Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 555

"No, no, come on?"

After hearing the words, Latier also muttered to herself, the lost color in her eyes could not be concealed, her hands were tightly clasped on her thighs, her lips were tightly pressed, and her mood instantly became bad.

The kitten's ears drooped, and the tail that had been shaking because of anticipation also stopped. Her mood fell to the bottom all of a sudden, she opened her small mouth and muttered to herself.

"Brother, why didn't he come back? Yes, don't you want us?"

Although she spent a year in Porgia Corti, in her heart, she always believed that her brother would come back. Even when she was in school, she often went to that school to grow up. The sister asked about Belem, she didn't know where Belem had gone.

"No! Belem, he just..."

When she heard the kitten's words, Lumia spoke quickly, but she didn't know what to explain. She should have said that Belen was in the woods now, but that was not what Belen had expected.

What Belen expects is to let himself fade from their lives and let them live a better life. Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind and leave no worries.

Lumia knew this well.

At this moment, Al suddenly stood up, and then came to Latis's back and put her shoulders on her, and then let it lean on her, she chuckled.

"Latis can’t think like that, that guy, he's just ashamed of leaving without permission. When he can't stand his loneliness anymore, he will definitely appear in Lati's "wow" In front of Silk."

Even if this is to coax a child, it plays a vital role at this moment. There is no doubt that this is a very appropriate and consistent reason.


Latis looked up at Belen, her eyes flickering, full of hope, and she was expecting a positive answer for Al's words.

"Of course."

As a result, the haze on the kitten's face was instantly dissipated, showing a sweet smile, and then with a happy "um", the cat's ears stood up again, the tail began to shake again, and the mood instantly improved.

"That guy is true too. If you want to come back to see everyone, just come back." Hill who was sitting on the side snorted, very dissatisfied that Belen hadn't come together.

In this regard, Lumia could only laugh without saying a word, and then she asked curiously: "By the way, is Laya not here today? Or is she already home?"

"Laiya, she has gone back, but..." Latier replied like this, but it seemed that she hadn't finished speaking, and her palm, which had been loosened a little, shook again.

"But what?" Al also frowned slightly.

Latil pursed her lips. Her voice was filled with reluctance. She said: "That day, some elves came here. Laiya didn't want to go back then, but in the end she left. She looks like ...Somewhat sad."

"Are those elves have a tough attitude?" Lumia also frowned, a little uncomfortable.

Ratil shook her head, and she said, "I don't know, I didn't hear what they said."

"Leave this to me, I will go to the Fairy Forest to see the situation." Al stood up and said at this time, Laya is her friend, she can't just ignore it.


The girls’ eyes lit up, and Hill also heard a little bit about Al’s matter from Latier and the others. She also heard about this very young and beautiful girl who was actually an arbitrator of the Holy See. I was very surprised, so I couldn't help but look at Al more.

Feeling Hill's gaze, Al also looked at her, and then showed a kind smile. Although he heard about this girl from Belén, this was the first time the two sides met.

"Hello, if you want, you can also call me Al."

"Um... I'm Hill."

Putting the worries aside, the girls talked about other things, and these topics were more about Lu Mia's side, during which they also mentioned the "white-haired swordsman". When this is confirmed When "The White Haired Sword Saint" was Belen, Hill also felt very incredible.

It turns out that that man is really so powerful?

Al did not conceal the fact that she almost died. For her, this is already a thing of the past. Besides, it is not a bad thing to think about it carefully. She is still alive, and Kayel and Zela are still alive. I was alive, and I got Belém's promise that was probably only for her.

If you think about it this way, the girl still has inexplicable joy in her heart. In short, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

When they heard about Al, the girls were shocked. They never thought Al had experienced such a terrible thing in the Northwest Theater, and they felt terrible just thinking about it, even such a powerful Al. , Have all suffered such trauma?

"By the way, shouldn't Latis and Ilia go to Flozarno Academy to go to school?" Lumia looked at the kitten Latis curiously.

Latis said with a smile, "Because it's a holiday! Then Sister Flotti took me back, as if I could still play for a long time."


Hearing this name, Al was also startled, but then she was relieved, it was probably Belen who asked her to act as the guardian of Little Latis.

"By the way, Ilia, you..."

When Lumia was about to ask about Elia's life in the academy, she suddenly found that Elia had disappeared. She was stunned, and then looked around. The girls noticed this.

Strange, where's Ilia?

Chapter 568: Now, how could it be possible to leave?

Just as the girls were puzzled, Lumia and Al suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned their heads to look at each other, and then glanced in the direction of the grove.

Could it be that...

The two suddenly realized that if it were the child, they might be able to find Belen observing in the dark in the woods, but now, perhaps the latter has been found?

Lumia immediately thought of a reason, and she quickly smiled and said, "Ah! Illia might have gone to get some food?"

"Really?" Latier was also startled.

Al, who was on the side, also said, "Well, it should be correct."

In that small wood, under a tree, Belen was standing there, he was looking at Latier and the others, and when Ilia disappeared, he immediately felt it.

It was like a game of hide-and-seek, Belem subconsciously fled, until he quietly ran to the lake, he stopped walking, not because he could not run, but because he was found and the game ended.

On the lake, a silver-haired girl in a white dress is floating there, with a little silver light all over her body, her long silver hair fluttering in the wind, her beautiful face may not even be depicted by the fantasy of a top artist, just like The banished immortal descended from the heavens, beautiful and moving, without the fireworks of the world.

Those obsidian-like eyes were shimmering. Compared to before, there is a round of silver patterns around the pupils of those eyes, which makes her look more beautiful. At this moment, these eyes are staring at Belém. , The longing contained in the pupils made no secret of it.


These two words slowly revealed from under the charming pink lips, with the charm enough to move the soul, because it contains all the concerns brewing in the heart of the girl this year.

Seeing the incomparably beautiful girl, Belen's mind was also in a trance. Hearing this familiar name, his heart trembled violently. Finally, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing that the cold wind of the world warmed up. His smile opened his mouth slightly, calling out the name of a girl.


The silver-haired girl on the lake met the white-haired man on the shore. At that moment, all emotions surged in her chest like a surging river, as if about to explode.

"I miss you."

The girl finally converged a thousand words and countless emotions into these four words, and her slightly silvery black eyes appeared with faint ripples, which seemed to be a little moist, making those eyes more watery and more impressive. Feeling pitiful.

The silver-haired girl slowly floated to the shore, and walked a small but anxious step to the white-haired man. She slightly raised her head and looked up at the man who was taller than the present herself.

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