Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 554

Immediately afterwards, the two of them closed their hands, the dark blue eyes were glowing with blue light, and the eyes with the pattern of the cross were also looking at them.

"It deserves to be a person who has set foot in the realm of demigods."

"You are also great."

It looks like they are flattering each other, but the facts should be the same. After this match, Belen was able to be sure that the guardian of the Holy See did not set foot in the semi-god realm. Those eyes were probably due to some magic. It would be like that, but there is no doubt that this girl has the power to counter the level of the demigod realm.

Having said that, it is actually a girl?

Chapter 566: Girls

The simple contest in the early morning is not only known to Belen and Grace, but also to some people who are watching in the dark. Among these people are Antrina, and some senior members of the Holy See, such as the saint.

In a mansion that is not luxurious or even comparable to an arbitrator, in a room, there is a light curtain in front of the lady's table, and the picture presented is Belen and Grace who have just finished fighting. .

"Sure enough, both of them are amazing."

There was a moving smile on the face of Qingguo Qingcheng, the lady of the saint gracefully took a sip from the teacup, and then she looked to the side of the small courtyard, where a young man in a golden and white robe was standing there. Feeding the birds, the Saintess smiled.

"Aren't you going to meet Al's childhood sweetheart?"

The young man didn't look back, but he responded with a smile: "Don't go, I'll meet when it's time to meet."

"That's what I said." The Lord Saint smiled and withdrew his eyes.

In "Eye of the Thunder" Al’s mansion, Belen, Al and Lumia are standing on the road to the entrance to the outside. At this moment, the former feels a little bit worried because he is leaving the Holy See to go to Ai. Loranya.

After a year, are you finally seeing everyone again?

How are you?

The three people walked out of the gate of the mansion, and then stopped temporarily. Lumia looked at the white-haired man on the side, and then smiled and said, "Belen, are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!"

Belen responded subconsciously, and then took a deep breath. He looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "Probably, I will be nervous."

"I guess you can't help but rush out then." Lumia said with a smile.

Belen didn't refute this sentence. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said: "Okay, it's time to set off, otherwise it will be a big evening to Eloranya."


The three of them left the Holy See soon, because Al had already explained to some priests, so Antelina and the people of the Silver Bird Adventure Group would have no problem staying here.

It took a lot of time to leave Hislant in a commercial vehicle, but fortunately, the two places were not far apart, so it didn’t take a day. However, when they arrived at Eloranya It's already night.

Entering the imperial capital that seemed more prosperous at night, Belen, who was driving a commercial car, looked into the sky for a while, then blinked.

"It's still night, or else, go to the hotel to rent a room?"

Hearing Belen’s words, Lumia said curiously: “It’s okay, the bed in the commercial car is big enough, it’s definitely okay to sleep together.”

"Although I said so, but Al is still there, I can't sleep with you, right?" Belen sighed helplessly, and said like this.

Lumia blinked and said, "I'm fine."

Looking at Al, the girl was scratching her cheek with her index finger. She turned her head and said softly, "Actually, it doesn’t matter to me, and it’s okay to save some money. convenient."

Hearing Al's words, Belen was also startled, and then curiously asked: "Is it all right?"

"No problem! Anyway, I often slept together when I was young." Al glanced at Belen, and then snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, then." Belen did not refuse, as Al said, so it is not a shameful thing.

The last place to stay is more on the edge, it is on the edge of Poggiacorti's territory. In this forest, it is not so easy to be found, and no one will come here to patrol.

After the commercial car stopped, Lumia jumped down first, and then looked at the sky, she smiled and said, "It's not too late yet, Latier and the others are definitely not asleep. Let's go see them. ?"

"Yeah, good." Al replied, and then looked at the white-haired man who was hesitating aside, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and then said: "Let's go together?"

Belén hesitated, then said, "Let's go, but I won't show up."

"Okay, if you don't show up, let's watch it in the dark." Al raised the corner of his mouth and said like this, and then followed Lumia to the front.

After hesitating for a while, Belen followed. His expression was obviously a little nervous. Compared with when he first went out in the Holy See, he felt very nervous now, and the sound of his heartbeat was extremely obvious.

I'm going to... see everyone again.

It’s only a short distance from Poggiacorti’s castle, so it didn’t take long to reach the familiar big iron gate, and Belém took the lead in sneaking into it, and then came to the grove to take himself The figure disappeared.

After Al and Lumia’s names were announced into the castle, it was only a short while later that a cat-eared girl rushed out of the castle, and that was La Tier.

"Sister El! Lumia!"

When Latier saw the familiar two people, she was also very happy. The brown cat eyes were full of joy. After hearing the news, she didn't even change her clothes and ran out wearing her nightdress. Up.

"Latier, long time no see."

El and Lumia both smiled and said hello, and then they saw a few girls walking quickly behind Latier, Latis and Ilia were both there.

A year has passed, and Latis has grown a lot taller. Sure enough, children of this age grow up fast. Al and Rumia have such thoughts in their hearts.

As they walked towards the castle, the girls' attention began to shift to the back, but they didn't see the person that they had always missed.

In the end, Latil, holding his hands tightly, couldn't help but ask: "Lumia, what about...Mr. Belen?"

On the day of parting, it was Lumia who left with Belen, so when Lumia came back, the first thing the girls thought of was Belen. Lumia came, so he should also ...

When Ratil asked, Lumia also blinked, and then glanced at the direction of the small forest. She smiled and said, "Let’s go over there and talk, Mr. Belen, he also misses you very much. ."

After Latier heard the words, the fluffy cat ears drooped a little bit, and she was a little sad and disappointed. Could it be that Mr. Belém did not come?

Illiya, who had never spoken, looked at the grove at this moment, and her eyes were gleaming like obsidian, and she stared in one direction for a long time.

Chapter 567: Where's Ilia?

The girls walked to the courtyard of the small forest and sat down by the round table of the pavilion. Under a tree, a figure was standing there, and the blue eyes rippled. I was a little nervous, a little excited, and full of longing emotions.

Lattes is obviously growing taller, Ilia seems to have grown a bit taller, Latil is also a lot more beautiful because of her dress, and Hill, who is still that noble, but... Laya No, has she returned to the Fairy Forest?

I didn't accompany her to go back. Being the elder of her family for a period of time was really negligent.

However, it is great that everyone is fine.

In the pavilion, the cat pupils of Latir and Latse were shining, staring at Rumia with very expectant gazes. Rumia was staring at it so eagerly. However, she I knew what the two cat ears were expecting from her.

"Belén..." Lumia pursed her lips, then glanced at the grove without a trace. She shook her head and said, "He is not here."

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