Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 580

Humans who set foot in the realm of demigods, "white-haired sword saint".

"Come again."

When these words came to his ears, Oshoor instantly retracted his gaze, and what caught his eyes were huge magic lines overlapping in front of him.

It's really impatient.

On the other side, Belen stared at the flame maiden in the sky. Although she had never fought against her, her strength was beyond doubt, even he did not dare to underestimate it.

"The white-haired man holding the sword, supernatural power." Yanlian Temple was also looking at the white-haired man walking towards her, and then revealed a smile that was astonishing as a god. She asked, "Is it possible that you are Is that "white-haired sword saint"?"

"Yes, it's me, how about it, do you want to surrender?" Belen looked at the Flame Witch. Although the latter was indeed very beautiful, he had no thoughts at all. He couldn't even smile because of this. The tragedy was caused by these guys.

"Surrender? You win, and they will listen to you." Yanlian Temple showed a playful look at Belem, then slowly raised his right hand, countless magic lines reflected in the sky at this moment, and then melted. Countless rain of fire rushed to the latter.


The rain of fire all over the sky fell, and in an instant it submerged the land where Belen was located, but at the next moment, the blue glow spread out in a ring, and the endless rain of fire was all blue. The glow eroded away.

On the Heavenly Elephant Tower, the young man in a golden and white robe smiled and said, "That is the "White-haired Sword Saint", Al's childhood sweetheart."

"Don't you need to help?" the saint asked curiously.

"We want to maintain the Heavenly Elephant Tower, and leave it to them over there." The young man shook his head, and then smiled: "I didn't expect the two "sword saints" to gather in Hislant. Thank them so much."

In his opinion, Hislant's crisis has been lifted. Even if the "natural disaster" has the "law of angels" with war-type magic forbidden, as long as the tower of the sky does not fall, then it can resist that force.

After all the rain of fire was extinguished, the blue brilliance of Belen's body became brighter, and the dark blue eyes seemed to see through the void. He stepped out, and the moment he was in a trance stepped into the magical dimension, stepping on The moment I moved down, the space was suddenly distorted.

What, what?

And Yanlian Temple also felt the sharp momentum coming from behind, she was shocked, in the "half-god realm", could she use the ability to reach the level of space magic?

Flame Mantra.

Yanlian Temple's eyes seemed to have flames burning, red, and the moment she turned, her right palm pointed at Belen who was coming from the sword, and then rounds of magic patterns unfolded, bursting out amazing magic power.

All magic related to fire energy is within the scope of the fire mantra.

And Belen was also blasted off by this blow, but fortunately he resisted it with sword skills at the last moment, and while he was still in the air, his eyes were also slightly squinted, and his eyes swept around, in the void. Countless crimson magic circles have appeared aimed at him.

Just when Belen was about to use his sword skills to break through those magic circles, a cyan light and shadow suddenly came, and the cyan light flashed across the field, smashing all the magic circles before they were activated, and then a whirlwind was in Beibei. Lun's feet helped, and a lark-like sweet and clear voice came from his ears.

"My mother is here to help you."

Chapter 598: The Real Purpose

Feeling the light and fluttering sensation under his feet, Belen also felt very strange, thinking in his heart whether he could also be stuck in the air, and at this time, that sentence reached his ears, and the whole person was a rousing spirit.

"Wh, what mother-sir!"

Belen was blushing. On this occasion, the woman actually said something like this, not to mention that he is now 23 years old. Besides, he is now no matter how old he is known as a "white-haired swordsman." "A strong man, this is really shameful!"

Cyan light and shadow came to Belen's side, revealing Antelina's real deity. After hearing Belen's words, she blinked her eyes playfully, and then smiled.

"Isn't it your mother? Didn't you say that to the outside world?"

"No, no! I'm talking about adoptive mothers!" Belen immediately retorted. He blushed, and then his eyes swept around. Fortunately, there was no one, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

"Ann La An La, it makes no difference." Antelina raised her left hand and rubbed Belen's head, as gentle as a mother to her son.

Belen took the hand away, and said bitterly, "What kind of occasion is it now, can you be more serious?"

"Yes, yes." Antelina answered again and again, and then looked forward, the blue figure has also arrived at this moment, it is the ice and snow maiden Gaola.

Seeing the ice and snow maiden, Belen made no secret of the killing intent in his eyes. He clenched the sword in his hand. He would never forgive this woman's sin.

The flame maiden Yanlian Temple and the ice maiden Gaura stand in front of Belem and Antelina, and two true natural disaster-class figures are facing each other with two "sword saints".

Yanlian Temple was also a little surprised after seeing the appearance of the two of them being intimate. At this moment, they also said aloud: "It looks like you two know each other, and the relationship is not shallow."

"Of course, I'm the mother of this kid."

"What mother-sir! It's a teacher! It's a teacher!" Belen shouted angrily, even though he was facing an enemy, it would be a shame for him to confess the relationship like this!


After hearing the words, Guyora was also stunned, and then showed a gaze that suddenly realized. She stared at the two people. It turned out that this man was the one who defeated Iona and the others.

"White-haired Sword Saint" turned out to be a disciple of "Sword Saint", which is really incredible. Both the master and the apprentice are such top powerhouses.

No wonder no wonder.

The man who is the "White-haired Sword Saint" has such a close relationship with the "Thunder Emperor's Eye". After all, when he was in the northwest region, this man chased him all the way for the "Thunder Emperor's Eye." So it was probably because of "Thunder Emperor's Eyes" that he was so hostile to him from the beginning.

It was surprising that these three people were so close.

"By the way, Belem."

"what happened?"

Antelina stared at the ice maiden Gaura, and then said in a deep voice: "They don't seem to plan to use "Angel's Law" now, and they should have hidden other purposes."

"Not going to use it?" Belen frowned slightly. It was clear that if the current situation were not used, these witches would suffer a terrible defeat. Only by using the "law of angels" could they have a chance of victory.

What does it mean?

Because I don’t know what medicine the other party sells in the gourd, I care more about it. Belen immediately asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

Hearing Belém’s question, Guyora said calmly: "Why don't you guess?"

Sure enough, there are other purposes!

Belen was even more convinced of this. He began to calmly analyze it in his mind. What was the reason for the other party's sudden attack on the Holy See and paying such a high price?

While Belen was thinking, Antelina on the side shouted grumpyly: "Don't think about it, beat them up and strip them naked and throw them on the bed. Look at them and say nothing!"

As soon as the voice fell, Antelina rushed out. She lifted the sword and slashed towards the two witches, and her words also made Belen instantly recover, and he shook his head helplessly.

This woman really has enough...

Belen took a deep breath. Although the whirlwind could not support his movement, he could borrow space to attack. He even planned to rush over, but the next moment he stopped in place, his pupils were slightly rounded, and finally suddenly Shrink.

No...no, no?

For "natural disasters", the Holy See is the target they must destroy, and although they seem to be forcibly attacking this time, they don’t look like they are doing their best now. They have another purpose, which is He did not hesitate to make such a big noise in Heathland to accomplish the goal.

The Holy See is indeed the target of the "natural disaster", but it does not mean that the target of the "natural disaster" is only the Holy See. There was such a big disturbance. Even Eloranya sent a large number of troops to support it, attracting so many people in the fire. It is absolutely impossible for them to want to throw themselves into the net.

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