Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 589

The blue light and shadow pierced the iceberg, a sword split it into two, and then the iceberg that was divided into two halves fell on the ruins, making the ice cold to the bones.

Belen was standing on half an iceberg. He stared at the trembling ice and snow maiden. He took a deep breath in his heart. Although he felt that he shouldn't have this guilt, after all, the two sides are opposites, but ah, this mood is It is inevitable, otherwise he is not him.


Guyora's mouth kept murmuring the name of that person, her eyes were red, and there were crystal tears in her red and blue eyes, her voice was a little choked, and the smiling face seemed to have been in front of her eyes.

Seeing Gaola’s sobbing expression, Belen also pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time. Finally, he said: "Although it was caused by me, it’s true, but have you forgotten that, let the maiden take her life? Wasn't it you guys for the stakes?"

"What do you know!?"

After hearing Belém's words, Gaura let out an angry cry. Before she knew it, her icy mantra had reached the ultimate state. Driven by endless killing intent and anger, she launched another attack.

"Ice and Snow Mantra·The Withered World·The Blood Color is extremely cold!"

The biting cold wind swept in, the scarlet color covered the white, and the magic lines were reflected in the sky in an instant, all aimed at the white-haired man below, and the red chill was like The breath of the dragon is general, containing boundless fear.

Boom boom boom!

The bloody cold wind was born from the countless magic lines, swept towards Belem below, and finally gathered together to form a violent tornado that directly lifted the earth.

This magic is no weaker than the final blow of Frozen Sorrow, and even slightly stronger!

Belen took a deep breath, and the blue fluorescence on his body began to accelerate, and his breath was surging. He increased his strength to his current limit, just like when he was fighting Snowmourne in the Northwest.

Even he himself does not know what level his power has reached now. In the "demigod realm", he can use the power of the magic dimension from time to time, but now, he can easily grasp countless mysterious laws and laws, he cannot Use words to express that feeling, but it can be understood that he can do more now!

"That witch named Rosevia must be a very gentle witch." Belen's expression was soft, and the sword he was holding in his right hand was already covered with blue fluorescence, and his breath was quiet and terrifying. He looked at it. The Scarlet Tornado came and said softly: "As her best friend, didn't you notice? All she wants is to be with you."

The creation of Vientiane, one of the kendo flow.

Although it was in such a scene, Guyora still heard what Belen said, her pupils were slightly rounded, two lines of clear tears flowed down, and countless scenes appeared in her mind, like dream bubbles.


Containing the sword of infinite mind, Belen swung his sword suddenly. Although he could not empathize with him, he could also vaguely feel the sorrow of the ice maiden, but nonetheless, what he had to do would not change. In this city Here, there are his family members, and he does not allow his family members to be harmed!

The straight sword slashed, and the blue crescent slashed across the blood-colored tornado in an instant, and then penetrated out and flew towards the bright galaxy of the sky, and the blood-colored tornado also collapsed and melted in an instant. The air flow disperses in a circular wave.

"Gaiola, things like that are too dangerous. Why don't you listen to me, go to a small village, be isolated from the world, and live happily?"

Until now, Gaiola recalled the words that the girl in white said to her on the grassland more than a hundred years ago. Tears continued to shed in her eyes. At that time, she was shrouded in darkness and could not hear. Into those words.

Ahhh, Rosevia, I should have listened to you in the first place, right?You are always right after all.


Chapter 609: Contest of Faith

Belen stood at the top of the half iceberg, looking calmly at the woman in the blue dress who was looking up in the sky. His killing intent to the latter had disappeared, and some were just pity.

This is not good, but he is such a person.

Sad experiences are not common to everyone, and Belem believes that he has been lucky in his life, and it is easy to have such emotions about the unfortunate experiences of others.

Gaiola, who has been immersed in her own world, looks a bit divorced at this moment. She has developed the "natural disaster" to this point. After hundreds of years, and so far, she has been trying to become stronger and expand the organization. Working hard, it can be said to be a busy life.

Unknowingly, Rosevia has been with her for such a long time, and her laughter is the biggest motivation for her persistence until now except for hatred.

On that day, Rosevia had reached her limit, lying on the bed unable to stand up, but even when she was dying, she still smiled to herself.

"Gaiola, then I will go first."

When he heard the girl's last words, Guyora knew that she was tired and she needed a rest, and the person who made her tired was herself.

It could have been done a little bit more before doing it, but I don’t know why, Gaura decided to do it, maybe she was tired too, because of Rosevia’s death, she knew that she was also exhausted physically and mentally. Things.

However, giving up like this is not an explanation.

The icy blue pupils gradually recovered their light, and the magical power on Gaola's body fluctuated again. He glanced at the bright starry sky again, and then gradually retracted his gaze.

Rossvia, I’m sorry, now I, even if I have gone the wrong way, I can only keep going. You look at me over there and wait for me. If I can meet in another world, I I want to travel with you and live a carefree life.

Putting away the guilt in her heart, Gaola turned her gaze to Belén again. The magic power on her body has undergone a very subtle change. It is different from the cold, which contains the meaning of solemnity. The coldness now is tranquil and peaceful .

In fact, she was the culprit who made Rosevia's death, not the person in front of her.

When Belen felt the magical changes in the opponent's body, he was also slightly startled. Then, he felt an unparalleled huge magical power, and the ice cold element contained in it was far beyond before.

Magic power is everything about a witch, it can change with the mood of the witch. Of course, other races can do this too, but the witch is closer to this point. At this moment, the mood of the ice maiden has a huge She has surpassed her previous self.

Belen was a little puzzled. What is it that makes the magic more powerful than the previous angry state?The current ice maiden is probably stronger than the ice mourning she faced back then.

It's really stressful.

Immediately afterwards, Belén shook the sword in his hand. He stretched his limbs and took a deep breath. If he said that he was fighting with killing intent before, he is now purely to protect his cherished family. And fought.

Thinking of this, Belen was shocked. He stared at the ice maiden who had relaxed her expression. He probably knew what was going on. It was really... shocking.

She probably wanted the maiden named Rosevia to look at her well and watch her go all out to achieve her goal.

This obsession is not bad.

A faint smile appeared on Belen's face, then he raised the sword, and he laughed loudly: "Then, let's have a fight."

Frozen Mantra.

The blizzard in the sky followed, without any rush, constructing a huge bow, and then the frost converged into an arrow of ice crystals, and Gaura held a thing in each hand and put it together. The white-haired man below was approved.

"Ice and Snow Magic, Ice Profound Bow, Fragment of Truth of All Things."

The jade finger loosened the icy arrow, turned into a stream of light and shuttled out, bursting with dazzling brilliance in the mid-air, and then split and split again, turning into thousands of flowing rain and falling down.

Seeing this scene, Belen didn't dare to be careless, the blue fluorescence on his body began to flow faster, holding the sword in both hands, and slashing across from left to right.

"Sword Skill·Breaking Army Style!"


The boundless sword aura spread vertically and horizontally, abruptly shattering countless flowing rain, but in the end countless ice crystals fell, and Belen had to retreat to the rear to defend.

call out!

When Belen cut through the last wave of flowing rain, he suddenly felt something. He looked back suddenly, and saw an ice arrow coming at extremely fast speed, piercing his left shoulder blade in the blink of an eye.


The ice arrow took Belen's figure to fly out, flew a full tens of meters, and then slammed into the ruins, setting off a huge storm.

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