Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 606

"Ah! Isn't this Kolstein and Weilian? Long time no see!"

At this time, the voice that came to make Korsfen and Weilian both stopped. They all looked in the same direction, only to see a white-haired man and a silver-haired girl coming together, the former Smiling and waving his hands to say hello to the two.

No, no, this is not the right time!

Colesfin's smile fell down instantly, and he still thought about having a very happily two-person walk with Weilian in the city to spend this very meaningful afternoon.

Weilian didn't feel anything. She looked at the beautiful silver-haired girl for a while, and then looked at Belem. She nodded slightly and said hello: "Senior, long time no see."

"Well, long time no see."

After seeing these two juniors, Belen was also very happy, but immediately afterwards, he noticed the awkward teenager on the side, and he was slightly startled.

"Kolsfin, what's the matter with you?"

"No, it's okay." Korsfin pulled out a smile very reluctantly, he sighed, there was actually a word in his heart that he wanted to say, but he still didn't dare to say it.

Senior, you really came at a bad time!

The six hundred and thirtieth chapter: the road of life, not overnight

In the third-floor living room of the castle, Korsfen and Willian were sitting on a sofa, while Belem was sitting opposite them. Lattier took three cups of tea and put them down before leaving with a smile.

Knowing that the two juniors were not in Eloranya at the time, Belen was also taken aback, and then smiled: "No wonder I didn't see you. It turns out that you have already returned to the school before then."

"Then I found that the house was demolished as soon as I came back." Kolstein sighed, very distressed.

Belen was startled when he heard the words, and then asked curiously: "Then where do you live now?"

"Now I live in Weilian's house." Kolstein scratched his cheek with his index finger, looking a little bit shy. This incident was of great significance to him.

"That's it."

Belen looked at the young man with a smile but a smile. Although he couldn't tell everything about the latter's feelings for Weilian, he could be regarded as clear.

So, Belen gave Korsfin an encouraging look, and he said meaningfully: "Young man, there is a long way to go, come on."

After hearing this, Kolstein also blushed. He smiled, and it was still the senior Belem that understood him, so he responded with "um".

Weilian on the side didn't understand what the two men were talking about. She just glanced at the two men in a puzzled look, but didn't ask anything. She probably had nothing to do with her, so she thought.

After talking, Belen took the two to Flotti's office, because Kolstein wanted to visit together, but when they came to that office, they were stunned.

"Oh? Belen, why are you here with me at this time? It's so messy here." Flotti was lying on the table at the moment, with a towel tied to her head, and dark circles under her eyes. Her mental appearance was very sluggish, and it was obvious that she was exhausted these days.

As the Minister of the Special Arms Department, I only needed to deal with the affairs of my own military department, but because of the things that happened these days, some people who were not doing their jobs went elsewhere. She must help Lin Yi to solve these Official duties. Although the child is full of vitality on weekdays, he still gets sleepy easily during the day because he has to deal with a lot of official duties.

"Study... Sister?"

After seeing Flotti’s appearance, both Kolstein and Weilian were shocked. When they first saw this high-ranking senior sister, they were so shining, but Now this look is completely the opposite of that time!

Flotti was so tired that she couldn't smile. She lay on the table and looked at the two younger generations, and then said tiredly: "Sorry for letting you see such a bad sister, but please let me rest. , I will treat you well later."

"Ah! Don't bother! We are here to disturb Senior Sister!" Kolstein also hurriedly responded, and then shouted: "The Senior Sister, take a good rest! Pay attention to your body! We will come back next time. !"

Since then, Kolstein took Weilian and left the office, leaving Belem alone in it. He scratched his hair, and then walked to Flotti’s desk, which he saw was closed. The girl who fell asleep couldn't help sighing.

"Don't embarrass yourself too much, as a friend, I will worry too."

I vaguely heard these words, but Flotti did not open her eyes. She fell asleep deeply, and finally finished her official duties. Now it’s time to take a good rest, and after a while, A blanket was draped over her, and she could feel a little warmth in her sleep.

At this moment, on the bench in the trail, Kolstein was sitting there looking up at the sky, and he couldn't help but sigh when he recalled how tired Flotti was.

"It's really hard work, Flotti-senpai."

Weilian, who was sitting on the side, was teasing the little bird that stayed in her hand. She nodded in agreement, and then said: "Senior Sister, she is one of the three military ministers with high authority. With such a high status, one must also bear equivalent responsibilities."

"Will we do that in the future?" Korsfin whispered softly.

Although I know that when I grow up, he may not be easier than he is now, but he is not mentally prepared. Even the free and happy senior Belen, he has been involved in several major battles as Flozarno Academy. The student of, what kind of path he will take in the future, even he himself has not thought about it carefully.

But in his heart he also longed for a path like Senior Belen. It is actually good to take a path that makes him less tired. What kind of setbacks and pain he will experience in the future, but it is also the way to go.

But ah, I can’t become a "white-haired swordsman", and unlike Senior Belen, he has almost no good friends except Weilian. In this way, if he can't achieve anything, how can he be qualified to stand in Wei Where is Ren's side?This is something he has always worried about.

He has to stand by her side, if the status is not high enough, the power is not heavy enough, but he also has to have sufficient strength.

"Is there something wrong with my way of life? I don't know whether to do or what to do, let alone how to take the road of life, it is really a headache." Korsfin sighed , At the moment, I feel very melancholy.

"No matter what it will become in the future, just follow the path of the moment."

There was such a word in Korsfin’s ear, and he also turned his head to look at the blue-haired girl beside him, who was teasing the bird on the back of his hand at the moment, his expression calm, the delicate side His face was really beautiful and unbelievable, and his heart jumped because of the girl's words.

Weilian said calmly: "I don't know what to do in the future, but I think there is no right or wrong way of life, and the path of life will only slowly emerge after choosing a lifestyle."

There is no right or wrong way of life, and the path of life is not a one-off.

Colesfin's eyes gradually brightened. He looked at the calm and waveless face in front of him, and he muttered: "Vilion, it turns out that you can say such beautiful things. It's really amazing."

Hearing his words, Weilian also turned her head slightly. She looked at the handsome boy and blinked her eyes. She said, "If you want to speak beautiful things, what you said to my father that day is called beautiful things, isn't it?"

That day...

Colesfin froze for a moment, and then recalled the words he had said that day in his mind. The delicate face instantly turned red, as if he was about to bleed.

"No...that is..."

Weilian looked at the boy, and the corner of her mouth ticked slightly: "What is that?"

Colsfin retracted his gaze in an instant, then lowered his head to look at his fists clenched on his thighs. He swallowed and didn't know how to answer for a while.

What is that?


Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty One: The Black Belly Flotti

After another half month passed, Flotti’s work finally came to an end, because Illia’s body had recovered, so she could also go back to her room, and she fell asleep. One sleep is three days and three nights.

Working to be weak, this is no one.

On the fourth day after Flotti fell asleep, she showed signs of awakening. Before that, Belem came to her door. From the second day after Flotti fell asleep, he was Come again every other day. As long as Flotti wakes up, she must be hungry. After all, she and others have lived a very comfortable life with the help of her old friend. He is also worried about your physical condition.

"Flotti, are you awake?"

Flotti, who was gradually waking up from his deep sleep, trembled slightly after hearing the knock on the door and the sound of Belen, the long eyelashes that had been quiet for three days and nights, and then slowly opened his eyes.

After a long buffer time, Flotti sat up from the bed. She glanced at her nightdress, and she had forgotten who changed it for herself.

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