Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 593

"Then, let's flee."

Seeing countless figures begin to flee, Guyora also whispered softly, and then tried his best to turn the sky full of wind and snow into countless soldiers to help his compatriots.

The snow got bigger and bigger, and it got farther and farther, until Heathland, everyone knew who did it in an instant when they saw the blizzard.

Feeling the magical changes between the world and the earth, Erion also laughed, and her body burned more intensely. She smiled: "Ah, it's really hard work. I can't lose senior."

On this day, the snow and blood in the sky turned into thousands of warriors and rescued all the trapped witches, and the price of all this was that the lives of the two witches came to an end.

Here is the end of their life journey.

Chapter six hundred and fourteen: their beginning

"I don't want to praise them, but ah..."

Antelina looked at the woman in red who was burning her life before her, and then glanced at the blizzard all over the sky, she exclaimed sincerely.

"Even though you are responsible for countless sins, you are extremely beautiful at this moment."

Gradually, the ice and snow warriors and the blood warriors stopped attacking people. Instead, they protected the witches from leaving one after another, and their number gradually decreased, because the magic power of the two witches had already begun to go downhill.

"I'm going to help!" Jia Luofen also noticed something, she gritted her teeth, and then planned to help Nagela and Erion.

At this time, Cisse grabbed her wrist, then shook her head, and said in a painful voice: "You can't help them if you go, we are too weak."

Ah, yes, they are indeed much weaker than Guyora and Erian, and after a great battle, they are already exhausted physically and mentally, and they can't help much.

"Respect Gaiola's wish." Cisse looked at the icy blue shining sky, she said: "So, let's go, take her and the share of Erion and Oshoor. There are so many things to see in this world, right?"


Jia Luofen clasped her hands tightly, lowered her head and gritted her teeth without saying a word. She was unwilling to leave like this, not because they were unwilling to accomplish their purpose, but because she was unwilling not to help Gaola.

But ah, it's Guyora's wish to live everyone.

The four Aarons at the other end did not continue to attack. They also noticed the movement of the Ice Witch and the Blood Witch. They had no intention of stopping the last thing they had to do.

As a priest, Al said with complex emotions at this moment: "Hateful people must suffer sadly, even they are no exception."

Although I didn't want to let them go, after all, they killed countless creatures, but now they don't have the will to attack them at all, so I can only sorry those creatures.

Outside the main hall of the King City, Flotti watched the sky full of wind and snow and the bright red drizzle mixed with bright red drizzle. There were faint ripples in her beautiful eyes. She had also learned about the situation from the information reported by her subordinates. They also understood what the two witches were going to do. They didn't plan to fight to the death, but planned to protect all their compatriots from the battlefield.

As the chief of the Special Arms Department, Flotti should take the imperial order as the primary prerequisite, but as a purely Flotti, she has a different mind.

"Lian Yi, what will happen to you if I let them go?"

Hearing the question from the people around him, the young female monarch was also stunned for a while, and then was silent for a while, she said: "What Sister Flotti wants to do is her own business. I will not interfere."

"So, then..."

Flotti took out a piece of communication crystallization, looked at it, and smiled to himself: "Even Belen and the others have allowed the witches to do this. Then, I don't need to be so cruel."

"So, come back."

Such a message was input into the crystallization of transmission, and then passed to the members of the special combat forces hidden in some parts of the empire. They had already crouched in the place where the "natural disaster" base camp might be.

I wanted to catch it all in one go, but now...

Well, forget it, let those guys get their headaches.

After giving the final order, Flotti also retracted her gaze, and she walked down the stairs, while the young woman behind her asked in confusion.

"Sister Florty, where are you going?"

Flotti didn't look back, but waved her hand to say goodbye. She said, "The matter is over. I have a lot of work to do. Let me go one step ahead. If anyone makes trouble, just tell me."

In those two places, Erion's burning magic power was faster than that of Gaora, so she took the lead to reach the end, and her whole body turned into bright red lights floating towards the sky, and she finally showed a smile.

"No regrets, goodbye, world."

The red-robed witch Erion Ayatofel has traveled in the world for more than three hundred and forty years, and finally, after fulfilling all her wishes, as a senior, she passed away in a contented mood.

"Senior goes well, I will come right away."

Gaura looked at the red light drifting towards the sky, her complexion soft, the brilliance on her body bloomed with astonishing brilliance again like the back light, and then instantly dimmed, her whole body turned into a little bit of light and shadow, and her body was illusory. He glanced over at the white-haired man.

"Before you leave, you will definitely have a break with that one, then, see you next time."

Next time, meet again in another world, and probably won't be the enemy anymore.

"The one?"

Hearing what Guyora said, Belen was also stunned. He didn't understand who the former was referring to, and now he didn't have much thoughts about this matter.

Gaola's illusory figure stood in the air, and the ice-blue fluorescence gradually drifted away. Those ice-blue eyes looked at the bright starry sky. The world has always been so beautiful, but it has never been in her eyes.

It wasn't until this last moment that she showed the brightest smile ever, tears slipped down her face, and finally turned into ice crystals and tears fell into the void.

In her mind, that person is her world.

If the first half of her life was blinded by hatred, then in the passage of time, the mind she was blinded by has already been redeemed by Rosevia, and the blindness of herself made her go to the end until Luo After Sivia left, she realized that the level of hatred was just that little bit.

Living with the most cherished person is what she wants most.

At the last moment, she understood this.

Gaura looked at the starry sky, as if he could see the woman looking at her with a smile, as if welcoming herself, walking slowly from that world.

"Losvia, here I am."

Geo stretched out his hand, seeming to hold the woman's hand, and then walked away, turning into a little bit of light from under his feet and drifting towards the sky until it disappeared.

The leader of the "Scourge", Gaura Scourge, left the world on this day.

No, her name should be Guyora Ilviz.

Under the bright sunrise, in the simple double-storey room, the woman in white opened the door. After seeing the dumbfounded look of the blue-haired woman, she showed a gentle smile, and she extended a hand to her .

"Welcome back, Guyora."

"I'm back, Rosevia."

After running through the season of reincarnation, it returned to its original appearance.

Chapter six hundred and fifteenth: the end?

On this day, "natural disasters" ceased to exist.

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