Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 598

In any case, focusing on what is right now is the best thing to do.

After talking about everything that should be chatted, in order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Yi immediately changed the subject and pulled everyone out of the depressed atmosphere.

The next topic revolved around Belem, and he himself was very helpless. Did this young girl tease him on purpose?Actually want to understand his past embarrassment from the mouth of Murphys and Jonna.

And these two guys are really unscrupulous, they actually really shaken out his embarrassment, and they really don’t give any face, aside from the identity, this girl can be regarded as her own junior in age. !

"Hey, hey, don't talk about everything!" Belen yelled a little embarrassingly, trying to stop the conversation.

In this regard, Qiao Enna covered her mouth and smiled: "Ah, ah, this is the order of the emperor, are you asking us to disobey it?"

Murphys on the side also nodded happily, and kept echoing Jonna, explaining some interesting embarrassments about Belen during his academy.

Ah, what a terrible excuse!

Belen looked bitter, this was really no way, Lin Yi was the emperor, he really couldn't refute Qiao Enna's excuse.

"Haha, it turns out that Brother Belen still has such an interesting story?"

After hearing a lot of interesting things, Lin Yi was also unhappy, and burst into laughter. She suddenly wanted to know more about this Belen brother.

These are two bad friends!

Belen shook his head helplessly. He looked at Lian Yi, and then said bitterly: "That was all when he was young."

"Even if you are in your twenties, isn't it very young?" Lian Yi said with a grin.

Ok...it seems to be right...

For a moment, Belen didn't know how to respond, so he didn't refute it. It was shameful anyway.

At noon, Lin Yi still wanted to save everyone for a meal, but the three of them all refused. After all, they had just learned such disturbing news. How could they still be in the mood to eat.

Belem also looked at Lian Yi curiously, and asked curiously: "Lian Yi, as the emperor, you don't seem to be very busy?"

"This, of course, is to be done by others, I am a girl with the name of the emperor, but no emperor's power." Lian Yi said with a smile on her face.

Belen blinked his eyes when he heard the words, and then smiled helplessly: "It's really an unconvincing sentence." The girl in front of him, from beginning to end, only said that he was joking.

In this regard, Lin Yi didn't care, she smiled and said, "Now, I will walk with Belen brother for a while?"

"This... don't need it?" Belen said embarrassedly. After all, he already knows Lian Yi's true identity. It is really embarrassing to walk together. He is just a civilian.

"I am the Emperor!"

"Please forgive me! Please let me go with your Majesty!"

As a result, Belen walked out of the emperor's garden with Lian Yi, and the two walked back to the special armament department. The former sighed secretly, and then gradually got used to Lian Yi's identity.

"Brother Belen."

"Lian Yi, it's a bit... not appropriate for you to call me that? I'm just a civilian." Belen interrupted Lin Yi, scratching his cheek, and said like this.

Hearing this, Lin Yi blinked her eyes, then smiled and said: "But, Brother Belen also calls me by name, not your majesty."

"Wan, I'm extremely sorry!"

After being said that, Belen also woke up suddenly, and then he realized that his name for Lian Yi has not changed. This is a bit too much. How can he call the emperor as a civilian?


Wei Lian Yi yelled, she pouted her mouth, she looked very cute, but she was a bit distressed at the moment, she said: "If it's anyone else, but I want to know Brother Belen, so brother Belen can not Do you care about my identity so much? Can't you just treat me as a younger sister or something?"

Hearing Lian Yi's words, Belen was also stunned. He was silent and couldn't help but remember that the girl in front of him had no family members. She was sitting on the throne alone, as the head of the empire, with supreme power and burden. With a huge responsibility, but putting aside all this, she was just a girl under twenty.

Although I don't know why the object is herself, maybe she just wants a family-like existence, right?

Just when Belen was silent, Lin Yi suddenly realized something, that pretty face suddenly flushed, and then panicked and shouted: "No, no, I didn't mean that! I thought, I thought. Think of Brother Belén as a good friend, like your elder brother! It's like, like Sister Flotti means to me!"

Hearing that, Belen also recovered. He was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a soft smile. Sure enough, as he thought, Lian Yi just wanted to be like a family member.

"I know I know." Belen smiled, raised his hand and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, and then curiously said: "Is Lin Yi and Flotti have a good relationship?"

Because of Belen's shoulder slap, Lin Yi's mood improved inexplicably. She nodded and said: "Of course, Sister Florty has helped me countless things!"

It turned out to be so.

It was only then that Belen came across. There were obviously many doubts about the affairs of Ilia, but the mysterious Emperor did not pursue it. It turned out that the relationship between Lin Yi and Flotti, as the Emperor, was so close.

"A lot of my official business is done for Sister Florty, so I can check it again." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Letting Flotti, who is under the military department, oversee many of the official affairs of the country, this is really trusting her, and Belen is also a little surprised. It seems that the two of them are really close.

At the time of the parting, Belen stopped. He turned to look at Lian Yi, and then said with a smile: "My family are all very gentle people. If Lian Yi is willing, I will come together next time. Let's play?"


Lin Yi placed her hands behind her waist and stood there slim. She responded with a smile, and then watched the white-haired figure go away, with a smile on her face.

"It turned out to be such a person, let's play together next time, brother Belen."

Chapter 621: Illya wakes up

After another two weeks, Ilia finally woke up from her deep sleep, and Belen, who learned of this, immediately rushed back from outside the city, with an extremely happy mood.

Belen came to the door of the room that belonged to Flotti, and couldn't wait to open the door, and immediately caught the silver-haired girl who opened her eyes again.


Belen came forward with great surprise, and Latier and the others also consciously moved away with a smile.

Belen stood in front of the bed and looked at the girl who was also looking at him. In addition to joy, his heart was filled with extremely bitter emotions.

"You're fine, that's great."


Illiya whispered to the man by the bed, her beautiful face had a faint smile, and her soft expression was enough to express the sigh from the bottom of her heart. This was the first time that she felt that being alive was so beautiful.

It's great to see everyone's faces.

Belen's body leaned slightly, and he stretched out his arms to embrace the silver-haired girl. With a soft expression on the girl's ear, he said something that was enough to express all his feelings at the moment.

"Welcome back, Illya."

Such simple words are the best words Belen can say at the moment. In his heart, nothing is more important than the safety of his family.

"I am back."

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