Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 551

Although Antelina was well-informed, not everyone knew everything.

Besides, if that is really the "Devil King", why didn't she show up when she killed so many Demon King's army?Just watched him do it.

He couldn't figure this out anyway.

That mysterious man seems to know him?

This is Belém's feelings all the time, although he thinks it may be his illusion, after all, in his own impression, there is not such a woman...

Suddenly, Belen's eyes gradually widened, and his blue pupils looked at the darkness. In this extremely quiet room, his heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate.

For some reason, he thought of the girl who had been apart for three years.

No, Lilith is a witch, how could she be that mysterious person?She is not that great.

Belen shook his head secretly again, probably because he had been thinking about the girl he knew, so he thought of the girl who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Having said that, where is she now?There has been no news from her all these years.

Thinking of the girl who first met and then parted, Belen pursed her lips, her eyes were like ripples in the water, and the thoughts and sadness in her heart naturally revealed.

Lilith, how are you doing?

Belen leaned his body, leaned his head on his curved arm, and then slowly closed his eyes, as if he could see the girl whom he missed for a long time from the emptiness, and then a silhouette came to his mind. In it, although his eyes were closed, a line of clear tears overflowed.

I miss you so much, my family.

The night black wind was high, and above the Holy See, a black figure suddenly appeared, as if walking out of the dark clouds, it was difficult to be noticed.

The mysterious person in the black robe stepped into the air, and every step of the fall could stir up ripples in the void, but walking in the air but walking on flat ground, it was more surprising than flying.

Under the black robe, a pair of pentagram eyes with gray brilliance swept across the temple of the Holy See and the Heavenly Elephant Tower. She stood there for a long time in the sky, then retracted her gaze and went to the distance. In the end it seemed to find something, which turned into a gray streamer and disappeared.

At this moment, Belen has fallen asleep peacefully. He slept very deeply, because in his dream, he saw the people he had missed for a long time, and he would sleep like this until he woke up naturally.

At this time, the gray streamer arrived and turned into the figure in the black robe. This scene is exactly the same as that of Poggiacorti.

Looking at the sleeping man on the bed, the mysterious woman raised her right hand, and a cloud of gray magic power covered Belen's body like smoke, as if he was sleeping more heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious woman sat on the side of the bed. She looked at the man sleeping sideways, and put her hand on Belen’s side face, her eyes wafting with the imprint of the five-pointed star. It seems to touch some emotions.

"What should I do with you?"

There was endless helplessness in her voice, and then she was silent. She seemed to be hesitating, and then slowly raised her right hand, and the gray magic enveloped the slender jade hand.

"You can't resist me now."

Speaking of extremely cold words, but the hand did not fall for a long time, and then she whispered softly: "As long as I want, now, no, even the first two times, I can make you only belong to me , The obedient slave."

However, the mysterious woman slowly leaned down and lay down beside Belen. The gray magic in her hand disappeared, and then she placed her hand on the man's cheek and gently stroked it.

"But I don't want you like this."

After a while, the closed eyes of the mysterious woman suddenly opened. She sat up, then turned her head and looked out the window, looking out into the starry sky, where there was a light and shadow standing there, with a pair of light wings behind her.

That light and shadow is the guardian of the Holy See.

The mysterious woman stood up slowly, and then looked at Belem. She calmly said: "The next time you stand in front of me soberly, I will let you choose."

Although, I know your answer.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious woman withdrew her gaze. She glanced at the light and shadow in the starry sky, then turned into a gray streamer and disappeared into the room. After a while, she came to the starry sky to face the guardian of the Holy See.

The guardian’s eyes with the cross engraved on it looked at the completely impenetrable black robe in front of him. Because of the strong wind, his figure appeared from the black robe from time to time, and it seemed that the black robe was A woman.

"who are you?"

However, for the guardian's question, the mysterious woman didn't mean to answer at all. She began to exude illusory gray magic power, and the extremely indescribable power seemed to interfere with anything.


When he saw the other party directly squinting his hands, the guardian also squinted his eyes, and then the next moment he was suppressed by a huge magical force. When he fell, he waved his hand and swept away the magical force, breaking the force. , But the next moment I saw that the huge magic circle hit him directly, and directly smashed it out.


The guardian's figure fell several miles away, and didn't stop until it broke countless trees. Because of the distance, the movement was not noticed by too many people.


The majestic magic power began to erupt from the guardian's body. He slowly stood up, and the radiance shrouded in his body gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of a very young youth, probably only in his twenties. There was a solemn look on his extremely handsome face, and he looked at the starry sky.

That figure was gone.

Chapter 563: The most troublesome character ever

In the early morning of the second day, Belem slowly woke up. He felt that he had slept for a long time, because the dream was vague, but very long.

Opening those blue eyes, and then blinking twice, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. After his mind recovered, he stood up, but the next moment he noticed something, he turned his head and looked away. , The eyes suddenly widened.

"You, who are you!?"

On the chair over there, there is a woman with a very outstanding appearance...no, it's a man. Look at this man's official costume on him, it should be a boy, isn't it a woman disguised as a man?

Although there is still such a curiosity, the focus should not be this now, and at this moment, Belen suddenly noticed the cross-engraved eyes of the other party.

This guy is...

Guardian of the Holy See!?

For these eyes, Belém has a deep impression. People with similar eyes in this world, apart from himself, are the only mysterious woman and the guardian of the Holy See in his memory. The imprint is what the latter has.

Seeing Belen looked a little surprised, the guardian man's expression was still calm, and he said flatly: "Did you still hide something from us."

Hearing these words, Belen frowned slightly, and did not understand what the other party meant, so he asked: "What do you mean?"

"Last night, that woman was in your room." The guardian man looked at him calmly, then looked around, his delicate brow furrowed slightly.

After hearing this sentence, Belem opened his eyes immediately. When he saw the look of the guardian, he knew who the "woman" was in the latter's mouth, but how could this be possible!?

"She's here? I didn't notice it!"

Belen was full of disbelief. Since the guardian said that, he didn't think the latter was joking. However, he didn't notice it at all last night. Was he sleeping too heavy?

No, how is this possible?

As a result, his brows wrinkled deeply, and he began to think about the reasons in his mind, but he couldn't find any clues for a long time, which was really incredible.

"She didn't do anything to you, why?" The guardian looked at Belen with a scrutiny gaze. There was no doubt that he was skeptical of the latter.

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