Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 594

After Gaura and Erion burned their lives, all the maidens were able to escape. They ran desperately, but they looked at the city from time to time on the way to escape.

The wind and snow are getting weaker but not stopping, as if mourning the death of that person. An atmosphere of sorrow spreads among the witches. They are a little confused, and they have been fighting for so long without fear of death. What is the final purpose?

Belen stood among the ruins, watching the blue light fade away, and ripples appeared in his deep blue eyes, and he let out a deep sigh.

It is really fortunate that the people who stayed in this city to fight with them are themselves and others. If they are replaced by those high-end combat powers that have already gone on the expedition, they may not even be able to see such a beautiful scene, despite their sins.

In this world, there must be evil first and then good. Even the people who bear the sins have good thoughts in their hearts. Maybe this good thought is only for someone around him.

"Then, it's time for work."

Belen let go of his sword, and the snow lion turned into a blue spot of light and disappeared. The aura on his body faded, his temperament was withered, and his consumption was also great, especially in his mind. Yes, but his expression is very relaxed.

At this time, Antrina also flew with wings of wind, smiled when she saw the white-haired young man, and then slowly fell down and came to the latter's side.

Belen glanced at Antrina, and then said, "She's gone, too."

"Well, she's gone, very happy." Antelina recalled the smile of Erion when she left. She seemed to be infected and smiled.

When can I leave as happy as her?

Immediately afterwards, Antelina looked at her student, and she smiled and said: "When can I leave this world happily like her?"

"Huh?" Belen also suddenly turned his head to the elf woman beside him, and said in a flustered manner: "What are you talking about? Don't miss it!

"Haha, I'm nervous." Antelina smiled playfully, and then said meaningfully: "I don't think about it. Of course, if something happens to you, it's impossible to say. "

"Why don't you think about it if I have an accident?" Belen glanced at her helplessly, just as the latter was joking, and walked forward, looking at the falling snow in front of him, corresponding to his hair color.

Looking at the white-haired figure walking in front of her, Antelina’s smile slowly turned away, her cyan eyes were sad, she didn’t take her own business seriously, but made others care about it, after all Is your fault?You bastard disciple, can you be a little conscious?

"Didn't you notice it? Your body has begun to rely on magical power to survive, just like them." Antelina whispered softly, holding her hands slowly.

I don't know how long it will be before he will usher in his end.

I hope that moment will come slowly.

After entering the royal city, many people stared at the white-haired man in white. After knowing that the outside had subsided, they all knew who this man was.

"That's Master White-haired Sword Saint! Is the one next to Master Sword Saint? So beautiful!"

Some teenagers and girls all exclaimed. For them, this was the first time they saw such a big person, and it was as extraordinary as the legend.

But at this moment, Belen didn't care about their gazes, he still had something to worry about, so he walked very fast, and soon he arrived at the special armament department, although at this moment, the wounded were everywhere.


Thinking of the unconscious girl, Belen felt a little anxious. Although he knew that the girl was not life-threatening, he was still very nervous.

After getting the information through some guards, Belen immediately rushed to the second floor and came to the room where Flotti was resting. The moment he opened the door, the few familiar figures caught his eye, and there was a person on that bed. The silver-haired girl was lying there peacefully, seeming to be sleeping.

"Mr. Belen!"

After hearing the sound of opening the door, La Tier immediately turned her head back, and was pleasantly surprised when she saw that it was Belen. She was still worried about the situation on the latter side.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier saw the many blood stains on Belen's body and the extremely eye-catching wound on her left shoulder. She was shocked, stood up from her position, and greeted him.

"Mr. Belén! Are you okay? Take care of the wound!"

Hearing this, Belem shook his head, and he comforted him: "I'm fine, how is she doing with Elia?"

Despite this, La Tier was still uneasy about Belen's injuries. She shook her head and said, "Ilia, she's all right! Wendy is here. Let her help Mr. Belen treat the wound. Mr. Belen always Don’t take your own business to heart."

"Big brother, let me help you."

"Then trouble you."

Wendy stepped forward, put her hands on the blood-stained left shoulder, and the incomparable warmth and soft magic radiated from it to wrap the wound.

Belen sat on the chair in front of the window, looked at Ilya who was unconscious, was silent for a while, and then asked, "Illya will probably take a long time to wake up, right?"

"Ilia has some traumas on her body, and the internal injuries are not serious." Wendy explained, and then said euphemistically: "Ilia, she has consumed too much magic power. She is very weak now and should be in a coma for several days, but There is no danger to life."

"I know."

Belen also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he wanted to use his magic power to repair Ilia’s injury, it was not Al’s original situation after all. At that time, he was bitter, and now Ilia is not life threatening. , He should just let the flow go, otherwise he might hate himself to death if something goes wrong.

At this time, Hill was in an unexpected situation. She asked, "Belen, is the outside already over?"

"Well, it's all over." Belen withdrew his gaze from Ilia. He responded and then slowly stood up. He came to the glass mosaic window and looked through the glass to the place that has not stopped. Piaoxue, feeling inexplicably.

A really tiring day.

At the same time, when everyone thought the matter was over, a figure in a black robe slowly descended above Hislant, and those eyes with pentagrams staring at the huge sky. The Elephant Lita.

"What you want to do, let me help you get some interest back."

The real disaster came, and the gray magic circle full of death quietly appeared in the void, just floating above the Heavenly Elephant Tower of the Holy See.

Chapter six hundred and sixteenth: Lin Yi

The woman in the long green dress was walking on the ruins of the streets, with the city gate in front of her, and she turned her head to look at the absent-minded woman in purple.

"Go, go to a place where no one can find it."

The purple-clothed woman raised her eyes and looked at the green-dressed woman, and responded softly. She was puzzled, and then still puzzled: "Those guys just let us go like this?"

"Is it bad?" Cisse asked with a chuckle.

Jia Luofen pursed her lips, and said, "It doesn't seem to be bad to be killed just like this."

"Idiot." Cisse raised his hand and stroked Garofen's head, and then the two left Eloranya together, stopping hundreds of meters away from the city gate to look back.

Jia Luofen on the side asked: "Don't you go to Yanlian Temple? She should not be dead."

"She should have already left." Cisse said, and then looked back and looked into the distance. The night sky was scattered with snowflakes. She raised her right hand to pick it up, and then smiled and said: "Meet her during the trip. But before that, let’s dismiss everyone who is still waiting for orders."

After that, meet again somewhere in the world.

Because of the "natural disaster", even if things have come to an end, everyone is not sleeping well, not only because of the residual breath after the terror, but also because of nowhere to live. Every corner of the city is It was full and it seemed very crowded.

On the second day, the news from Hislant shocked the empire again. It was also on this day that the mainstay of the coalition army and several of her companions had returned, but they did not return to Aiello. Lanya rushed directly to Hislant, because the news there shocked the brave man.

The Heavenly Elephant Tower collapsed.

That is the greatest symbol of the Holy See. It has stood there for hundreds of years. It was never damaged in the war against the witch hundreds of years ago, but it was destroyed overnight, which is incredible.

When this news came out, countless people were shocked by it. So who did it?Is it another "natural disaster" witch?But didn't they lose the battle?

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