Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 588

At the other end, another new "sword saint" is also in the middle of a battle. He is fighting against the ice witch Gaura, and the current situation is undoubtedly that he has the absolute upper hand.


The ice crystals shattered, and Gaola's figure retreated hundreds of meters in the air before stopping. Her right fingers spread out and swung forward, and the ice cage immediately enveloped the blue streamer.


When the ice prisoner enveloped Belen, his hand slammed across it to easily cut it off, and then crossed the space again to come to Gaola's front, and the blade swept across.


The ice shield that Gaola quickly condensed was smashed again, she retreated a very long distance, and then her hands formed handprints in front of her, an ice magic pattern appeared in front of the handprints, and then the surroundings were engraved again. A magic array, the two sides concluded a structured magic array pattern at this moment.

"Ice and Snow Mantra, a recast of this world."


Everything around was frozen by the ice crystals, and finally began to twist in a strange way, forcibly cutting off the blue streamer at the other end of the space, as if it had become two worlds.

Belém was shaken back several meters. Although he could not fly, he can still stay in the air. Then he stared at the dim and twisted space barrier before him. Then, he said flatly: "You want to overthrow The Holy See, but has paid the lives of countless witches, and even with the demons, it will be spurned after the event is completed. Is it worth it?

"worth it."

Hearing the answer from the other party without hesitation, Belen's brows were also slightly frowned, and then he heard Guyora say: "I didn't participate in the war two hundred years ago. I was still young at the time. Without that ability, and after the war, our innocent family, do you know how my family and I were treated?"

When Belen heard the other party's words, his brows slowly unfolded, and he stared at the blue-haired woman on the other side. Even if the other party didn't say anything, he could know that the other party must have a very dark past.

Even the innocent people who lose in the war will be brutally persecuted, and few can escape from it.

"My family was hanged because I was born as a calamity maiden from people like me, and what I want to accept is torture, saying that I want to wash away my sins, but isn't this just pure murder? "Gaiola calmly told the past, and then said with a sneer: "If it weren't for my magical runaway at the last moment, maybe I wouldn't be here, but this may be a good thing for you."

"How to leave, I have long forgotten, but in the end I was taken away by a nobleman." A cold murderous intent appeared in Gaola's eyes, and her hands were tightly held at this moment. When she got up, her fingertips even sank into the flesh and overflowed with blood, as if she was thinking of something that made her extremely angry.

"I was sold, just like those slaves, but because of this beautiful hair color, my treatment is much better than other girls." Guyola laughed at herself and grabbed her left hand. He lifted his right arm and continued: "I still remember that there were many nobles looking at me with disgusting faces in a cage. I knew exactly what they wanted to do."

Could it be that...

Belen looked at this cold, beautiful, and extremely powerful woman. She once had such a dark past, so would she hate that she will also be destroyed along with Eloranya?

""White-haired Sword Saint", you shouldn't look at me with this look, it will make your sword dull."Guyola noticed the change in the eyes of the white-haired man, and then responded flatly, and then said: "Things are not as you thought they did. They did nothing. I was saved.""

"Whether I am unfortunate or lucky, I don't know this kind of thing anymore." Gaola's expression became a little lonely, she said: "It is the most important friend of my life who saved me, and she is also a witch. "

Even the ice and snow maiden who has harmed countless lives, she also has the people she depends on, that is the only light in her dark heart.

Belen looked at this kind of Gaola, the killing intent in his heart also faded a lot, no matter what kind of person in this world has its own suffering, even the woman in front of her, she is not the beginning "Scourge".

"But she has already left."

When these words blurted out, Gaola's eye sockets gradually became red. She held her right arm tightly with her left hand. She lowered her head slightly and muttered to herself: "She who has been with me for more than two hundred years has already gone. ."

"There are seven core members of our "Scourge", and the seventh who has never appeared is her. She never liked me to do these things, but she was happy to help me." Guyola seemed to think of it. What a happy thing, the expression on his face gradually softened, and then said with a smile: "At the time of Flozarno Academy, she was the one who helped control the "Brave"."

Now I don't care about telling these things, because it's the last juncture and she is no longer there. It would be nice to let others remember her a little bit.

"The "Brave" is so powerful, even if we pay such a price, in order to control the "Brave", Rosevia needs to bear it with his life, but in the end, failed, as long as the control of the "Brave" prohibition" is forcibly removed Open, then her life will come to an end."

When Belen heard these words, he froze in mid-air. If it was exactly what the Frost Witch said, then he killed the man named Rosevia... but he ?

"Sorry..." Belen couldn't help but uttered aloud after hesitating for a while, his left hand clenched tightly. Although it was an enemy, it was a fact that he killed a person's best friend.

"The death of the maiden named Rosevia was caused by me."

Hearing these words, Gaora suddenly raised his head to look at Belém after being stiff for a while. The icy blue eyes had lost their high light at this moment and were empty.

Chapter Six Hundred and Eighth: The Words She Forgot

"what did you say?"

In the air, Gaura confronted Belem, but the atmosphere at this moment was more numb and tense than before, because both the former and the latter were impacted by a fact.

Belen was silent for a moment, and then said: "It was me who stopped the "Brave", and it was me who broke the restriction engraved in the "Brave"."

Therefore, it was him who killed Rothvia.

It's this man.

Found it, the murderer.

Gaola's icy blue eyes gradually turned red and unnatural at this moment, and the magic around her body began to riot, and ice crystals continued to condense in the air and then fell to the ground. This scene is the same Like two hundred years ago.

Rothvia's mind controls the restriction. If the "brave" unlocked it by himself, it would at most be backlashed, but if an outsider intervened to unlock it, it would be tantamount to cutting off all her magic circuits.

As witches, magic is the greatest source of support for their survival. A witch who loses the magic circuit will lose all skills, let alone a witch who is over two hundred years old and will die in a short time.

"I need to..."

Guyora's body was trembling, and her long blue hair was flying freely because of the turbulence of magic power. At this moment, her face was already a hideous look completely different from the usual calmness, and she gritted her teeth and roared.

"you die!"

The unstoppable anger and killing intent were no worse than Belen when he saw Al's desperation. It was her only best friend in her life, her only family, and the only dawn.

But now she has nothing.

It's all because of the person in front of you!


At this moment, the power bursting out of the ice and snow maiden reached the highest level ever, her magic power burst out, and her anger began to erupt at this moment.

The sky turned into an icy blue color, and all the magical power of the ice elements converged, forming a huge snow-cold storm, which stirred the world.

"This power..."

Feeling the condensed magical power of the sky, Belen, who was in the "Demi-God Realm," also felt a horror. But behind the snow storm that swept through, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his right hand held a sword to walk out of thin air. Earlier, the sword finger was wiped on the blade, covered with blue light.

"Elves Sword Dance·Sixth Sound·Bright Light!"

Holding the sword and dancing, the lights of the sword converged into a magic pattern, the colorful magic power began to flicker, and then the magic pattern shattered, all the light was gathered into the sword, leaving only a dazzling blue glow. Then a sword stabbed out.


The harsh and sharp sound resounded through the world, and the blue sword light penetrated into the snowy cold storm, its momentum suddenly slowed down several times, and then released countless sword energy from it, closing its eyes in Belém At that moment, he mastered the power of the magic dimension, re-twisted all the magic power, merged the scattered magic power into the snowy cold storm, and smashed all the magic circuits connected to it.

But at the moment when the snow cold storm dissipated, a huge iceberg suddenly fell from the sky, which made Belen frowned. He held the sword in his right hand, and then turned into a sword light to shuttle away.

"Sword Skill·People from the other side."

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