Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 581

So, their goal...


Thinking of this, Belen's heart suddenly picked up. He looked at the ice witch in the distance in disbelief, and then shouted out in a voice of anxiety and anger.

"Your goal is Eloranya!?"

When she heard Belen’s roar, Antrina also moved away from Yanlian Temple in an instant. She retreated to Belem’s side. After seeing the latter’s scared and angry face, her heart suddenly felt Kind of anxiety.


Belen didn't seem to hear Antelina's call. He stared at the ice maiden in the distance, and he believed his guess more at this moment.

At this moment, Eloranya is not as strong as he thought, and the core members of the "Scourge" appearing in Hislant are not all of them. As far as he knows, there are seven core members, and he knows a total of six. The seventh has never met, but there are only four core members in total here!

This means that there are still three missing!

If "Angel's Law" is not in the hands of these guys in front of you, and the other witches are in Eloranya, then the situation is unimaginably bad.

Keeping yourself and others as bait, this approach is really not afraid of death!

"Oh oh oh, Guyora, he guessed it." Yanliansi smiled and looked at the blue-haired woman beside him.

Hearing this, Gaola glanced across Belen's face calmly, her eyes turned into the distance, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"So, how is Eloranya now?"

After learning the truth, Antrina also showed incredible gaze, she suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of Eloranya.

She knew that there was Belém's most important family.

Chapter 599: The Situation of Eloranya

At this moment, a huge barrier was also covered around the city of Eloranya. No one thought that the "natural disaster" would choose to attack two vital cities at the same time.

One is where the headquarters of the Holy See is, and the other is the capital of Florence!

Eloranya is now in chaos, because the Holy See is a very important existence for the empire. Therefore, after learning that the "natural disaster" had attacked Hislant, the empire did not hesitate to send a large number of troops, so At this moment, the forces in the city are very empty.

Seventy percent of the top combat powers have already gone to Hislant. Other than that, no one thought that the "natural disasters" had gathered so many witches in these years. The witches who had clearly appeared in Hislant. There are already so many, but there are also a lot of witches who came to Eloranya, and there are also Warcraft!

There is no need to guess where these beasts came from. In this world, only the demons have a lot of connections with the demons, and the "natural disasters" are known to have colluded with the demons, so these beasts must be the demons. Sent to help them.

Eloranya’s situation at the moment is also horrible. The lack of troops has made the imperial force appear very vulnerable. The superhuman force followed the "Braves" and the group to the front, and the most battle remaining in the empire Only the special solo troops are the only ones who are powerful.

But the remaining special combat troops are under extremely heavy pressure. Because of their lack of strength, they not only have to protect the masses, but also fight countless witches and monsters.

As the captain of the special combat force, Dulce has the responsibility to face the strongest enemy. However, he has to admit that he is not an opponent.

At this moment, above the street, a coquettish woman in a bright red dress was standing there, exuding the magic of scarlet blood, giving people a very strange and terrifying feeling.

This woman is the blood witch, Erion Ayatofiel, the oldest witch in the "Scourge" organization, and her strength is also the top.

"Hey, hey, is the captain of the special combat unit just this strength?" Erion looked at Dulce with a smile, and made no secret of the smile and the mockery in the words.

Dulce was silent. He stared at Ellion closely. Behind him was the wounded concentration camp. Even if he died, he would never take a step back. The witch must be blocked here!

Ellion glanced at the wounded concentration camp protected by the protective shield behind her. She stretched out her seductive tongue and licked her upper lip, with a bloodthirsty smile on her delicate face.

"So many people's blood, I really want it."

Hearing the cruel and cold words of Erion, Dulce also clenched his fist tightly. He already had the consciousness of death, but before he died, he had to defend one more minute!

After seeing Dulce's determined gaze, Ereen also smiled slightly. She said, "It seems that you have the determination to die."

Dulce roared: "Fight if you want, what nonsense!"

"as you wish."

Erion responded with a smile, and then raised his arms. All the blood flowing in the streets and alleys floated in the air under the guidance of her magical power, and then gradually gathered together, forming a multi-headed, multi-legged Blood monster.

"Blood Magic·Blood Scourge."

The blood catastrophe fell from the sky, the thick blood body was disgusting, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and flew towards Dulce.

"Tremor, overlapped blow!"

Facing the impact of the blood monster, Dulce was not afraid at all. He used his own magic power, and then smashed the face of the blood disaster beast with a punch, and stunned it directly.

But as soon as the blood catastrophe shook back, Dulce appeared in front of a huge blood spur. He immediately reacted and used magic power to shake himself out, and the blood cataclysm flew again. Come over and get entangled with Dulce.

"damn it!"

Dulce kept roaring, madly hitting this blood monster, but every time he smashed the latter, he would regroup immediately, so he was very annoyed by the entanglement.

At this time, Erion also came to the protective barrier. Her expression was indifferent, and the bloody magic covered the entire protective barrier. The next moment she bounced away, and in countless screams, She spoke indifferently.

"Ancient, blood magic, and endless life execution ground."

Endless blood poured into the wounded concentration camp, and everyone was unable to resist Elean’s magic. They were fixed on the blood-colored cross, and in the air, countless blood spurs condensed under Elean’s feet.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Dulce was also shocked, he let out an angry roar, and under his sight, the countless blood spurs shot towards the people who were tied to the bloody cross below.

At this moment, the terrain suddenly changed. It turned into a giant hand, grabbed all the blood spurs and smashed away, then turned into a fist and smashed it at Erion.


Erion chuckled lightly, blood wrapped the giant muddy hand, and then under her control, countless blood thorns were pierced from the giant's hand, like a hedgehog ball, and then turned into mud and fell into The ground, and those Scarlet Crusades disappeared instantly, and people began to flee.

Dulce pushed back the blood catastrophe, and then his heart jumped. He turned around and looked around. When he saw the person coming, his pupils gradually widened, revealing the light of hope again.

Seeing the rescuer, Erion was also a little surprised, and then smiled: "Interesting, I didn't expect you to be here, "Witch"."

Coming from there was a beautiful, suffocating girl, with long silver hair that was more beautiful than the night starry sky, and she was radiating silver brilliance, just like a banished fairy.

This girl is Yiliya. She came here immediately after sending everyone into the royal city. She knew the situation very well and she needed her here.

Dulce glanced at the Blood Scourge that hadn't rushed over again, and then immediately came to Iliya's side. He hurriedly asked: "Where is Belen, if he can make a move..."

"Brother he is in Hislant."

Hearing what Ilia said, Dulce was also stunned, because he had already forgotten that Heathland was also attacked by a "natural disaster", but he did not expect Belen to also go there.

Immediately afterwards, Illiya floated away. She was suspended in the air in front of Erion. There was a round of silver outline in those black jewel-like eyes, which became brighter at this moment.

"leave here."

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