Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 573

Everyone’s eyes seemed to feel something. Looking in the same direction, they saw three slender men walking slowly. Two of them were dressed in black gentlemen's clothes, very dignified, while the other looked very dignified. Some are lazy, but the three have one thing in common.

That is, they both hold swords in their hands.

"That is..."

When I saw the three men, Murphyston opened his eyes wide, his eyes filled with disbelief, and then exclaimed, "Why are you here!?"

The man who was wearing a little improperly scratched his blue hair, and then laughed and said, "Isn't this just passing by. I felt the familiar magic and came here to have a look. I didn't expect it to be such a miserable situation."

"Zona, long time no see." Morpheus said hello to the blue-haired man, then looked at the other two, and laughed: "There are also Eber and Aarens."

Aaron smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you."

"Hey, Jonna!" Eber greeted the purple-haired woman above.

Seeing these three coming, Qiao Enna was also very surprised, and then showed an open smile, she nodded slightly, and then looked at Yanlian Temple again.

"Then, my magic, you have to pick it up."

When the voice fell, Qiao Enna's right hand waved gently, and the terrifying tornado immediately exerted its immense power. The land for several miles was swept away by the wind, and the ruins were swept away, even the barriers of space. It's all because of this huge tearing force to hold it open.

Yanlian Temple looked cold, her whole body was wrapped in flames, watching the terrifying tornado that swept over her, she made a deep and deep shout, and the thousand-meter red fire was burning like a volcano.


The appearance of the collision at this moment was like the collision of two supernatural phenomena, a volcano and a tornado. The whole world was trembling violently, and the bursting force of it shattered the earth away, and then triggered an earthquake.


The continuous roar made Morpheus and the others in the distance changed their voices. They also didn't expect that these two people's all-out efforts could actually create such a momentum, as if breaking the world.

"How did Jonna become so strong?"

Aaron was also very surprised looking at the sky. At this moment, the wind can no longer see Qiao Enna's figure, but there is no doubt that she is standing in the sky.

"She has mastered the mantra of wind." Morpheus explained.

The three of Aarons' eyes widened when they heard this, and they glanced at Morpheus in disbelief, and found that the latter did not make a joke and looked at the gloomy sky.

The law of mantra, the highest point of elemental magic!

Has that woman reached such a height?

The three of Aarons glanced at each other, then smiled and shook their heads. It is true that they were the one who was hailed as the most promising "king of the wizards" when they were young. Probably only Belém was among them. I can compete with her.

Today Qiao Enna already has enough capital to be worthy of the title of "King of Magic Wizards", and that fellow already has the title of "White-haired Sword Saint" comparable to "Sword Saint".

That's amazing, these two people.


A loud noise shook the sky, and the terrifying magic storm turned into ripples and swept dozens of miles away. From that day, two figures flew away, but it seemed that Jonna had the upper hand, and she did not go back. How far.

Yanlian Temple stood in the air, her chest was violently ups and downs, and she was breathing heavily. After calming down, she stared at the purple-haired figure in the distance. She did not expect that the woman in the distance could take control After the Mantra Rule, she would be so powerful that even she would fight to such an embarrassing situation.

But she also had to admit the outcome of this battle, so Yanlian Temple turned around and flew towards the distance, and she left a word.

"This time, you win."

This battle is undoubtedly the victory of Qiao Enna.

Chapter 590: Take a good rest

The sudden attack of the Flame Witch brought huge bad news, which shocked Florentis. Many civilians felt inexplicable trembling the moment they heard the news.

He appeared out of nowhere, and then almost destroyed the city when everyone did not react. If it weren't for the strong to arrive in time, I'm afraid that city would be destroyed.

Compared with the people who saved the city, the re-emergence of the "natural disaster" is even more frightening. The nightmare brought about two years ago has reappeared in people's sleep.

Who knows if the city where you are in the next moment of suffering?

The turbulence of the empire is also in line with the meaning of "natural disasters." Many people know this, but this is unavoidable. After all, there have been heavy casualties, and I want to calm the insecurity that pervades the empire. It is too difficult to come down, or in other words, it is impossible to do it at all.

Florty, who was sitting in the office, also squinted when she heard the news. She put down the files in hand, and then muttered to herself: "A step ahead of me, the action is really fast."

So, what will you do next?

On this day, a message came from Flotti's office. The Empire did not object anymore, and immediately sent some combat power out of the secret according to her intentions.

For many people, although this woman is very unpleasant, the decisions she made are generally correct, and this is not the time to choke with her.

Now, there is a need to unanimously take action on "natural disasters"!

In Poggiacorti’s castle, although the "natural disaster" caused a huge Tokyo, it did not affect the girls living in this castle.

However, in addition to the innocent and romantic girls, Belen read the daily newspaper in the hall. After learning about the situation, his dark blue eyes also flickered constantly.

The "natural disaster" has already taken action. This time it is probably just a simple demonstration. Otherwise, it will not only start in one city, but it is also because of their sudden action that people will be very concerned about their next move. Everyone guessed, and then made a move that no one thought of. This is the most disturbing and disturbing.

But after all, who was the flame maiden who shot back?

Belen didn't know who did it, but fortunately, there are strong people to help, otherwise the creatures in that city will probably be destroyed. He shook his head and sighed.

It didn't take long for the battle with the Demon King's army to stop, and there were new and very huge troubles in the empire. That "natural disaster" really dare to act recklessly, is it possible that Sisia will not return?

Although the demon king's army and the coalition have temporarily stopped fighting, although they are rectifying, they are also looking for opportunities. As long as one party relaxes, the other party will immediately launch a fierce attack, and the opponent will be caught off guard!

Because of this, Sisya did not return to the empire, and without "the brave" and her friends, "natural disasters" would not have too much fear, because they held the "law of angels" in their hands. Magic prohibition for fouls.

Since they have chosen this world, it means that they have unlocked the seal on the "Law of Angels". Where will they use it?

Eloranya?Or the headquarters of the Holy See?

The thought stopped here. Belen shook his head again. Even if he had an answer of his own, he could not be sure whether the answer was correct.

At this time, the cat-eared girl Ratil came over, and she smiled and said, "Mr. Belem, Miss Flotti is here."

"Floty?" Belen heard the words and looked at La Tier, and then found the beautiful woman walking slowly behind him. He was slightly startled, but he didn't expect her to come here.

Flotti is wearing a brown robe today, with a pair of high heels under her feet, exactly the same as she did when she was in the office, obviously coming here directly.

Belen asked with some worry: "What happened?"

In his opinion, it must be something that Flotti came here to find him directly. Reminiscent of the news he had just read the daily newspaper, he thought of "natural disasters" in an instant, but Flotti's answer was It was beyond his expectation.

Flotti smiled and shook her head. She said, "No, there is nothing to do, just come to talk to you, take a break by the way."

Hearing this, Belem was stunned. He looked at Flotti with a suspicious look and said, "Really?"

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