Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 552

Belen is also extremely heavy. What is the other party doing by his side at this time?Is it because you want to split yourself and the Holy See?

"I don't know, this is not the first time."

In the end, he could only give such an answer, because he really didn't know why that mysterious woman didn't shoot him. There must be some reason for this.

The guardian stared at those dark blue eyes, and after staring for a while, he said flatly: "I will respond to Lord Saintess about this matter."

Immediately afterwards, the guardian turned to face the window, and when he was about to leave, Belen suddenly asked curiously.

"Since you have fought her, can't you stop her?"

Hearing this question, the guardian also turned his head to look at Belen, then turned his head and shook his head. He replied: "She is very strong and can't stop it." After speaking, the light wings spread out behind him. , And then fly away.

The simple three words made Belen squinted. He had long believed that the guardian of the Holy See was a strong man who stepped into the semi-god realm, but such a strong man could not stop the mysterious woman.

Could it be that, as he had guessed, does that mysterious woman really have the power above the demigod realm?

Such a character, Belen has only encountered one so far, and that is the "brave" Sisia, who is far away on the battlefield. There is no doubt that she absolutely possesses power beyond the demigod realm.

Apart from Sisia, there is only one Belen can think of, and that is the one mentioned by Antelina, the supreme demon.


Is it really a "devil"?Belen couldn't be sure, he just thought of this existence naturally, but ah, there was a huge doubt in it.

You must know that in the Northwestern War Zone, he personally beheaded countless demon king army and demon warlords, and even the grief of ice and snow that the demon race worked so hard to unblock was killed by him.

Isn't that enough to make the "Devil" angry?On the other hand, it is normal for anyone who knows his own people have been killed in such a way to kill the culprit in a rage.

However, the mysterious woman came to him but did nothing?This is not the first time. Could it be said that that person is not the "Devil King", but is somewhat related to the Demon Race?

I had a lot of thoughts in my mind, but in addition to these, there was another point that I didn't notice the arrival of the other party, which was really weird.

He remembered the time in Poggiacorti. Although he reacted, it was after the other party touched him. Why did he let such a dangerous person approach him?But now, I didn't even notice it at all, and fell asleep. Could it be that the other party used any magic this time?

Belen got up and walked out of the room. He wanted to talk to Al and Antelina about this. After being known by the guardian, he would have to let Al and the arbitrator be Antrina of "Juggernaut" knew about this.

Al woke up early and met Belén on the stairs. When the latter mentioned that "the mysterious man appeared", she put down her breakfast and followed to Antli Na's room, as expected, the latter was still asleep.

"What are you doing! Let the elf not sleep!"

When El rudely awakened Antelina, the Master Swordsman immediately got upset, she hummed a few times, and then after seeing the expressions of the two, her eyes moved slightly.

"what happened?"

After Belen and Al sat down, the former told the second daughter what he had learned from the guardian when he woke up early in the morning. When he finished speaking, both of them were Wei Wei Frown.

That mysterious woman, dare to set foot directly on the headquarters of the Holy See?Moreover, he came to Belem quietly without being noticed by the latter. Even the Guardian could not stop the opponent and let the opponent leave like this.

Unfathomable and unfathomable!

This is how Al and Antelina felt for a moment. Even Antelina, who is a "sword saint", felt an invisible pressure. Is that mysterious person, as she guessed it, was " Devil?

After telling the two of them, Belen was also meditating. Up to now, he still has no clue about the mysterious person, he is too mysterious, and his behavior is really hard to guess.

The most troublesome character ever.

Chapter 564: The answer, is it wrong?

After that, Al was the first to leave, and she still needed to respond to the incident to the Holy See. She was worried that many people in the Holy See would be suspicious because the mysterious person did not harm Belen. She still needs to stabilize the situation.

As for Antelina, after learning about the situation, Belen recently stepped up guard, and then drove Belen out, buried her face in the bedding and continued to sleep.

Because of the sudden arrival of the mysterious woman, Belen was full of pressure at this moment. It was the second time that he found his weakness. The first time was in front of Sisia. Although he set foot in the demigod realm, he still You can only win by cleverness, and you must know that Sisia at the time could not use those powerful magic with her own consciousness.

The second time was because of that mysterious woman. So far, Belen hasn’t known how strong she is. She only fought roughly twice in the Northwest War Zone, but she was able to approach herself so casually. He has a bad headache. If the other party wants to, he might be dead.

The feeling of depression in his heart has never happened, because he has no idea where the mysterious person is now, and being able to approach himself at will while he is resting is an invisible threat and life-threatening.

life threatening?

Belen walked down the avenue, frowning slightly, and from the corner of his eye he noticed the familiar figure approaching. He looked up and found that Al was back.


Al nodded in response, and then came to Belem. Seeing her childhood sweetheart look haggard, she felt a little distressed.

"It's okay, since she didn't plan to kill you twice, she must have intended it."

Hearing this, Belen shook his head, and said with a smile: "Why am I worried about this, but being approached by a stranger so easily, I can't accept it."

Al blinked, and then said: "It's nothing strange. If you don't use that magic, it's normal for your perception to not detect such a strong person."

If it was before, this would be correct. If Belen didn’t use augmentation magic to strengthen himself, his perception is indeed not that exaggerated, but now Belen has completely mastered the power of the demigod domain, his perception Ability can reach even the magic dimension.

So, there is no reason to be approached so easily.

"Okay, okay, don't think so much."

Belén came back to his senses, and then responded. He thought about it, and then asked: "Speaking of which, what does the Holy See think of me?"

Seeing Belen’s question, Al also truthfully replied: “The guardian has already informed the Lord Saintess and those in the Senate. Although they did not express their own attitude, they were more or less. I am suspicious of you, but the Lord Saint has already ordered them not to do anything to you."

"It seems that next time I see the Lady Saint, I need to thank her very well." Belen was also relieved. If he is guarded by the Holy See, it would be really difficult for him, because this is Al's home. what.

Although I don't know how the Lord Saints thinks of me, since I have made this decision, I probably don't want to give myself a bad impression of the Holy See, right?

All in all, thank you for the next time you meet.

Before doing anything, he almost split from the inside. Belem was also very depressed. He sighed. Just when he was distracted, Al raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. He recovered, and then nodded to Al. Then, just as he took a step, his steps suddenly stopped. His dark blue eyes glanced at his shoulder, and then at Ai. Your hand.


life threatening?

Belen suddenly thought of this. He thought, if something life-threatening approaches, it is absolutely impossible to detect it with his perception, just like a sensitive animal, even Lumia. The killer, in front of Belen, as long as her emotions can cause the slightest magic resonance, he can clearly perceive it.

So in other words, the main reason why he didn't wake up was because that mysterious woman had no intention of killing him at all?

Even he himself couldn't believe this.

Furthermore, if even one stepping into the semi-god realm can't notice that a stranger is approaching, then this would be too unreasonable, right?

Seeing Belém stopped, Al was taken aback, and then curiously asked: "Belén, what's the matter with you?"

"Al, what kind of person is close to you, so you won't perceive it? For example, don't you subconsciously guard against it?" Belen's eyes became hot, and he found a clue about the answer.

Al was stunned, and then thought for a while. She frowned slightly, then looked at the childhood sweetheart who was holding the expectant gaze in front of her. She stretched out her finger to point Belen’s chest, and then turned her head slightly, as if Somewhat ruddy.

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