Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 582

Hearing the girl's words, Erion pursed his lips, and then returned a word.

"Do not."

Chapter six hundred: Ilia and Erion's fight

After Ilia played, Dulce's pressure disappeared instantly. Although she had never seen the strength of this silver-haired girl, she did not know who she was.

This silver-haired girl is a "witch" with a terrible reputation, and the head of their Special Arms Department took a big risk to help her get rid of her charges.

But Dulce still has no idea how strong this "witch" is, so he asked again: "Little girl, can I leave it to you here?"

"Well, leave it to me here."

Elia did not go to see Dulce either, but replied calmly. She stared at Elion, the witch of the "natural disaster" she had never seen before.

After getting the answer, Dulce did not hesitate at all. He immediately went to help the wounded in the concentration camp to take the wounded out of this dangerous area, and when the blood catastrophe was about to chase it, the next moment was The package was crushed by mud and rocks.

"I know, even Yanlian Temple can't be pleased with you." Erion smiled and looked at the beautiful silver-haired girl, and then smiled: "Let me try it. , Don’t say that I am bullying the small."

Regarding Erion's words, Illiya did not respond at all, but directly attacked the former, she did not intend to talk nonsense with the other party.

Countless mud and rocks flew towards Ellion like cannonballs, but she still looked as usual, chanting an unknown magic spell in her mouth, and a cloud of bloody mist condensed in front of her. The bloody mist swallowed away.

Although Ilia didn’t know what those bloody mists were, she didn’t think that her magic would be enough to crush the opponent, and her magic power began to spread at this moment, majestic like the ocean, as if relying on magic alone. It is enough to crush people to death.

"It's incredible magic."

After feeling the majestic magic power, Erion also took a bite. She looked at the silver-haired girl in the distance with a little surprise. It was incredible that such a young girl could possess such a terrifying magic power.

"Interesting and interesting."

After regaining consciousness, Erion also laughed loudly, then grinned with a ghostly smile, a bloody magic burst suddenly, and the bright red color instantly rose into the sky, her magic power was no better than Yi Liyacha is also of such a terrifying degree, and because of this, it is impossible to distinguish between superiors in this respect.

Immediately afterwards, Erion's scarlet eyes burst out with extremely bloody light at this moment, and there was a solemn meaning on that beautiful face, and her hands twisted slightly on her side.

The streets below it actually started as hot water was boiling, and then gradually turned into bright red blood. This method can only be achieved by the law of mantra.

"The Word of Blood, Ancient Blood Magic, and the Blood Sea Cage of Destroyer"

When Erion’s words fell, the entire river of blood rushed into the sky. The river of blood was invisible, and finally turned into a sea of ​​blood, wrapping Ilia in the sky with the force of a tornado. In it, and the sea of ​​blood seemed to open a big mouth of the blood basin, and it was so full that it seemed to swallow the girl in one bite. When Ilia was engulfed by the sea of ​​blood, Erion laughed.

"The little girl looked down on me too much. When fighting, you can't relax at any time."

When Erion finished saying this, the scarlet eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, because she sensed a certain magical power in the air trembling, as if being pulled.

"The Words of the Earth·The earth becomes a vast ocean."


The corners of the city began to collapse, and the earth was disturbed. It actually started to rise to the sky, and finally hung above the sky, even reaching the edge of the barrier, almost breaking it. The mud and rocks covered the sky. , As if to symbolize the coming of the end, fell towards Eriengae below.

The scale of this time can be said to be unprecedented, but the same magic is of two levels. In this more than a year, Ilia did not use her full strength, and she did not use her hands. Vibrate for it.

This is a peerless talent that can be included in the annals of history, Ilia Dorania.

Seeing the "disaster" pressed down by the sky cover, the blood witch Erion also squinted her eyes, her left hand was tightly held, her right hand was facing the sky, and her mouth began to chant a spell, and the blood instantly wrapped her. Obviously, in the face of such a large-scale magic, she didn't want to face it head-on.


The mud-rock cover all over the sky fell, and the city streets that were supposed to be decent were turned into ruins in an instant, and this is inevitable. In the face of such an enemy, no one cares what the streets of the houses will become.


The blood-colored tornado was dissipated by the silver light, and a cocoon made of silver hair was opened at this moment, and the beautiful girl seemed to be reborn. The black and silver eyes looked down and were piled up by mud and rocks. Into ruins.


A very sharp voice sounded, and the endless blood-colored bats suddenly rushed out of the mud and rocks below, and then a ray of blood burst into the sky, and the red figure stood in the air again. It was Erion who was not injured. If there is a tie with Ilia's magic etc.

Ellion looked at the silver-haired figure in the distance, and she smiled and sighed: "It is unimaginable that a little girl can beat me to this point, it is really unwilling."

Illiya ignored her words, but turned her gaze to another direction. I don't know when, a woman wearing a green dress appeared there.

That was another member of "Scourge", Cisse Yunars.

Illiya had never seen Cisse, but because of the other's witch's temperament, she immediately knew who the other party was from, so she was ready for one-on-two.

Although I don't know if there will be reinforcements coming, Illya must also drag the two witches here, because there is probably no one who can fight these two witches in this imperial capital.

Erion also noticed the arrival of Cisse. She looked at Cisse and smiled and said, "Cisse, it's just time to come. Are you ready?"


Cisse came to Erion's side, and then looked at the silver-haired girl not far away. She frowned, "As long as we unblock that thing, this girl will definitely not be able to stop us."

"Ah, that's correct, but I want to beat her first." Erion licked her lower lip, but her charming look couldn't make her heart move, because she had slaughtered countless lives in Eloran Yali .

"There is no need to waste time with her, right?" Cisse frowned and looked at Ellion. In her opinion, it is more important to settle the matter quickly than to be frustrated with a child.

Erion shook his head, then smiled and said, "Cisse, you come and help me."

Seeing Erion's firm will, Cisse sighed helplessly, and then said, "Hurry up, then, it will change after a while."

Chapter 601: The Law of Angels


Countless blood-colored tentacles shot out from the sea of ​​blood, and grabbed the silver-haired girl in the sky. The more the blood eroded, the deeper the toxin invasion. Many people died in the toxin erosion.

However, in the face of such an attack, Illiya was calm, and the silver hair shuttled away, easily shattering all the blood-colored tentacles, and the holy silver hair was not stained with any filth.

"Ground burial."

Countless mud and rocks rolled into the sky from below like a whirlpool, trying to strangle all Elean and Cisse in them, but Elean controlled the countless blood-colored bat sea to resist the mud and rocks.

Immediately afterwards, Erian suddenly stretched out his arms straight, and his hands were folded and overlapped, and the magic of his whole body began to flow in front, a huge magic circle was suddenly engraved in the void, scarlet, bright and dazzling.

"Multiply and apply dual magic power."

Cisse on the side also stretched out a hand at this moment. The magic power from her palm was integrated into the bright red magic circle, like ripples in the water. The next moment, the magic circle was burning all around. With the flame of magic power, the danger it radiates is several times stronger than that.

"The Word of Blood·The Roar of the Blood Dragon!"

A dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the scarlet magic circle, and then a magical power burst out, like the breath of a dragon condensed by blood, which has the power to destroy the world, if it falls on On the ground, probably this area will all be destroyed!

Seeing the magical impact with the shocking power, Illiya also raised her slender arms, and the magic lines were engraved in the void, and then overlapped from the left and right.

"The Words of the Earth: The Wall of the World That Never Falls."

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