Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 608

"It seems that Mr. Belén is not good at it." Latier judged it instantly when he saw it, then smiled, and then said: "For Hill, she is going to help Lord Duke. Come back later, Lumia, she took the little wolf to go out to play, Illia seems to have been doing some training in the woods behind."

Belen nodded. As for what Ilia is practicing, of course she is practicing the Eye of the Demigod. Even if Ilia is a genius, it takes a long time to exercise to master that ability.

After finishing the meal, Belen cleaned up the tableware and then sat on the sofa, feeling a little comfortable to sleep.

"Mr. Belen."

Hearing Latier's call, Belen also turned his head to look around. He asked, "What's wrong, Latier?"

Sitting on the side, La Tier was constantly rubbing her fingers with her hands. She lowered her head and said softly: "May I know the story of Mr. Belém?"

"My story?" Belen looked at the cat-eared girl curiously.

Latier nodded. She pursed her lips, as if she was hesitating. After a while, she mustered the courage to continue and said, "Because, Mr. Belém used to be very mysterious. Now although I don’t have the mystery as before, I I don't know Mr. Belém's past, so I am a little concerned."


Hearing what Latier said, Belem also suddenly realized that before, he had always wanted to hide his past, so he tried his best to avoid some of Latier’s questions, but now it’s different. They are a real family. , And he had already made up his mind in his heart, as long as they wanted to know, he was willing to tell them.

So, Belen smiled and looked at the girl, and he said softly: "So, what does Latier want to know? I must tell you nothing."

"Really, really?" Latier was also a little surprised. She was already conscious of being diverted, but now she is still a little hesitant. She said cautiously: "If Mr. Belen doesn't want to say it, in fact I I don't care so much either."

"It's okay, I've looked away a long time ago, what do you want to know?" Belen smiled and stretched out his hand and squeezed La Tier's cheek. The intimacy between the family members has long been used to normal.

"Then, then please tell me the story of Mr. Belén when he was in Flozarno Academy!" Latier also mustered up the courage. She really wanted to know the story of Mr. Belén when he was a teenager.

Latil knew about Belen being a graduate of Flozarno Academy for a long time, but she would like to know what happened to Belen during his academy. After all, he knew about Mr. Belen. Not ordinary anymore.

The story of Mr. Belen when he was a boy, I really want to know!

With an extremely longing and curious mood, the pair of brown cat eyes burst into an astonishing brilliance, and the cat's ears and tail are constantly shaking, betraying her mood at the moment.

Seeing the cat-eared girl who cared so much, Belen couldn’t help but laugh, and then straightened his throat. He began to tell the story of his teenage years, starting from when he was brought to Flozarno Academy by Antrina. .

While telling the story, Belen couldn't help but think of one thing. On the other hand, where did Antrina go these days?Haven't introduced everyone to Antrina yet.

Originally, he wanted to cover up some of his embarrassment, but when Belen saw the girl who was listening with gusto, he also smiled, and then simply beautified his embarrassment and said it out.

After listening to the story, La Tier couldn't help but smile and exclaimed: "It turns out that Mr. Belen's teenage life is so colorful!"

"Well, I think it's great too." Belen smiled sincerely, and he also felt a little emotional in his heart. So many years have passed unconsciously.

Latier smiled and said, "I will tell you all these things from now on. Mr. Belém has so many embarrassments too!"

"No, isn't it..." Belen's expression collapsed in an instant. If everyone knew about the embarrassment, wouldn't his image as the head of the family collapse?

At this time, La Tier's smile suddenly faded, her eyes drooping, she murmured after being silent for a while: "I still want to tell these stories to Laya."


After hearing the girl's name, Belen's expression was also stagnant, he lowered his head in silence, then his eyes flickered and slowly raised, he looked at the sunlight outside the window.

Yes, that girl is not here yet.

There is one less family member who can share happiness.

Chapter 633: Leaving, Departing

In the early morning, Belen went to the Special Armament Department of the Royal City again. He found Flotti. Because of the hard work of the past few days, his official duties had already been completed. Now it is much easier.

"Belén? Why, did you come to see my sleeping face?"

"certainly not!"

Hearing Flotti's ridicule, Belen also retorted in shame, then grabbed his hair and sat down in a chair beside him, then looked at the former.

"I will leave Eloranya in the next few days."

Hearing that, Flotti also nodded, not very surprised, she said: "You have stayed here long enough, then, where are you going next?"

Belen had already drawn up the route to take the next one, so he replied: "First go to Heathland, and then I will go to the Fairy Forest."

"Elf Forest?" After hearing the words, Flotti was stunned. She was stunned, and then suddenly remembered something, she said, "Is it because of that elven girl?"

In her impression, there should be an elf girl beside Belen, but she hasn't seen it these days. Combined with Belen's going to the fairy forest, probably the elf girl has already gone back.

"Well, I'm going to see her." Belen nodded slightly.

Regardless of whether Laiya returned to the Fairy Forest willingly or reluctantly chose to go back, Belem wanted to see her again. After returning home for so long, Belem didn't think Laiya would choose to leave them. But whether as a family member or as a friend, he wants to meet her.

"Could it be that that girl is your true love?" Flotti said thoughtfully.

Belen gave her a blank look. At this time, he must not talk, otherwise it will be endless, so he stood up and said, "When I come back next time, call those guys and go back to the school to take a look at the big tree. Banyan tree, right? I don't think it was destroyed by that battle. I want to watch it again."

That big banyan tree is a good place to enjoy the cool in summer.

Immediately afterwards, Belen walked to the door, he raised his hand to say goodbye, and then left the office, leaving Flori sitting on the chair alone, and then the chair turned slightly, she looked at the sun in the sky , Murmured to himself with a smile.

"Then next time, let's go back and have a look."

Belen, who left the castle, went to the special combat unit. He found the familiar girl in the Corolla, Wendy. After all, he was leaving. If you don't want to say hello, you can't leave!

"Big brother is leaving again?"

"Yeah! Come back next time and take Wendy to a fun place."

"Then make an agreement!"

After pulling the hook with Wendy, Belen greeted everyone again, and then left. He still had a few places to visit. This time, he couldn't leave without saying a word.

The Emperor's Garden.

Because Belem was granted permission to enter by Lin Yi, some people in the dark did not prevent him from entering the garden. Belem came to the edge of the pond. Didn’t expect Lin Yi to be fishing?

Lin Yi seemed to notice that someone was coming, so she turned her head and looked around. After seeing that the person was Belen, she also smiled, and she shouted, "Brother Belen."

Belen nodded slightly, and then came to the girl's side. He looked at the tools on the side curiously, and then asked: "Lane, do you know how to fish?"

"Of course, as the emperor, there are many hobbies!" Lin Yi smiled playfully.


Is the main business the emperor?

Belen laughed blankly, and then he said the purpose of his coming, he said: "I will leave Eloranya soon, so this time I am here to say goodbye."

"Are you leaving?" Lin Yi was startled, and then asked curiously: "Where is Belen brother going?"

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