Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 607

In other words, how long have you been sleeping?

Belen didn't hear any movement outside the door. He thought that Flotti was still asleep, so he didn't intend to knock on the door to disturb her anymore, and when he was about to leave, a sound suddenly came from the room.

"come in."

Woke up?

Belen was taken aback, then turned around again. He stretched out his hand and pushed the door a little bit to let himself go in. Then he closed the door and looked at the beauty who had just woken up and rubbed his eyes on the big bed.

"You are awake!"

Seeing that it was Belen, Flotti didn't say anything. She covered her mouth and yawned again, and then looked at the white-haired man with that dim look.

"How long did I sleep?"

"No more, no less, three days and three nights." Belen smiled slightly, and then joked: "The way you sleep is really cute, it's completely different in normal times."

Hearing these words, a playful smile appeared in Flotti's sleepy eyes. She looked at Belen very charmingly and said, "Is it cute? Would you like to take another look? "Speaking, she patted the space beside her again.

"The bed is big, let's sleep together? I'm quite sleepy. Can I have enough of my sleeping face?"

Seeing Flotti’s little devil smile, Belen also shuddered. He shook his head and waved his hand: "No, no, you should get up quickly!"

"Really, I'm still betraying my appearance like this." Seeing Belen's fear, Flotti also pretended to be disappointed, and then she seemed to think of something, she smiled again: "That's right. , There are so many girls around you, and there is a girl as beautiful as Ilia, so it is of course not to look down on me!"

"What's the matter!" Belen rolled his eyes helplessly, and then the figure of the silver-haired girl appeared in his mind. He muttered to himself: "That's right, Illya is there. The immunity has improved recently."

Because it was very quiet, Flotti also heard very clearly. She showed a sly smile, then covered her mouth and smiled: "What do you usually say about Illia as a younger sister, but I still feel like an ordinary boy in my heart. The same!"


Belen was shocked, and then quickly explained: "No! I really think of Illia as my sister! I won't have any excessive thoughts! Besides, Illia is so beautiful and she is Brother me, can't I just sigh!?"

Suddenly, this famous "white-haired sword saint" panicked. If someone sees such a flustered look, probably the tall image in his mind will instantly collapse, right?

"I know, I know."

Flotti responded very perfunctorily, and then got off the bed, she went to the closet to the side and started looking for her own clothes, still not forgetting to ask something.

"How is it outside now?"

"It was calm, nothing happened."

Flotti picked up the clothes, and finally chose the coat she often wears. She asked again: "How is the city built?"

Hearing this question, Belem also thought about it, and then replied: “Because of the large amount of manpower input, the construction speed is also very fast, and the construction can be completed in about two months.”

"That's it."

Immediately afterwards, Flotti untied the knot on her shoulders, and her nightdress fell directly to the ground, and she didn't mind that there was a man beside her.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Although Flori didn't care, Belen was taken aback. The moment he opened his eyes, he turned around subconsciously, as if his brain had been shocked.

"I, I'm still here!"

Flotti glanced at the back of the white-haired man, and then smiled non-committal: "Are you here, can't I change my clothes?"

"Ha!? What kind of nonsense! Of course it won't work! I have been watched!" Belen also shouted in embarrassment.

"Have you seen it all?" The voice was prolonged, and Flotti's voice was extremely charming, with an alluring sense of fragrance.

Realizing what he had accidentally exposed, Belen was also shocked. He swallowed, and then quickly explained: "No, no, I didn't see anything, I just saw the skirt that fell on the floor!"

"As always, I won't lie." Flotti said with a smile, she began to change clothes, and then seemed to remember something, she smiled again: "In recent years, you have changed a lot. If it were the past, I don't know what kind of expression you will have, but, I think, you should pretend that you haven't seen it. Now you are a lot more extroverted. This is good, thanks to Ilia and Latir. "

Hearing these words, Belen, who was already very nervous, gradually calmed down. He looked at the door but he seemed to see the girls, and his delicate face showed a spring breeze-like smile.

"Ah, yes, thanks to them."

I can’t help but think of the conversation between him and La Tier on the day we reunited. It’s true that this is the case. Meeting each other is each other’s salvation, and the wounded hearts of each other are gradually healed while traveling together. Their support, and they are also his spiritual support.

Flotti changed into her clothes, and she walked to Belem's side. After seeing the smile on the latter's face, the corners of her mouth were ingeniously curved, and she had a sly smile.

"So, which one do you like better?"

"Huh?" Belen was taken aback for a moment.

Flotti thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Yeah, it's also possible, do you want everyone in your bag? Pervert Belem?"

"That's not it!"

Chapter 632: Story, tell your family

At noon, after Flori returned to normal work, Belen couldn't stand this guy's black belly. Could it be that because of three days of sleep, the black belly energy accumulated in the body?Then broke out while chatting with him?

But having said that, the guy Flotti seems to like girls, he has no crisis anyway, um, that’s fine!

If this let other boys know, maybe they will be pissed off?There must be some swearing.

Because the Grand Duke Giovanni took the lead in building his castle before, La Tier and the others are now back to Poggiacorti. Therefore, Belém returned to Poggiacci after separating from Flotti. Pedicle.

Poggiacorti, the castle.

Although the castle has been built, the surrounding gardens are still a bit bad, but this does not affect the walk or anything, so it is good to relax when you come out at night.

"Mr. Belen!"

Sitting on the sofa in the hall, La Tier saw Belen as soon as she closed the book. She smiled happily, then stood up and greeted him.

Seeing the girl with cat ears, Belen also smiled and stretched out her hand to rub her head, and then asked: "Latier, have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah! I've eaten it already, where is Mr. Belém?"

"Not yet." Belen shook his head. He had just returned from Flotti and hadn't eaten lunch yet, but having said that, he hadn't felt hungry for a long time.

Hearing this, Latier also smiled and said, "Then I will cook a meal for Mr. Belém!"

"Ah! Then I will trouble you." Belen was not too polite when he heard that La Tier was cooking for himself. Since it was his family who was cooking for himself, he had no reason to refuse.

After a while, La Tier simply made a dish and brought it to Belen. Belen smiled and ate. When she praised her, the cat-eared girl also smiled happily.

"Ah, by the way, where did they go to play?"

Latier thought for a while, and then replied: "Lattes, she is in the room to make up homework. She hasn't done any homework since the holiday. Is Mr. Belén good at those homework?"

When Ratil asked, Belem blinked without saying anything.

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