Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 553

"You get close to me, I won't feel that way."

Because Belen and Al’s relationship is very close, they will not be aware of the quiet approach of the former or the latter. As for the deeper reason, naturally, they are not wary of each other. Without a little bit of defense, that's why.

This is something that many people have. In short, it is probably something like "trust".

"That's it! I know the answer!"

Belém is like a child who solves a puzzle at this moment. He is very happy. His mind started to think quickly. The reason why he didn't notice the approach of that person was because...

Suddenly, Belen's smile stopped abruptly. He stood there blankly, and the castle of ideas that had been continuously constructed in his mind collapsed in an instant.

That mysterious woman, who he trusts?Is it someone he knows very well?Is he someone close to him?

No no no, this, how is this possible!?

Al was also stunned when he saw Belen's expression suddenly collapsed. She couldn't help asking: "Belen, what's the matter with you? Do you know the answer?"

However, a single call did not bring Belen back to God. After several consecutive times, he gradually recovered. He showed a bitter smile and shook his head.

"No, I still don't know the answer, it seems I was thinking wrong."

That answer is wrong, impossible, and should not be.

He thought so, he must be wrong.

Chapter 565: Guardian of the Holy See, girl?

In the past two days, Belen has been wandering around in the Holy See. He is gradually forgetting about the mysterious woman, and the haze that has been haunting his heart is temporarily suppressed.

However, my heart is still a little gloomy.

In the forest behind the Holy See, Belem came to a relatively messy place. He glanced at the countless broken trees and broken boulders, with some doubts.

What's the situation here?

Belen approached the broken trees, took a closer look, and pondered for a while. It might have been broken by something, and looked at the countless pieces of wood and stones that were broken. What caused such a great impact ?

"I did it."

This voice came from the side, and Belen also turned his head to look around. He saw the guardian of the Holy See, who showed his true face at this moment.

"You did it?" Belen looked at each other curiously.

The guardian glanced at the mess around, and then said calmly: "That night, I handed her a hand, and then I was beaten and flew here."

That's it.

Belén looked around again, then nodded to the guardian. When he turned to leave, he also glanced at the latter, because he knew that the latter had been staring at him in the dark for the past few days. When he retracted his gaze, the guardian's voice came from behind him.

"and many more."

Belen turned his head and looked at the guardian, and asked curiously: "Is there anything else?"

The eyes engraved with the light pattern of the cross stared at Belen, and the handsome man calmly said: "Fight against me, I want to know your strength."


Belen was stunned. He didn't understand why the guardian's brain suddenly twitched. Why did he want to fight him?

The handsome man seemed to have no expression. He said: "When I fought against that woman, I was careless, and you fought against her, I want to know her approximate strength from you."

"Actually, I just fought him roughly." Belen said like this, but then he thought for a while, then smiled and said: "You tell me your name, and I'll fight you."

Hearing Belen's words, the guardian frowned slightly, but then stretched out again. She didn't seem to expect Belen to make such a request, but she did not refuse.

"Glilys Winona."

When Belen heard the other party's name, he was stunned, his eyes blinked and blinked, his mouth slightly opened, his eyes and expressions were incredulous.

"You, are you, female, girl?"

Hearing this, Grace's beautiful autumn eyebrows frowned, and said coldly: "Is there any problem?"

"No, no, I thought you were a...boy." Belen scratched his cheek in embarrassment, then grabbed his hair and smiled awkwardly.

Grace didn't care too much, but looked at the white-haired man indifferently, and then said: "I'm telling you my name, can I start?"

"Ah good."

Belen hurriedly responded. However, when he answered, his surroundings were suddenly covered by countless golden magic patterns. He was immediately taken aback. Was this guy actually doing it right here?


The golden magic array pattern spread all around Belem's feet, and then burst out amazing magic power, countless light patterns turned into light birds, and then whirled towards Belem.

this is...?

Belen frowned slightly, but when the light bird approached him, his eyes suddenly condensed, the silver-white long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, the blue magic power turned into flames and burned on his body, and the sharp energy began to flow. , And then whirl around for a week.

"Elves Sword Dance·Fourth Sound·Dance."

Accompanied by a melodious sword sound, the surrounding magic power rotates, as if being summoned, and then the power of Qi rotates around, and then it turns into countless blue sword auras. The magic circle was torn away, and then he immediately withdrew several tens of meters, pulling away from Grace.

Magic attribute, light element.

From the moment Belen came into contact with the opponent's magic power, he judged the opponent's magic power attribute, which was also the ability he mastered after setting foot in the demigod domain.

In the distance, Grace glanced at the snow lion, and she seemed to have finally determined something. Then, the magic power of the light element around her body began to rise, and the flashing light was dazzling.

Belen only saw Grace as if she was chanting a spell, and then I don’t know when the magic power of the light element spreading across the sky and the earth was instantly connected by rays of light. Although it was during the day, it was like a beauty that can only be seen at night. constellation.

When the bright constellation descended, endless pressure came instantly, and the flowers and trees on the ground were all accelerating their growth, and finally began to wither.

If that thing falls on yourself as a human, what will happen?

Belen frowned slightly. Although he was curious, he did not intend to take the blow, because it must be a very stupid behavior.

"Sword Skill·One sword across the world."

The sword cut off and directly tore the space barrier. When the light constellation descended, the invisible sword power cut off the magic light that connected countless magic lines.


When the magic light burst, the constellation of light was also scattered around, turning into a little light and flying away. At this moment, a ray of light fell into Belem’s sight. The next moment, that extremely delicate face was Appeared in front of his eyes, holding a ball of light in one hand, pressing it towards his chest.

Seeing this scene, Belen's eyes also squinted slightly. He took a step back. He did not choose to avoid the palm of the opponent. Instead, he held the sword in his right hand and cut across, and finally stopped at Gerry. Lace's white neck, and the hand holding the ball of light also stopped on Belem's chest.

The magical power contained in that ball of light is undoubtedly evident in the eyes of Belen’s demigod. It absolutely possesses the power to destroy this land, and it is probably not good enough to fall on him. However, Belen’s One sword can easily cut off the opponent's head.

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