Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 572


All the wind elements in this area of ​​heaven and earth converge at this moment, and the tornado formed by the wind swept towards the place where the Yanlian Temple was located, as if to strangle it in it.

Murphys looked at the purple-haired figure, and he couldn't help feeling in his heart Jonna's talent. In the school days, Jonna was the biggest alien like Belem.

But when it was in the first grade, Qiao Enna defeated her senior in the third grade with overwhelming force. Before she met Belém, she had never lost a game. Even the old school principal praised her for her extraordinary talent. He was also named the person most qualified to be the "King of Magic Wizards."

Even Morpheus, who has been in the military for many years, can't find a comparable existence. Perhaps among the pure humans in this world, only Belen and Ilia can compete with her.


Yanlian Temple snorted coldly. Although she felt that the other party was arrogant, she would not underestimate him because of the purple-haired woman in front of her but also mastered the law of mantra.

"Hot fire, burn this world! Use that scarlet flame to make the world feel fearful!"

The boundless sea of ​​fire suddenly spread, and was dissipated and ignited by the gust of wind. Yanlian Temple was the flame maiden who mastered the flame mantra, and her power was equally powerful.

Seeing that the other party was serious, Morpheus also shouted anxiously: "Jonna! Be careful!"

Qiao Enna turned her head and glanced at Murphys, then smiled and nodded. When she turned her head, her eyes flickered slightly, with a hint of excitement.

This is the first time she has faced such a powerful opponent after mastering the Mantra of Wind. She has to do her best to feel how much she has grown.


Qiao Enna raised her right hand, she looked at the small whirlwind in her palm, and then slowly closed her eyes. It was a pleasant surprise to master the mantra of the wind, but she had mastered this power by accident while traveling.

The total amount of magic power she can use at one time is definitely not as good as that of the witch, but her magic power is unlimited, and now she has mastered the mantra of the wind, her power is simply unlimited!

The most foul of existence.

This is Murphy’s impression of Jonna all the time, not because she can master the three magic powers, but because her fourth magic power is, to some extent, even more powerful than Putin’s time magic. foul.

Although Qiao Enna herself has a very high affinity for the magical power of the fire element, but facing the flame mantra is also useless. If you want to win the opponent, relying only on the mantra of the wind can only be matched. If you want to win the opponent, just I can only use my greatest advantage.

In addition to the magic of the wind element, she also has ice and fire!

After the picture here was transmitted to the command room, everyone was stunned by the battle now taking place. It was obvious that even General Morpheus was not the opponent of the flame witch. Everyone would be desperate at this moment. It seems that the battle has begun to reverse?

"Who is that woman? She actually...can suppress that flame witch!?"

Looking at the purple-haired figure in the picture, everyone has their eyes wide open. They have no impression of this beautiful woman. They don't seem to be a well-known person, but how can the person who can crush the flame maiden be an unknown person? ?

"This guy..."

Yanlian Temple was trying his best to resist the attacks of three kinds of magic of different intensities. Although she could resist all of them, she was completely suppressed.

With red eyes staring at the purple-haired woman in the distance, Yanlian Temple was in a bad mood and was very puzzled. It was clearly a human being, why could he use so many large-scale magic continuously, and still use magic with three attributes at the same time. Her magic is almost invisible!

Seeing the gloomy face, Qiao Enna also laughed. She said, "Are you wondering why my magic power can't be used up?"

Seeing the other party mentioned it, Yanliansi's eyes narrowed slightly. She clasped her hands tightly, and the magical power of the fire element in the air began to fluctuate. She didn't intend to talk nonsense with the other party.

"It's okay to tell you, it's because you can't use it up, so you can't use it up." Qiao Enna said with a smile. She didn't care about telling the truth about her magic power to the other party, because she knew that everyone would take herself. There is no way with this magic.

It is because I can't use it up, so I can't use it up.

Hearing the other party's words, Yanliansi's eyebrows frowned slightly. Finally, the beautiful pupils suddenly shrank, and she muttered to herself: "How is this possible?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to understand what she meant, Qiao Enna also remembered the expressions when her friends knew her magic power, just like the flame witch.

In this world, it is estimated that no one would have imagined that the magic of a person is actually unlimited.

Yanlian Temple suddenly shouted in a cold voice: "This is impossible! Even in this world, magic power will eventually wither, how can you have unlimited magic power!"

"Actually, I am the same in this world." Qiao Enna smiled and shook her head. She said: "I'm just a human being. When I die, my magic power will naturally run out."

Yanlian Temple had no way to refute this answer. She stared at Qiao Enna. She couldn't imagine a person possessing infinite magic power.

If you don't have to crush her with power far beyond the opponent, the battle will never end until the other party falls.

This is the magic power of "The King of Magic" Jonna Dolamin, like this world, infinite to the end of life.

Chapter 589: The Victory of Qiao Enna

In the smoke-filled city, a red figure and a purple figure are facing each other, and the bodies of two women with stunning beauty exude amazing magic power.

The red flame was burning on Yanlian Temple. She retracted her gaze while staring at Qiao Enna, as if thinking about something. Finally, her gaze swept across the ruins below, and then she noticed the person who was not far away watching here The corners of the mouths of many fighters set off a strange arc.

"Now, you have to pick up this magic next."

Qiao Enna frowned when she heard Yanliansi's words. Is it because the other party is going to use any killer?That being the case, she has to prepare.

Qiao Enna is surrounded by wind element magic power, ice and fire converge, she must wholeheartedly integrate herself into the wind of the world, using magic power that has never been used so far.

"Immediately, I become the king of wind, and all the atmosphere under the starry sky converges to give those who disrespect the king, the abyss of mourning for death."

The wings of the wind spread out behind Qiao Enna, magnificent and beautiful, and there was a looming blue crown on top of her head, and the magical power surrounded by her body turned into the armor of the wind, and at the moment when she opened her five fingers to the Yanlian Temple , A terrifying gust of wind slowly emerged, with the momentum of wind rolling and remnant clouds!

Seeing the magic prepared by the other party, Yanlian Temple smiled and seemed disapproving, and she didn't intend to chant a spell, but raised her right hand and pointed her palm to the position of the soldiers below.


The triple magic lines were stacked together, and every magic spell resonated, and finally burst out amazing magic power, and a crimson light entwined with flames rushed towards the land.


Qiao Enna's expression also changed after seeing this scene. She didn't expect that the other party didn't intend to pick up her magic, but went directly to the soldiers.

"I go!"

Morpheus screamed when he saw it, and he flew towards the crowd below, but he couldn't keep up with the red light beam at his speed.

And Yanlian Temple suddenly smiled and provocatively said at this moment: "Come and attack me."

It is possible to twist the magic route now!

Qiao Enna made a decision in an instant. Compared with the victory of the battle, she chose to save people first. The magic power on her body began to turbulent, and she wanted to forcibly twist her magic lines.


And at this moment, the melodious sound of sword singing suddenly resounded through the world, even the sound of the violent wind could not cover it, and then three sword lights pierced the sky.


The sharp forces gathered, the crescent-like sword energy slashed through the huge red light beam to break the crisis, and then straight across the sky, almost wounding Yanlian Temple.

Someone is here again!

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