Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 605

After entering the castle, Colesfin bends over to the maids who saluted him, but in fact, the maids are only saluting to Weilian.

Weilian glanced at Kolstein and didn't remind him of anything. Instead, she said: "My father is not at home, he is still doing business outside, and probably won't be back for a while."

Is her father not at home?

Colesfin was also relieved when he heard the words. He was still very nervous when facing that person. After all, he knew that Weilian's father did not approve of him being Weilian's friend.

But then, Korsfen thought of one thing. If apart from the maids and the guards outside, in this castle, he and Weilian are the only ones left...

Two people...?

Kolsfin subconsciously shielded the maids in the castle, his face instantly flushed red, and smoke started to emit from the top of his head, and the whole person became nervous unconsciously.

"Kolstein?" Weilian frowned when she saw the boy standing there again, and her face was flushed red, and then asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Ah? No, no, no! It seems, it seems to be a little uncomfortable!" Korsfin blushed, and he fanned himself with his hands. He wanted to cool down the heat. He was afraid that he was overconscious.

Weilian frowned slightly. She came forward, then raised her hand under the boy's dull gaze, put the back of her hand on the boy's forehead, and then put it on her forehead, and compared the temperature. Thoughtful.

"It's a bit hot, you may have a fever, maybe it was a bit of wind and chill on the road." Weilian judged like this, and then said with some doubts: "You who have the magic of the "sun", why do you have a fever? strange."


Colesfin pressed his mouth and did not speak. His eyes were a little red. He swallowed and drooled. At this moment, his heartbeat had accelerated to the point where he could hear clearly.

Immediately afterwards, Weilian brought Kolstein to a vacant room and asked him to take a good rest, and then asked the maid to get hot water, but Kolstein himself did the work of wiping the body. Can't get the maid to help him.

After a while, Weilian came to the room with the medicine. She glanced at Kolstein, who had changed her clothes, and then put the medicine aside. She thought about it, and then asked.

"Do you need me to feed you?"

"No, no more!"

The blush on Korsfin lying on the bed has not faded. He looked at the bright chandelier and his mind was distressed, and at this moment, his mood was unexpectedly complicated.

How do you feel that you are being taken care of as a role similar to your younger brother?

Chapter 629: It's really not time to come!

In the early morning of the second day, Alice's house.

Kolsfin quickly settled the meal on the table. His eyes fell on the blue-haired girl on the opposite side. He couldn't help but remember what happened yesterday. His face instantly turned red, then he coughed and calmed down. Feeling, immediately find the topic to divert attention.

"By the way! Senior Belen seems to be still in Eloranya right now?"

Weilian who was drinking tea also raised her head slightly when she heard what Kolstein said. She thought for a while and then asked: "What's the matter, do you want to go to the senior?"

"It's good to say hello, what does Willian think?" Kolstein looked at the blue-haired girl expectantly.

Weilian thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, go see the senior."

So, after finishing the meal, Korsfen left the castle with Weilian and walked towards the royal city. Because of the situation in Eloranya at the moment, most people stay in the royal city. After all, it is safer. .

After entering the royal city, Korsfin was still thinking about how to find Belen, but he found that there were people talking about the "white-haired sword saint" all around, so he found someone on the side of the road and asked about it.

The interviewee was a middle-aged woman. She held her face and smiled and said, "Ah! Young, do you want to see the "white-haired swordsman" adult?That adult seems to be in the special armament department, and I can occasionally witness the true face of that adult. He is really a character with outstanding temperament!"

"Special Armament Department?" Kolstein blinked, realizing that he didn't know where it was, so he asked about the route, and after getting the answer, he bent over and thanked him, and then took Weilian to the special The direction of the Armaments Department.

Special Arms Service.

Kolfin looked up at the castle, he scratched his hair, then walked to the gate, his eyes fell on the guards, so he asked one of the guards.

"Then what, I want to meet the "White-haired Sword Saint", can I?"

"What? See "White Haired Sword Saint"?"The soldier was also taken aback when he heard the words. He knew that many people wanted to see the adult, but this was the first time he saw him so directly.

The soldier said, "Little brother, that adult doesn't mean that you can see him. Moreover, the adult went out this morning and hasn't seen him come back now."

"That's it."

Hearing that Belem hadn't returned yet, Korsfin was also a little disappointed. This was a trip for nothing, and it took a lot of time to walk around.

Weilian on the side also knew the situation. She calmly said, "Since the senior is not there, let's walk around in the royal city. I am also in the royal city for the first time."


Colesfin was startled, then his eyes slowly widened, and he walked in the royal city with Weilian. Isn't this what the legend says?

Appointment, date!?

Seeing Kolstein stunned again, Weilian frowned slightly again, her azure blue pupils were worried, she took a step forward, and then asked: "Is your body still OK? Or else we Let's go back?"

Weilian thought it was Kolstein's fever that had not gone away.

"No, no, no!" Kolstein shook his head and waved his hand quickly. He smiled a little shyly, and then said: "It's just a bit unexpected, because this is the first time Weilian invited me to take a walk with you. "

"The first time?"

Weilian was also stunned when she heard the words. She picked her head slightly, as if she was remembering, and then came up with the answer, which seemed to be exactly what Kolstein said, so she was a little surprised.

"That's how it is, so let's take a walk together often."

What, what!?

Hearing Weilian's words, Kolsifen also opened his eyes in surprise. He was very surprised. In any case, he could not imagine that this was what Weilian would say to him!

Perceiving his surprise, Weilian raised her eyebrows slightly. She said, "Why are you so surprised? Even me, in the academy, I often go for walks with friends."

"Original, it turned out to be like this!" Korsfin laughed and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but then he was startled again. The sentence just now meant...

Weilian took a strange look at Kolstein. She pursed her lips, turned her head after a moment of silence, as if looking at some distant scenery, and said a word at the same time.

"Are we friends?"

When he heard these words, Korsfen's pupils bloomed with the brightest luster at this moment, he opened his eyes wide, and then showed a very happy smile.

"Yeah! We are friends!"

Although I have always thought so, and I feel that Weilian must think so too, but I have never heard that Weilian is so sure, and the relationship between the two has always stayed at the level of familiar classmates. , And this time, it was the first time I heard Weilian agree with her words!

So happy, super happy!

Colesfin's mood now is the happiest time ever. He is smiling from the bottom of his heart. For him, this is undoubtedly a super big improvement!

Weilian's gaze squinted to see the young boy's extremely happy smile. She blinked her beautiful eyes, then withdrew her gaze, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, obviously, she was also very happy.

"Then, go for a walk now!" Kolstein greeted him, and then strode forward. He didn't care what he was going to do, but what he was going to do with Weilian.

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