Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 599

Ilia murmured in response.

After embracing for a long time, Belen's mood calmed down. He patted the girl's back and then released his arms.

Immediately afterwards, Belen suddenly noticed something. He looked at Ilia’s beautiful eyes curiously. The silver pattern spread from the white of the eyes to the pupils, just like the growth of vines. The silver color gave people an incomparable kind. The feeling of sacred and beautiful.

I was aware of it before, but now the vision in Ilia's eyes is more obvious, just like Grace's eyes, is it also some kind of magic?

At this time, Yiliya's eyes suddenly glowed with a faint silver light, and her thin body suddenly shook slightly, her hands subconsciously grasped the sheet, her body was slightly bent, and her eyes closed.

"Illya?! What's wrong with you?! Where is it?!"

Everyone was shocked after seeing what was wrong with Yi Liya, thinking that her injuries had returned!


In the end, Ilia, who closed her eyes, said these two words, and she held the bedding tightly, as if she could sway it at any time.


Belen was stunned when he heard the words. He was stunned for a while. Then he seemed to think of something. He asked, "Ilia, open your eyes and take a look?"

Hearing Belen's words, Ilia opened her eyes very well, and felt that the sky turned around for a while, and the whole person fell to the left, and then closed her eyes again. Only in this way would she relax.

Could it be...

At the moment Ilia just opened his eyes, Belen saw the silver eyes, and he immediately realized something. Didn't he experience this situation before?

That was a sequelae after stepping into the "Demi-God Realm" for the second time. From time to time, there would be a feeling of spinning around and the whole person would lose their sense of balance.

However, Ilia seemed to be more serious than her own, and she seemed to be dizzy.

Now it seems that it’s not like Grace’s situation, but like my own eyes...

That is, the "Eye of the Demigod".

This also means that Yiliya has also stepped into the "demigod comprehension"?But why does she seem to have no sequelae like her own?

"Ilia, open your eyes after a hard time, can you see some strange things? For example... the magic on me?" Belen said.

Although uncomfortable, Ilia opened her eyes again, she cast her gaze to Belem, her eyes flickered slightly, and then closed her eyes again, and she nodded.

"Well, you can see the magic flowing in my brother's body."

Ah, sure enough.

Belen also brightened his eyes, and then looked at the silver-haired girl with her eyes closed on the bed in amazement.

How big is this?Have you already touched this level?

He had already learned from everyone that when the "Law of Angels" came, he was shocked by what Ilia did and did.

The child must have gambled his life to protect his family.

In order to fight the war-type magic prohibition, Ilia must have tried her best at that time, and even set foot in the "Demi-God Realm" at that moment, so she was able to survive until the arrival of Jonna.

Probably because she stepped into that realm too suddenly, Illya's dizziness now is much more serious than she was before.

Seeing Belen seemed to be sighing something, Latier and the others were also panicked, and Hill couldn't stand it anymore.

"Belen! What's wrong with Ilia?! Don't sigh there alone!"

Hearing a slightly anxious voice from his side, Belen also suddenly recovered. He turned his head to look at the four girls who were looking worried, and suddenly felt a little sorry.

"Sorry, sorry."

"So, what the hell is going on!? Fool!" Seeing that Belen hadn't explained yet, Hill scolded angrily.

Belen also said quickly: "Illya is fine, but her eyes have changed a little, but don't worry, it won't be dangerous."


The four girls breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Belen's words, since even Belen said so, there should be no problem, but they are nervous!

Belen sat on the bed and looked at Ilia, who seemed a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand and held the girl’s hand. It was a bit cold, so he grasped it tighter and wanted to let this hand as much as possible. Be warmer.


Feeling the warm palm temperature on the back of her hand, Yi Liya also called out, and she slowly opened her eyes, the dizziness has been much lighter.

"Don't worry, your eyes are undergoing magical changes, nothing will happen, but you may have to work hard recently, because this dizziness will appear from time to time."

Belen stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Elia's head to give comfort. Although Elia has always been strong, as an older brother, how could he have to take responsibility.

"oh, I understand now."

After a long time, the dizziness in Iliya's mind gradually disappeared. She shook her head, then looked at the people who were still nervous, and slowly spoke.

"I'm hungry."

Hearing this, Belen laughed, and immediately went to prepare food.

"It's ready soon!"

Chapter 622: Illiya is more genius than genius!

On this day, "The Brave" Sisia and her team returned from Hislant to Eloranya, but only a few people knew about this.

Belen, who didn't know it for the time being, was teaching carefully to help Ilia get used to the "demigod eye" ability this day. After all, it was someone who came by, and he knew very well what kind of situation Ilia is now.

To control the ability of the "Eye of the Demigod," Belen had spent a lot of effort at the beginning, and it took him half a year to truly master this ability.

The trick is, don’t care about anything. This is not simply referring to the line of sight, but to keep your mind from focusing on anything.

After understanding this, Belem quickly did it, because his control is the best in the world.

Of course, the prerequisite for using this trick is to get used to the feeling of dizziness and imbalance first, and only after adapting to that feeling can you use this trick.

However, Ilia has already mastered the feeling at this moment. Although Belen taught him personally, he is still a little unbelievable, but it is understandable. After all, Ilia is a genius who cannot be described by the word "genius". .

From some perspectives, she was even more talented than Sisia.


Hearing the girl's call, Belen asked curiously: "What's the matter? Illya."

"It seems that it has already happened." Illiya's silver eyes swept around, and finally landed on Belen, her eyes flashing like stars in the night sky.

"Illia is really amazing." Belen exclaimed in such a way that it had to be shocking.

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