Saint" is a strong mysterious person, that must be very strong.

"How strong is it."

This is what the guardian of the Holy See asked.

Belen pondered for a moment, and then said: "You should know the "Demi-God Realm", that is, the realm that touches the magic dimension, and that mysterious person is at least a strong person in this realm."

Demigod Realm!

Everyone present frowned, and their eyes fixed on the white-haired young man. If it was exactly what he said, then that mysterious person really needed extreme guard.

The so-called demigod realm is an existence that has transcended the category of born spirits. It is a guy that can be contended by non-ordinary humans, and the mysterious person mentioned now is likely to be related to the Demon King’s army and the "natural disasters" , This is not a good thing for their Holy See.

The guardian of the Holy See looked at Belem with the eyes engraved with the cross, and he spoke again, his voice as flat as ever, he said: "It seems that you have also stepped into the realm of a demigod."

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